Are Slavs white?
Are Slavs white?
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>this post again
Never change Australia
No, they are negroids, lol.
They're white, but not the good kind
And who is a good kind? Romanians maybe? Dutch, lol?
>tfw no cute germanic bf
Dutch are swamp Germans.
Afrikaners are steppe Dutch
I didn't mean that in a derogatory way btw.
And what? Who is good kind?
We're not. Stop making these threads.
Is she slav?
Slavs and Germanics are very close genetically and phenotypically speaking. The division is mostly economic and political.
how can Mexicans be white?
Mexicans are not white and neither are Slavs.
Slavs are just more mongoloids to keep out of your beautiful, homogenous 100% white neighborhood.
But mongoloids are more clever and lovely than conventional "white". Whats wrong?
Anglos aren't white.
They are solyanka (borsch) of dutchs, frenchs, saxons blood.
we are european abos desu senpai
Aryans to the core!
nice try AIDF
unironically that girl look finnic
Ironically they are typical Slavs.
there is no such thing as typical slavs. it's only a language group
>there is no such thing as typical slavs. it's only a language group
Typical Slavic couple.
And what is wrong with that?
Is that girl ugly? She looks better than average Sheila.
Shave that guy and he looks better than your average con form Australia.
Do you consider them as Slavs?
Average Slavic male
>Are Slavs white?
Technically yes, but they don't act like they are.
Slavs are white people behaving like niggers.
Phew lad
Maybe the Western ones, to some extent
East ones are way too Fingol-influenced
that's because it's a linguistic group.
West ones are the less white ones. Poles who live close to Baltics and have Prussian blood are whiter than G*rmans.
Yes but they are uncultured and ugly and many of them are mixed.
Why is /int so obsessed with whiteness? Most of scientists, inventors, greatest artists weren't white by int standarts
But it's germans that are ugly by stereotype
Several times I posted a photo in faces of /int thread and both times user with suomi flag told me that I look like a finn
I am a Greek
Give me ten examples, please.
Nobody is white by Sup Forums standards.
Old Prussians, just like Latvian/Lithuanian may have been high on N1c1, but autosomally no East Asian, unlike you and the Russkies
>Germoni 0.08%
>Polan 0.13%
>Lithuania 0.01%
>Finland 5.73%
>Russkies 0.66% - 7.97% (the lowest percentages on their Westernmost borders)
Well you have/had many now partially Russified Finnic minorities
>t. nigger
East Poles have higher Paleolithic affinity than West Poles, so you can shove that silly Western centricism up the ass.
This, to be frankly.
what about the north pole?
Pure bred icelandicks
really makes you think
Really makes you think
The guy on the right in the first pic and the one on the left in the second strongly remind me of people I know, so yeah, that's what Slavs actually look like. I myself never wear sunglasses because my face is too round for me to pull it off. You mad?
i LOVE slavs!