Go out

>go out
>see this

>going out

>Covert to Islam immediately

>going out

I see girls wearing that kind of pants all the time though they're not as cut up, haven't seen anyone in a short top like that though yet

Rape her as she's clearly asking for it

t. Mamadou

Go back home to hide my boner.

take more creepy pictures
cum on her leg and run away
upload video if not arrested yet
repeat tomorrow

take photo
go back home
play with myself

i want to lick her belly

No, you got this wrong.

>get boner
>you can't stand up because you're wearing shorts or something
>decide to stay on your sit until the boner subsides
>it never does
>miss your stop
>she gets off 15 min later.
>get off the train like 3 stops after that.

Gotta love public transportation.

would you say the same if she was wearing a bikini?

this 2bh, or at least poke it

why not sport your boner?
I've never been in that situation but should we be ashamed of our bodies and its nature?


>get a bouner that could cut diamonds
>start drooling uncontrollably


>would smash

I'm as degenerate as her tho 2bh

>tfw saw a skinny black girl wearing a top so tiny it looked like she was topless
>tfw I was on the bus so I didn't have time to oggle her

This is why we're building a wall.

women dont hide their bodies, why should we?
I'm not talking about taking yout dick out, just not hidding the boner

If you had a boner every girl that saw it would be a rape victim

Did she got assaulted for her pants to be all ripped off like this?
