Why anglos (american etc), slav people and asian people love so much money ?

Why anglos (american etc), slav people and asian people love so much money ?
French, portuguese, germans, dutch, spaniards and else are not like that

Anglos are dominated by jews.
Slavs have jewish ancestry.
Chineses are the jews of the east.

Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M get the money! Dolla dolla bill Y'all

They all feel the same about money, but some of them (ie most central/south euros) display their wealth with some tact while the rest of the world either has no restrains or goes full gypsy/nigger in terms of displaying wealth.

>h-heh yeah we're rich, we just don't show it. That's why our country is literally imploding, we don't want to seem b-braggy

Catholic culture compared to protestant or no culture.

You're a moron.
Go back to sucking off kangaroos you faggot.

Yep. There's a reason Protestants in general (though Calvinists especially) used to be called demi-Jews. Not only because they were rapacious usurers but also because of the judaizing.

Everybody loves money.

Don't ever reply to me again.


We actually have money to love


i dont know. it makes it hard to live life in america if you dont engage in the rat race. ie if you dont work 40+ hrs a week and spend all your cash at the bar and buying new appliances/tech the moment it comes out, then people think you are some kind of fucking backwards fool.
fuck that. i want to play music, work as few odd jobs as i can to eat, and move around and travel a lot. unfortunately everything in america is designed for wage-slaves, so hungry times are never far. if i couldnt fish id be dead by now.

i attribute it to the old "land of opportunity" meme. people see that as an opportunity to work too much and make more money than they can spend. in my eyes they are missing the point. the "opportunity" is that you have the opportunity to do whatever you want within reason, and that includes fucking off entirely if you want.

>slav people

Being anything but normal here is reason for memes. We had rich kids at school and we'd make fun of them for their clothes and shit. In most countries it's the other way around.

We're autistic about being normal it's quite funny.


>slavs and chinese
it's to fill the void left by communism I guess

because they are dominated by jews

Rural areas and biblebelt. Randstad does not look down on good clothes.

I went to school in klompen in Eemnes, but put on the Armani jeans at home. Back in Utrecht/Hilversum Armani jeans and Expensive trainers was never an issue.

Everyone loves money. The difference comes when their views on life revolve around acquiring shekels and bettering their net worth and credit rating.

Nigger I'm from the randstad, one of the richest cities in fact. You don't know shit. "good clothes" was never fucking mentioned though, they were expensive clothes, not fashionable.

Everyone had Armani jeans but getting a fucking limited shit edition with some fucking crazy shit on there was bully-material. It would be glorified in USA for example