Does anybody else like to be bullied by first worlders on Sup Forums? I love when they remind me of my place, it makes me very happy. I think us filthy third worlders should accept the abuse and be grateful for this opportunity.
Does anybody else like to be bullied by first worlders on Sup Forums? I love when they remind me of my place...
We have a lot to learn from you
macaco ghey
Why does Portuguese sound like Spanish but with a bunch of O's?
first time i heard Portuguese it took me several seconds to realize it was a romance language and not slavic.
Boys bully girls they like
oh great a filthy third world disgusting little runt that knows his place
Lmao monkey favela nigger you will never be first world.
I don't think so user-kun, you are physically and intellectually superior compared to me, there is nothing I can teach you.
t-thank you very much
We brazilians butchered the original, superior version of portuguese, we are helpless.
Nice, saved.
Don't thank me you filthy degnerate do you think I don't know what you're doing? Do you really think that a dirty third world sub human like you could out smart me? Haha please.
am i frist world malla
You'll be the bully in the near future tho.
Makes sense. If the ZIL means 'Zany Idiotic Lewdmaster', the Bra part just means you like wearing bras. Girly-Boy Brazilian Grand Bitch, is what I say.
Yes you are. Malta best Med. country
S-sorry, forgive me for being so dumb
I'm not sure if you guys are to be honest
I doubt it.
You described me perfectly.
T-That's lewd
I've been to Malta they are first world.
i like to imagine that some qt girl is calling me shitsking from the other side of the world
makes my dick hard
posta ai fotos tuas com lingerie
I don't care about first worlders
In my eyes Kazakhstan is first world. I don't see much that you can improve on.
I'm glad you guys understand me.
If you say so...
Postaria se eu fosse atraente, mas nem isso ;-; (além disso eu fui banido na última vez que eu postei).
qt grills
What about those noble dogs?
wtf i love Kazakhstan now
não precisa ser atraente, rapa o peito se necessário e veste um soutien todo giro e pimba
Of course the faggot is Brazilian. I was thinking it was a Swede or a Finn until I read "First World"
But Finns are not a faggots. I've met Finns IRL
Finns on Sup Forums. For that matter, everyone on Sup Forums.
> For that matter, everyone on Sup Forums.
Can't disagree with you.
Sim, eu faço isso já.
Hey, if you want to insult me that's fine, but don't talk shit about finns and swedes.
I-i care about you
The First Worlder is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a faggot, pedophile, liberal, jew, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a citizen of a future Russian oblast and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “Fuck off bydlo vatnik.”
You disgusting monkey go back to your cage
wtf I hate Brazil now
Based Russia
Yes sir, thank you for allowing me to have my own cage.