/cum/ Canada USA Mexico

Gawker.com to End Operations Next Week edition

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1st for alex shores

first for ohio

Nice picture from Heihachi.

(9 `o ['o)9 !!!


I found this funny new video




wait a second that filename...

Did you remove the fedora it was wearing with photoshop?

hey argentina

this is actually the original

why is hotwheels the enemy? for betraying wizards or gentiles?

Hi Chile


who fucking knows it's "your man" forcing autistic 8gag memes nobody cares about

This is a weird edition. None of these editions made by you Jabroni Marks™ have anything to do with USA, Canada, no Mexico.

Hi Texas

shiekie is rubbing off on him

didn't they file for bankruptcy after the Hulk Hogan thing?

What kind of work should I request from my sandwich artist today? I always get steak and pepper jack on Italian herbs and cheese but I want to mix it up today.

Get on that Firehouse Subs grind bro

pastrami, spicy mustard, lettuce + tomato and provolone

hence the meme :^)

also get it toasted with the mustard and get the lettuce/tomato after the toasting

Fuck you now I'm hungry

don't cuss

Your jokes go over my head, Latvia. Pls no bully.

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr you >:( now I'm hungry

i love /cum/

Soon he'll start breaking backs, fucking asses and making them humble.

I bet you do.

it's been so long since I've had proper human contact

I need to get a pet rat or something.



Done. Can't wait, thanks user. Swapping the lettuce for spinach, though, don't hate me.

wtf I love Hulk Hogan now

you love me

i would sell you to satan for a corn chip

>wtf I love Hulk Hogan now

You gotta stop this, Pavel. Every now and then you can just talk too.

I said nothing

>this Alex Shores """meme""" has not died out yet

Cut it out you pathetic fools, or you will face the wrath of my sword.

>Cut it out you pathetic fools, or you will face the wrath of my sword.

can someone pls explain the alex shores meme to me?

wh-what are the other 56?


This won't even be a challenge kid

*unzips sword*

fell asleep again haha
Hop on the bike and get a pizza from the supermarket? I have nothing in the fridge but at the same time I don't really want to go because I just woke up but then again the supermarket closes in 40 minutes already

>can someone pls explain the alex shores meme to me?

girlposter is a dude named alex shores who is now trying to force himself as a meme for some reason

You're a fucking moron, kid.

*force field ACTIVATES*

noooo way nigger it aint being held up by me go fuck yourself

>wh-what are the other 56?

I created a long lasting meme and you'll never know which one it is

oh you had a kid?

>those toes



Thread theme

Feet fetish is probably one of the biggest memes out there desu with you

Those feet look very soft

I hope it's really girl

I don't believe you

Please help me
Or name other frozen meals I should buy

fuckin hogan made money by calling blacks niggers. he is a genius.


i asked for fried egg on the burger
it seemed really runny and not cooked, but i ate it anyway
now i'm having a coughing fit

>I'm a foot fetish degenerate

pleaaaase help me get in to fart male white porn pleaaaase

>say nigger
>show your dick to the world
>get $100 million

foot fetish not degenerate u fat fuck

whats your fetish, little man?

try me, batch.

The ultimate reward is honor, not awards.


*genocides foot fetishists*

Clock is ticking.

>having fetishes

that's disgusting mane

*makes America great again*

*sips vodka*

*builds wall*

i'm coming for ya nigga!

o-ok i just assumed you did cus apparently everyone on here does for some reason

The ultimate honor is awards, not rewards.

*asks for some vodka*

*becomes the most awarded non german ss unit*

>tfw you take a big fat sloppy poop and it feels so good that you get goose bumps and your eyes roll to the back of your head like an anime slut

Decided to eat buttered toast
Cba to ride there now

*morphs into Latvia*


You should try anal

yeah nah give it back now alright mate

*am becomes death, destroyer of worlds*

*also morphs into lettland*


Maybe if I find a girl who is into pegging someday I will

The Jewish NKVD conducted mass executions and ran the gulag forced labor/extermination camps as well. Not to mention most of the bolshevik commissars were Jewish.
You won't hear that one in schools, folks!


what is your fetish then user?

*I have become Latvia, the destroyer of Tsars*

deepthroat and nice asses

Literally nothing wrong with hating Jews

Good post.

You're no follower of Bushido

*I have become CCCP, the destroyer of the Balts*

A- pretty good