Why do Russians think of this man as a faggot?

Why do Russians think of this man as a faggot?

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Probably the birthmark, desu.

This. It looks like a rooster.

Because he destroyed the country and created a situation when millions died in 10 years of hunger, crime, poverty etc etc etc. Life expectancr and HDI dropped really hard, economy was destroyed, all political power we had was lost. I don't even know what good things he did.

He ruined the second most powerful nation in the world, single-handedly.

>I don't even know what good things he did

He freed the Butthurt Belt from being occupied by your tanks for 45 years. :^)

He gave soviets freedom of speech and press, he said he wouldn't use the military against the citizens if they protested. Seems like a nice man.

> I don't even know what good things he did.
there is no more the Soviet Union

The fact that your country was set up in such a way that one man could ruin it was the real failure that puts anything this man was directly responsible for to shame.
Don't let it happen again with Mr. Putin. :^)

Yeah but Russians think freedom is a bad thing. They're only happy when a tyrant emperor is whipping them into obedience.

That's definitely something good for me as a russian right? Oh wait, I don't give a fuck what he did to poles.
So he cause the situation when people wanted to protest and then let people to do it. Cool. In Caucasis such politics.lead to some fucking wars and thousands of deaths.

Yes, it was fragile since it suffered both world wars and right after that had to chase the most powerfull country in the world that only got richer due the war since this country was planning to nuke us to the ashes. So yes, it was fragile and he was the man who broke it. That's why he is hated.

Literally worse ruler in history. Trying to be moral in politics is fucking retarded, he ruined Russia and sent us into decline.

Something along these lines.


He did nothing good at all. He was a fucking retard. Wish I could go back in time and kill him.

Why is anal cheaper than oral?

This. Gorbi was, and still is, a fucking traitor who ruined an empire.

Why wasn't he persecuted for these reasons?

>foreign companies buying up all of Russia's natural resources, even entire forests
>3-star US Army officers walking around on Russian nuclear missile bases
>Russia becomes the world capital of CP production
>that time we bought a couple of MiG-29s from Moldavia complete with all the top-secret hardware on them

Ah, good times.

You don't have to taste anal.

you dont want that aids in mouth. makes smile ugly = less customers

I didn't make the comic. It was something I saved from an Sup Forums thread.

And that's a question that is mandatory to post if that pic is posted.

Millions of dying people are behind these lines. Poverty, hunger, diseases, homeless kids and all of these is the result of this retard politics.

Why do westerners like Gorbachev? Do you just like to see Russians suffer?

We assume freedom is good and assume most people didn't like the soviet union.

>Do you just like to see Russians suffer?
The Butthurt Belt sure does.

If you mean starving on the street as freedom then ok.

Unfortunately, The Russian, he is incapable of handling freedom. When he tried it in the 90s, and there was no leadership from above and he had to make decisions on his own, he completely freaked and turned to crime, drugs, and degeneracy. So he then begged for a new god emperor to come and save him.

We didn't get freedom. Poor can't be free. South koreans had to suffer tough dictatorship to gain wealth and only then they got democracy. The US had to suffer economic depression, working for 1$ and only then they gor their "great society". In 1991 russians didn't become free. They just were abandoned by their government and that lead to a the humanitarian disaster.

because he was a faggot
desu literally everyone after Stalin was a retarded faggot

muh hunger kids meme

all post commie countries had bad tranformation years

so stop crying

he was pretty evil at times, but atleast he knew how to run shit
everyone after was a bumbling fool. a fucking joke, who inherited a superpower.

Poland, Czechoslovakia, and everyone else got tons of handouts from the EU and US. Russia got none.

>Putin has changed something
Silly westerner. What changed is oil prices. All 90's shit couldn't be endless, it was all getting slowly better and then oil prices skyrocketed and we gained relative wealth and only after that, approximately after 2008-2009 Putin started griping the power in country. You just don't know what freedom is. Poor man can't be free by definition.

Czechs never suffered like Russians and you know it.


This is also a bit of Stalin's fault, since he killed off people who could actually do shit as he saw them as a threat.

Khrushchev was kind of ok except a little too obsessed with eradicating religion.

Fun fact, Soviets hated Jerusalem, and sent their jewish population to gulags.

Khrushchev was a retard who could not play politics.

It just shows how delisional you are. You didn't got even 1/10 of what we got. Chechen war alone was worse than anything Czech could imagine.

source??? we get horse shit

atleast putins approval is getting lower
the problem is. the alternatives are fucking retards. cmon guys I'm sure someone in Sup Forums is smart?

>Westerners thinking they know shit
fuck off fat retard

>This is also a bit of Stalin's fault, since he killed off people who could actually do shit as he saw them as a threat.
Not exactly true. He was trying actually to clean out the ranks of the army and state bureaucracy so he could fill them with fresh young kids who didn't have any adult memory of tsarist times and were more easily malleable to the new Soviet system.

Unfortunately, the generation that came up in the 30s were still in power in the 70s-80s when they were ossified old men and so the country stagnated because nothing can get done in a planned top-down system except at gunpoint.

He literally destroyed the country most of them were born into.

Russia is somewhat more free then it was under socialism, but it's still a repressive police state where most people are poor.

It's also much weaker, and has far fewer allies and satellites to call for support in times of crisis

>Implying anyone could actually win even if they tried

No, he was just filling the system with yes men with no imagination. So when he died they did not do anything creative, hence stagnation.

it takes us 7 years to get pre 1990 level

massive bankrupcies, coupon privatization, corrution

you had oil and gas free money

we had absolutely nothing

In fact the USSR was the second country after the US to recognize Israel in 1948. Since Israel was founded on a kind of socialist model, the Soviets at first viewed them favorably and a possible stepping stone to expand their influence in the Middle East, but that soured once it became clear that Israel was going to ally with the US and Britain instead.

The other thing was that a lot of Russian Jews wanted to emigrate to Israel and that was not acceptable either.

Whaddya want? Anyone who could have been a credible alternative to Putin was eliminated a while ago. The "opposition" are just nutbags who only exist to make Putin look like the sane voice of reason.

did you not read though? his approval is getting lower. the young people use internet as well so are generally getting less brainwashed. there will be a time, but the problem is everyone else is woefully unqualified. our most liberal option is a bit of a lunatic, and we have another trying to make us commie again

Why does a fat nigger think his opinion is relevant?

You had western bailouts and funds. Oil prices only went up in the 2000s. You also did not have to fight wars and terrorism or deal with over 100 million people, Czech is like a single city.

I read, but when it comes to it Putin will win again, because nobody can see the alternatives as realistic.

Want me to run?

I always thought that is Putin strategy to make him only sane alternative

zhirnovkij just paying the game

Did you know that Zhirinovsky was originally a plant put in there in the Gorbachev years to make political opposition look bad? He would say lunatic stuff about blah blah blah Jews and we're going to start World War III and stuff like that, all to make it seem like only the CPSU could lead the country because the alternative would be a headcase like this.

Unfortunately he not only remained in the Duma after the USSR fell, but a lot of Russians even started agreeing with him.

next election it's in the bag, but after him or his friends will not stand a chance. people are slowly getting fucked off and the old dumbasses are dying off

>You had western bailouts and funds.


He didn't have any other choice but to liberalize. The Afghan war and the arms race with the US was getting too expensive and the Americans were starting to win the culture war. Rather than risking a reactive revolution he tried to appease the different nations of the USSR by allowing them more autonomy and it "backfired".

I put backfired in quotes because it can be argued that this was the plan all along: Dissolve the USSR to make it less expensive to maintain, develop a new ideology to replace both communism and capitalism, maintain possession of nukes to ensure that no one invades, and then slowly reacquire "lost territories".

no man, it was all just you, you are all geniuses
literally nothing to do with your geographic location

>the young people use internet as well so are generally getting less brainwashed

I agree that the Internet might be your only hope down the road since historically the problem with Russia is that it's so big and most people have no contact with the outside world, so they're willing to accept a standard of living that people in normal countries wouldn't tolerate. When you think starving to death and being whipped by a tyrant emperor is all there is of life and it's actually normal...yeah.

Doubt it. Liberals are retarded and basically will just be Gorbachev 2.0 in bending over to the West, Commies are nuts, Nationalists are a meme etc.

>In 1990, on the first anniversary of the revolution, President George H. W. Bush, in front of an enthusiastic crowd on Prague's Wenceslas Square, pledged U.S. economic support in building a democratic Czechoslovakia. Toward this end, the U.S. Government has actively encouraged political and economic transformation.


This does not even mention all the help you got from the Germans and your location being right next to them.

You definitely did at least since you join EU and I'm pretty sure some time before that. We still didn't recover.

>When you think starving to death and being whipped by a tyrant emperor is all there is of life and it's actually normal...yeah.
Your vision of Russian acceptance is a giant meme.

It's true that in 10 years, the sun will start setting on Putin's generation and most people alive will not have any adult memories of the Soviet era.

If it was so bad for russia could the butthurt belt (and even russia) recover so quickly?

like lot of comapnies were bought by germans and they invested money to them

but no bailouts of funds
like funds to democratic think tanks etc. but no direct funds or something like that
since 2004 sure and some small money since 1999 to infrastructure etc.

and norwegian funds for reconstruction of old buildings...50 million euro total

but in pre 2004 era we are talking about 1-2bln euro total...its nice but nothing huge

except he damn used military on several places, the least i know is Baku and Alma-ata. Probably dozen of other places aswell.

The other thing - Putin and his crew have no interest in being anything but a petrostate. They don't invest in education or infrastructure or anything, leaving the country dependent on foreign imported goods and also subject to the whims of oil prices.

I went back in time and voted for Hitler.


I wonder even what happens in China when everyone who came up in the Mao era is gone.

Imagine if the Soviet Union became capitalist like China and stayed a superpower

This thread gave me a good idea for a Polandball comic, but it would take a lot of work.


Communistic Party was and I still full of incompetent idiots. They wouldn't defer Sovpedia from being destroyed even if another commie was the governor

MOST memorable birth mark in human history.

It's true that the USSR basically ran on inertia after Stalin's time just as Chinese leaders after Deng Xiaoping have essentially run the country on autopilot.

'cause he is

His birthmark kinda looks like Thailand.

Probably because he got all kinds of awards and praise from Western countries and lives in London.

Without commies England and Russia could still be friends


In China Xi Jinping is really shaking things up. It was true of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao though.

Bolsheviks did noting wrong.

So Russia created their own Jewish state in freezing Siberia.

To isolate them probably.

>Putin will win again, because nobody can see the alternatives as realistic.
From what I understood, less than 29% already see him as a good leader, but he is the best out of many very shit options. Could be wrong though.

You know, I am reading this book written by Primakov, and although it is primarily about the arabs (Russia and the arabs) Russian domestic stuff does come up and it looks like Soviets were already in a bit of shit in the late 80.s economywise. The way the had the economy it was simply not sustainable. Gorbachev simply was the guy at the helm when it ultimately did fail. So Russia seems him as a failure while the west does not perceive him that way.

Gorbachev made it worse than it had to be, he fucked up majorly.

Perhaps. But then: Is it possible for him to have saved the USSR economywise?

In the end, I think it would not have been possible to keep all the countries in line. Some things are beyond your control. Poland, Germany, Czechia, all wanted out. Maybe you could have held on to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, few others. You could have gone Chinese route with them and go Tianenman square, but that would have been a giant loss of face.

Did he fuck up? I will take your word for it. I have a hard time seeing him as the one guy that fucked it all up 100%. Maybe he could have salvaged some of the economy by radical reforms or something, some better policies. But USSR was not a thing that could be maintained in the way he got it under his control as I see it.

>killing innocent women and children

Look at your victims you vile red

Wait a minute...


>Poland, Germany, Czechia, all wanted out.
Could have easily been crushed. Soviet military power was overwhelming. Gorbachev just let everything fall to pieces and only tied to save it at the end. He was also completely naive.

>You could have gone Chinese route with them and go Tianenman square, but that would have been a giant loss of face.
Like collapsing into what we are now is not a worse loss of face?

their lives were worth nothing compared with lives of millions being opressed by tsarist regime

Commies were worse for oppression than Tsars ever were. Total executed by Tsarists police over the entire history is about 5000, total by Communists is in the millions.

not millions but billions! bloody stalin, gulags...

Tsars > Commies. Just how it is.

>Soviet military power was overwhelming.
Assuming the Polish army would go fight Polish populace, the German army would crush German protestors, etc. If not then, later on they would have turned on you. Than it is another massive war. Untenable situation. China also has the need for a massive secret police with a budget much larger than the army. Not for no reason. Commie party would be out of power otherwise.

>Like collapsing into what we are now is not a worse loss of face?
Not really. Borders change all the time. Just look at medieval map and map from WW1. This is inconsequential. The real loss of face was the economy exposed (it already was flawed because of the people that preceded Gorbachev, and because a planned economy has some serious faults). See, the images of nuclear missile silo begging in the streets because they could not be paid and sometimes were not paid is a massive loss of face. Going from a planned economy to a capitalist system and being broke as a state because of it with some people getting rich as fuck off it, that is the real shame. That transition in my opinion is where Gorbachov failed miserably, and that is not 100% his fault.

But I can see that if you are in the middle of that shitstorm you would not be happy with the guy.

>Assuming the Polish army would go fight Polish populace, the German army would crush German protestors, etc.
They would and the Soviet Army was so strong they could have all been crushed if needed anyway.

>our most liberal option
who? A Just Russia?

A Just Russia is a merger of Nationalists and Social Democrats and a Pensioners party. So not really liberal.

Yeah but who is the most liberal option? That oligarch that ran in 2012?


My teachers would call him the guy with Alaska on his head.

Based Putin:

I seriously doubt they would, and if they would 100% of them would. Except an army costs money, lots of it, and with failing economy (already showed signs of it in the 80's) no money for the army means no crushing anything. And if not in the 90's, then the 2000's, and if not then, then the 2010's). But no way to know for sure.

Could be we disagree on this, then so be it. Anyway, the real question is if Gorbie was an asshole, and it is probably safe to say Russians see him as a way bigger asshole than the Western countries.

Liberals in Russia are mostly politically irrelevant.