
that one kid edition

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korean pop

I hate myself remembering the past why did you have to drudge it up


>"We'll send you an email once your order ships"
>2 days ago
>no email yet


I was that kid who tried weed once, didn't tell anybody but someone saw and I got bullied for ages afterwards

Any one of you lads know a working proxy for UK iPlayer?


come out off the porch and step into your parlour and i'll tell you how it all went down

>that one time when high school ended and i realised i didn't really have any friends

we're literally the last group of people that would need that

Make your own Robotwars faggot.

Alright lads, been away for a week. Miss anything notable?

good thinking batman

mates been going on about the girl hes been going out with for the past few weeks and he just let slip that she was apparently a virgin before she met him (and shes in her early 20s)

havent seen or met her yet but am expecting her to be a munter

I was that kid that smoked weed constantly and got psychosis

hungry but its only 8:30

Perhaps she just has a nice ass?


reckon I should watch Lights Out lads?

it looks really generic

>get a lap time that's within the top 200 on a GTA:O race
>Social club still says I have a much slower time that I got months ago

Anyone have a friend who's alright in person but online is really annoying and keeps messaging you random shit you don't care about with a weird negative cynical sarky attitude all the time


how was the psycosis

Yeah but some of us tend to leave the empire everyone once in a while

>that one neighbour that thinks it's acceptable to blast their horrible music at 10:30pm

Resent the bitch so much.

Arse is proper tryhard desu

Just had a wank 5 mins ago might have another one since porn is so great

look her up and give her abuse lad

>Not putting a brick through her window
Are you gay or something?

>Anyone have a friend


i live in a tourist area so its italians outside playing loud music and shouting till 2am


friends are supporting for Antwon lads

Exhausted by the time the special features intro thing on the dvd is finally over and the special feature actually starts.

quite a trip, thought my mates were wearing police wires and heard them saying shit they never said and were spiking my food also my water was poisoned and tv was talking to me saying they knew I was smoking and shit like that lmao. so much crazy shit.


>bid on an item I can't afford
>a week later, it's almost ended
>I'm still top bidder

it's a bargain, but I can't pay

where do I buy an umbrella that doesn't break within 5 minutes?

Got into University of Liverpool to study CompSci.

It might be the a low tier Russel Group but at least it's Russel Group right? How's the city?

need a 16 y/o chav gf with big chebs

Liverpool is okay but it's full of scousers
prepare to get mugged

have fun with prudence wong :) she's great.

liverpool is the best city in the uk

don't let these jealous southerners tell you different

any jobs or gfs available in england?

Liverpool? More like Liverpoo

Italians are the worst European tourists by far


it's called a hood

>indie rock


All these southern europeans are insanely loud, never had a problem with any other tourist group

They have no concept that people are actually fucking sleeping at night

Considering throwing a bucket of water at these cunts

no there's a gf shortage

all remaining gf's are reserved for british people only

I completely fucked up my work, social life and studies in and after school

It's this alone that makes me certain that some people are just far less intelligent and capable than others


it depends on the era

I got through via Clearing so I don't know much about the uni. I recognise Prudence Wong from the reviews I read though.

I take it you're a student there, any other interesting things you can tell me? :)

most people who say they like indie dont actually like real indie , they like fag indie


hello chav

bit gay

I like indie folk. Sufjan Stevens is great.

Why are you all so proud of your crap accents? UK in general is the anglosphere gold standard but when liverpool talks it sounds like rainwater gurgling out of a spout

haahah fuck yeah i definiely started to wig out a bit from smoking too much weed, ended up quitting entirely, got similar anxiety if i'd been up all night especially on large amounts of speed ahah

Wew thanks m8

I like indie reggae and indie big band

the ex-oneitis i was obsessed with in school saw me walking around town with my current gf

think i dodged a bullet tbqh. I like the gf's personality a lot more than the oneitis's

though I do miss some things about her. weird feel

If i wasn't born with buck teeth or break my nose a lot as a kid giving me a massive ugly thing I think my life would be a lot different


>that one time in sport when we had to do 20 push-ups and despite me being a scrawny shit I summoned the strength and seemed to defy logic because of the cute grills present

>hello chav

no problem, although it's a bit strange you ask brits for a proxy to watch their own tele

Wahey, c u in at UoL bruv



>tfw cat isn't allowed outside
>tfw she sits by the open window amazed by the wind blowing in

damn yeah I had to quit too, fuck that shit. never done speed much kinda glad I didn't would be madder than I am now, anxiety seems permanent now though but fuck it can only get better with time

>folk rock


haven't spoken to my mom in 10 years

have no idea if she's alive

last i knew she had cervical cancer

what scares me is i don't even care

do you actually doubt that six million jews, homos and others died during the holocaust?

crazy desu

was a student years ago
>interesting things?
i was kinda of a nerd so didn't get up to much.
just remember that the compsci department is highly research based and are one of the top ones so if a lecturer doesn't seem like he gives a shit about his module, it's because he's basically forced to teach it.

anyway, you'll deffo have prudence in your first year, that's like one of the basic modules even for joint degree. it's algorithmic foundations or something like that.

if you want to do a paid research thing for 10 weeks, be interested in a subject and check out the website for advertisements. usually in your second year you might have a better chance, though you can still apply at the end of your first year too.

phds are possible directly after undergrad without any masters if any lecturer is interested in working with you.

Why did you break your nose regularly?

Sure is nice being attractive tbqh

Gives us a rundown of your average day.

Remember the masturbation machines goy

so was rolf harris a nonce or not?

yeah he nonced me

I think the number has been greatly exaggerated by the jewish

500k died tops

>The attacker is believed to have a history of mental health issues.

Every. fucking. time.


fuck off yank

not intentionally

he must have been smoking lots of weed LoL !

uncoordinated toddler

so retract your bid you turbospacker

Does anyone not have a giant sports direct mug? Always drink my tea from them.

a person with mental health issues becoming violent

can you imagine that haha

been growing my beard for a week or so
do look a lot older now but its proper itchy
wonder if i should shave the cheeks

>religion isn't a mental illness

280k and that was mostly from starvation, and disease.

The Red Cross had no reason to lie.



just clean your face properly and make sure you use some oils

more like a person with mental health issues is more easily brainwashed by ISIS

they are basically an army of gullible retarded jihadists

funny how every moslem murder that's done in the name of their god turns out not to be a 'real' muslim but actually mental as if he wasn't being instructed to take over his host country by his imam


>Sup Forums images
haha of course you ignore the vast amounts of evidence

goes up to 11m if you include the homos, gyppos etc
the lowest contemporary estimates were around 4-4.5 mil

its weird why you'd assume they exaggerated it

>Two shitskins just in the thumbnail
Wont be watching that.

who on earth would think that this is a good idea