Wtf is this language?

Wtf is this language?

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the people who lived in Europe before the Aryans

Not related to any other European language. Impossible to learn. Very goodlooking women. Should have independence.

Literally a ayyyyyyy lmao language.

The Finnish/Hungarian language of W.Europe

this...i don't understand anything
Fucking unintelligible gibberish: The language

>Very goodlooking women.
Well, whatever floats your boat Liselotte.

Meme language for a meme people.

fucking leftists...basque people is ugly as shit.

euskal borroca vs Falagists , epic battle

>Very goodlooking women

Most beautiful in world.


best place, rich and developed, no moors the only truly white people in spain

You rly think that? You never been there.

A beautiful and unique language. I hope they get their independance one day. I love Spain but the way they treat Basques is pretty shitty desu, anyway, it couldn't be worse than the French.

he is right lad XD, is the richest place in Spain , and Navarra....low unemployment rate etc..

How do we treat them exactly?

Genetically the purest Español, linguistically autistic.

The droopy big noses mean they are rich. (Proof is in the jew.)
The big flappy ears means they are developed, because they listen and learn so incredibly well. The ears evolved for that purpose.

Oh, amazing. Every day you learn something new.

basque government invests in industry is not like fucking andalucia (tourism and drunk brits every year)

>Very goodlooking women

>the way they treat Basques is pretty shitty

Here we have an ignorant.

The claim to universal hidalguía (lowest nobility) of the Basques was justified by intellectuals like Manuel Larramendi (1690–1766)[2] because the Umayyad conquest of Hispania had not reached the Basque territories, so it was believed that Basques had maintained their original purity, while the rest of Spain was suspect of miscegenation. The universal hidalguía of Basques helped many of them to positions of power in the administration.[3] This idea was reinforced by the fact that, as a result of the Reconquista, a large number Spanish noble lineages were already of Basque origin.