Australians in the UK

Why do alot of Australians come to the UK to work, looking at the Australian economy and wages it seems that it would be a downgrade to work in the UK

Also the lifestyle seems alot better over there

just visiting mother

Best son




I thought you guys were swimming in jobs over there?

not sure about skilled work but my NEET ass can't find any entry level work. for every factory/telemarketer/fast food opening there's 2,000 other jerkoffs vying for the same position

Probably why theres alot of ozzy barmen here

thought that was a meme but i'm actually glad it's true

Have family in Australia. The cost of living is expensive as fuck compared to the UK and both the internet and transport is pretty naff. So the UK can be pretty convenient even though Australia has its own advantages.

>over 21
>cost more than some 15 year old kid despite having the same experience
>uni students who work the same hours as you have uni on their resume, suggesting at least some capability
>you have nothing because you're a neet

That's why you're not getting these jobs

Australia is shit.

B..but my escape plan

They gotta do a pilgrimage at least once in a lifetime
It says so in their constitution

Who's daddy?

i love australia but i've been out of high school 1 year and 9 months and still have yet to get a job.

>praying to Mecca in Aussie flag speedos
wew lad

why anyone would want to come and live here instead of australia is beyond my ability to comprehend, although I am a Northerner and I know for a fact it's a lot nicer climate down south

There are around 10 job seekers for every job vacancy at the moment lad. Housing bubble burst looming too. Not good times.

Most our jobs are in the form of skilled trades (tertiary industry, services) where you get treated like shit for 4 years to get a piece of paper. There is no secondary industry to speak of, tertiary industry is a meme that's going to come crashing down on us very soon thanks to the housing bubble that will end the housing/construction industry that's been propping us up for a decade, and primary is all owned by china and/or being mismanaged and/or only hire people they can underpay off the books.

UK has secondary industry last I checked.

All said and done it's probably just because there's more of the UK than there is us.

>why do people go abroad

Has anyone noticed we don't really have many Australians in media here but once the olympics come around every other commentator on tv is aussie?

I'm so used to hearing Australian accents now that I just assume they're English when I hear them. Pretty funny when I realise they're from literally the other side of the planet.

where do you live lad

Top quality bum and thighs right there. Going to be visiting this website.

Same can be said vice versa

Hmm, not sure. Murrica is the edgy older brother, New Zealand is the twin the was dropped on the head as a baby, and Canada is our half sister from a one night stand between France and Britain.

It's funny how we're so far apart geographically but I almost feel at home when I visit. Apart from the shit weather.

Except for them it's an upgrade

I like this.

Ireland is the creepy drunk uncle that we see once a year when he makes a fool of himself at the family christmas party

i live with one, and know of New Zealanders who do it for the same reason. It's to use the UK as a base to travel to the rest of Europe. They all fly to 10-15 countries a year (2 year visa) and finance it with work in the UK.

At some point in life Australians are being realised from their prison by the British government to observe their lives in a real society. On that way Australians get the change to participate in the British community. They are allowed to stay if they succeed and otherwise they are forced to serve their sentence again.

Some people just don't like the heat, even if they grew up in a country with a hot climate.

Also better pay doesn't necessarily mean a better life, a friend of mine was living on the Gold Coast for three years and complained that he was bored shitless on his days off, even though he was earning way more money than he could in the UK.

hello toothpaste my old friend

>gold coast
no shit, it's a glorified country town and so is Brisbane. they just masquerade as cities.

Thats pretty much what he says ahaha

I reckon a lot of it is down to cultural similarities. They can come here, feel at home and use it as a base of operations to 'do' Europe.

If he wants the city life Melbourne and Sydney do fine.


Australians are just British people with a funny accent. That's the only way I've seen them.

Is Brazil your delinquent cousin from your drunk uncle that you like pulling pranks on?

I looked into working in the UK.

Heres why

Similar cost of living but the Pound is worth 2X nearly as much as our currency so when we move back our savings would be worth nearly double.

I've heard bad things about Melbourne from both Australians and Brits who've lived there too. They said money doesn't stretch far and it's a pain in the arse to get things done because everything is spread out so far.

Definitely closer to britain culturally speaking than Americans are but there are some differences. Maybe you've met more Australians than I have though.

Well it's not for everyone I suppose, but it is consistently ranked as the most liveable city in the world (this year being no exception). I wouldn't live anywhere else. It is spread out sure, but most of the stuff that matters is contained within the inner suburbs which are well serviced by multiple means of public transport, and it's grid system makes it much more navigable than the traffic clogged clusterfuck of Sydney.

Don't overload his brain

god damn wanna live in one of those tall ones

nice, probably expensive af to live in?

it looks like paradise but it's boring as shit. not even really worth visiting because you can find better versions of everything it offers elsewhere in the country. unless you're into theme parks I guess.

correct, but probably cheaper than london and you get more bang for your buck.

deathly expensive and i've lived in both (currently living in melbourne)

>praying to Big Ben in Aussie Speedos


Yep it's extremely expensive, at least wages are high. On the plus side it means when you travel overseas everything seems cheap no matter where you go.

They come here to become police officers and work at skii resorts for some reason.


at least transport in melbourne is better than sydney, a smelly disgrace

Yep Sydney needs to lift it's game. It's going to get overtaken by Melbourne as the largest city within 30-40 years, it won't be able to rest on it's laurels forever. Their retarded corrupt government has put them years behind Melbourne in many regards (civic freedoms, public transport and amenities, curtailing of urban sprawl etc).

>Aussies come here and steal our women because they all look like models

you can't make this shit up

I banged a lovely lady from Bristol a few weeks ago. Her tits were so soft and juicy, I spent a good 10 minutes sucking on them before penetrating her in multiple positions. Finally climaxed on her back after some intense doggy then we snuggled together and fell asleep. I'm getting an erection thinking about it.
