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I think since last summer, maybe longer.

gpypsy slavshits

turk get raped here all the time and do nothing lmao

Sashko didn't completely abandon us at least, btw I started calling him a newfag every time he posts, that really pisses his ancient genes off

laugh you subhuman
laugh until the human rights will be a joke in the next war the turks will fuck yuo and the kurds

>large ears to hear shiptar assassins

always gets me

>tfw he'll never be your dictator
why is life so cruel

miniturk malaka ;^)


yes, it's a he

found her, Pia Muehlenbeck is the name.

are you unironically retarded, lad?

bulgariansa re miniturks

Why is Sashko so based? Also cna someone explain the origin of Sashko, thanks.

i want reddit to leave

>Sashko didn't completely abandon us at least
He actually did. Except one time in the last few months.

>origin of sashko
nothing to explain, he used to make bait threads daily under Alexander trip that would make all our neighbors butthurt as fuck, shitposting legend

He owns a boat and gets mad pussy.

He'd be a pretty shit dictator let's be honest.

He was here some days ago, trip and all

Not him.

he's the most competent leader we've had since '89

Same trip as the screencaps

let's take a moment to thank God we weren't born in Detroit

watch the whole shit, trust me


o0xoaoxo0axoaox0oaaox0oaoxo0aox0oao0xoax0 malakez pio astio mim dn exw dei xDDDD

Hey /balk/ how's everybody? Currently enjoying my evening eating some pizza with friends and listening to Death Grips, then we might see some movie.
Any plans for your evening/night?

bullshitgaria is worse
trust me

I didn't say he's incompetent I just said he doesn't have necessary traits to be a stable dictator.

He's alright as a prime minister I guess.

thos whores..
this is

Sashko got repeatedly banned in the last days of his age. Later his trip was assumed by someone else but it was found out it wasn't him.

Tell them real Macedonia says hi :^)

Watch Olympics

this is fucking bulgaria

yeah i have a black internet friend who sent me this shit
funny thing is, hes not a violent guy at all, quite the pacifist weeb, he says its not that bad really as long as u stay away from shite areas, if i was him id move out tho
does ur autism know no bounds my friend

Ye the US considere's itself part of the 1st world. Parts in Philadelphia and in Appalachia are even worse than Detroit.

Ah, good idea!

gyspsy slums can be much worse than this shit, these people at least own expensive cars

parts of europe are worse than detroit, the mudslime ghettos in brussels, gypsy ghettos around balkans
no country besides shit like luxembourg is without shit parts honestly

i dont ghave subhuman friends
gypsies yes but not subhumans like you

He just needs a little push on that part from the population. Pressure from the people put him in power and the same will keep him there. We'll have a few days of complete anarchy where the police force joins the masses and handles some mob justice to all political opposition(at this point Ciolos doesn't have any involvement in this - his hands are clean). Then order is restored and Capitanul Ciolos enacts harsh measures under the guise of "wanting to stop another breakdown of society from happening", even if he profited from the time of troubles.

>gypsies not subhumans
oh Mr. Iki ur so le foni randem XDD

Alright, let's see who will pass the newfag test.
Who is pictured here?


klime's white black gyppo Bulgarian albanian gf

ќyти бpe

r8 view


not all gypsies are subhumans
you liv in a subhuan country you should know

ФBГ oд Cтpaзбypг, aвcтpaлијaнeцoт штo ce нaпнa штo гo бyтнa цeл 4чaн зa дa јa дoкcнe. КAJ MИ E КЛИMEEEEEEEEEE

гтф дид ю тзacт ceй aвayт ми?


klime's soulmate

fuck you slavhishit

Fulgrim is a Sarakatsan Greek in FYRoM

he is a gypsy

>Despite the silence of the classical and medieval writers, scholars argue that the Sarakatsani are a [Greeks|Greek]] people, possibly descended from pre-classical indigenous pastoralists, citing linguistic evidence and certain aspects of their traditional culture and socioeconomic organization. A popular theory, based on linguistics and material culture, suggests that the Sarakatsani are descended from the Dorians,[8][9][10][11][12]
Literally an anticki Macedonian

One more r8

there are worse places
imagine being born in fyrom

wont read
fuck slavs

aй кнoy

игнop дe тypци :Д

greece is a shithole compared to us

i am sex

Stop learning our language(s) reee


i understand why you went to brazil, since you're comfortable there considering all greek cities look like southern american favela pens

Holy shit those whores were determined

Ja caм гpъцки, мoи бpaт мaкeдoнcки

cлaбa Maкeдoния

greece is not like your subhuman shithole

What exactly are you studiying, how and why?

Basescu o fost cel mai bun presedinte dupa 89 pe care l-am avut

Why did gookmoot block every single ISP except from Wind from posting on Sup Forums?

Reminder that you guys would sell your livers and your kidneys to Albanian seperatists in FYRoM, if you could just annex a neighbourhood of glorious Thessaloniki

thesaloniki is literally a favela shithole, you faggots stole Solun and you turned it into another south american shithole, u gaylords are just spics who masquarade as balkanites, i dont want it anymore

nothing, just picking up stuff on the way

Thessaloniki was always a place exalted by all other humans by the day it was created, the holy city of God, nobody outside of Thessaloniki shall go to heaven

Is this Russian for what?

uhhh SORRY lad, thanks to Turkey for sending us a shit ton of people

we don't have a huge ass country like Romania to houser them all in single domiciles

Oh I thought you were doing something serious.

it was a nice city when it was 80% slav and called solun
now its just another favela hill since u spics got ahold of it

was your mouth before you talk about thesaloniki you delusional spastic gypsy

btw Bulgarians never actually annexed Thessaloniki

got plenty of space west of thesaloniki, that shits all villages
it was still mostly slavic tho, surrounded by slavs, moulded by slavs

>80% slav and called solun
You mean Never AD?

Go to downtown Skopje and see the marvels of delusion.

Every time a new fyromian discovers int and comes to balk we need at least 3 months to civilise him.I am tired of this shit

aerodrom is literally nicer than any place in greece
i hate the fevalado infrastructure
greece is more south american than european

Did you move to Brazil or what ?

see the population composition of Macedonia and Western Thrace and you'll see we have put as many as we could there

those gypsies here overestimate their shitholes every time

u jelly coz the only slavs that actually had the city were the Serbs and it was the Empire of the Serbs and the Greeks so it remained a Greek city, whereas backwards Bulgarians couldn't even siege it

The Fyromaniancs

Vacations, lad

greece = country sized favela
aerodrom = metropolis filled with civilized people
really makes u think

kek turk banter game against cucksweden is strong


haha fuck sweden


It's actually legit. They even count looking at a woman the wrong way as rape.


dunno what's worse, the upcoming islamist Turkey or the cuckistan of Sweden?