British with French are why hate each other ?

British with French are why hate each other ?

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are you okay

They fight for the right to be anime

because they're dumb cunts. honestly fuck brittain. and also france now that i think about it.

It's a rivalry and you need to learn English.

Just banter

Jap with Chink are why hate each other?

I think same UK and FR

To be honest, we don't care much about Great Britain. Or at least not much more than our other big neighbours.

We don't really hate them, they're just our best rival.

>French hate British
>Scotts hate British
>Irish hate British

When you are hated by so many people, there must be a reason.

france is our rightful clay

could be since we got your throne back to guillaume the conquerer :^)



>having to justify your hate to brits

>French hate British

[citation needed]


You have no identity and i don't even know if you can be considered as french.

But true french (outside Paris) hate the anglos and the germans.

>But true french (outside Paris) hate the anglos and the germans.

Not really




Thanks god, no.

>muh true french hate anglos and germans
>"muh evil anglos and krautz are still our enemies, we still live in the 13th century, battle of Bouvines best day of my life!"

m8 pls


give it a rest old chap

Found the parisian

>>"muh evil anglos and krautz are still our enemies, we still live in the 13th century, battle of Bouvines best day of my life!"

French hate the anglos for Calais

Do they still hate each other though?

French don't give two fucks about/like brits


The whole France =/= Calais

French are such faggots that because we had great cows, even peasants had beef, unlike french aristocracy who had to steal bread from peasants, they had to belittle us by calling us rosbif. Fucking disgraceful.

Friendly bantz mainly. Hating is for retards butthurts.

wtf you hate Germans?
why? ;_;

Would love a French femboy slut to use as a sex toy and would give him a good beating every time he tried to speak in French, and he'd like it


Implying people didn't rejoice when the british hooligans were beaten by the Russians

Found the parisian who larped to be a countrysider, go suck Mamadou's dick

well the rivalry is banter at this point. we have been allies a very long time, there has been no conflict between us experienced by anyone who is alive now, so anyone who really claims to hate the other country is just an autistic cretin.

they did suck a large amount of dick in WW2, though. but they get a lot of shit for that from everyone, not just a UK France thing. we mostly just banter about food etiquette. I like the French tbphwy

Would be yours

>You have no identity and i don't even know if you can be considered as french.
b-but what am i then
i voted fn wont you accept me yet

good boy

frexit when brother

>French hate the anglos for Calais

I'm sorry... On what planet is it out fault that you are allowing illegal migrants to reside in your country while they try to gain illegal access to our country? The UK is fucking fuming that you aren't throwing them all out.


marion decrees it


>he doesn't hate brits, he's a cuck, a muslim, a nigger!!!!

You attracted them with your welfare system and paid fences and corrupted our politicians to keep them out.

of all the countries, France has probably the least reason to hate Germany cause of WWII

I love german culture,german women and language, but not the modern sjw bullshit that is germany today.
Every country in europe is dying, killed by americanisation, PC and mass immigration, we're all in the same shit now so i don't love nor hate any neighbours because they're no longer the friends or foes they once were.

Yea, humiliating us is a good thing, I suppose

Oh and also ruining Nationalism

well, you were the ones who declared war on us

dont act as if germany has more sjw than france

You're right, "allied" aka the eternal anglo literally killed thousands of civilians, destroyed all the west of france, and raped thousands of women before making us swear fealty to their ideologies.

American invasion was way worse than the german one

I do not, france is no longer french, we're all in the same boat sinking faster and faster.

germans literally dindu nothing

also if they won we'd probably be considered master race and rule over the world with them how was even remotely that a bad thing

>Le Pen

pretty sure that's a breton name. Brittany is rightful anglo clay - gibs us it

Actually, England (and wales) is rightful Breton clay

But have it, less votes for the socialists!

England wasn't even formed yet when Bretons went over the channel. We'll take it though, I don't want to see France battered anymore. At least FN would get in quicker.

France is still something like 80-85% white.

And once the FN is in power, the number sandnigg will greatly shrink because of the deportations,and the various laws against them.

France is more likely 70-75% white, like england, and once the baby boomer generation disappear it's going to be more like 50-60%.

The FN does not propose any solution, re-migration is not a thing they're going to implement, only stricter border control laws.

>like england
That is 85%

>>Scotts hate British

>tfw Canada is their bastard child


>muh FN will deport


Nope, the uk was 85% in 2011 ( national census ) but england only was 79% and it was 5 years ago ( between 2001 and 2011 the number of white decreased by nearly 10% )

That link says 85%

Oh sorry, i thought it was obvious that i was talking of white british, not of poles because they're not fucking english are they

Stay mad

This is a part of their program.

You said 'white'

If you take that into account then the white French demographic would be far lower

1) I don't think so.
2) It's IM-PO-SSI-BLE. Use your fucking mind.

Are you joking? We're 19% whiter than you and you have three times the amount of muslims that we do.

Stop pretending that you aren't fucked becaued you banned the burqa.

>we're 19% whiter than you

>he doesn't know that most of our imigrants came in the early 2000s because of Blair

Shall we look at your immigration rates now bud?

>Brits and French ITT bragging about who's country is dying the fastest


Of course not, in "white british" there's plenty of white of non-english descent, just like in france, but in France we have less of white foreigners.
Poles are not british, but if a pole take the nationality/culture and marry an english, then his childrens will be "white british"

We're as fucked as you are demographically, but at least we don't give in to muslims revendications as easily as you do

>1) I don't think so.

Ainsi, pour l’immigration clandestine, ce solde sera nécessairement très négatif, car à la lutte que nous mènerons en amont pour empêcher les arrivées illégales, s’ajoutera le départ et l’expulsion automatique des étrangers en situation irrégulière sur le territoire.

Pour ce qui est de l’immigration légale, l’objectif est d’aboutir à un solde de l’ordre de 10 000 étrangers par an dans notre pays. Cet objectif est aisément atteignable et se décline en deux volets :

– l’arrêt de l’immigration de travail (à quelques exceptions près correspondant à des compétences précises et peu disponibles en France) ;

– le renvoi des étrangers condamnés (rétablissement de la double-peine supprimée par Nicolas Sarkozy) ;

– l’obligation de quitter le territoire pour les étrangers au chômage depuis plus d’un an ;

– une modification des titres de séjour existant, consécutive au durcissement des nouvelles conditions d’obtention.

– Suppression du droit du sol et réforme en profondeur du code de la nationalité française afin que l’acquisition de la nationalité ne soit plus une simple formalité administrative : être français est un honneur. La naturalisation se mérite et doit être soumise à des conditions strictes de présence paisible et prolongée sur le territoire, en situation légale, de maitrise de la langue française et de preuve d’assimilation. Plus généralement la double nationalité ne sera plus autorisée en dehors des cas de double nationalité avec un autre pays de l’Union européenne ; les personnes concernées seront amenées à choisir entre les deux nationalités.

>2) It's IM-PO-SSI-BLE. Use your fucking mind.
m-muh it's impossible because i say so

Fuck off cuck

Once you're in power you can do pretty much all you want in France.

And so what ? You've got to the point we are in 10 years not in 30, well done you can fuck yourself faster than we can, a real achievement

The objective truth

C'est con, les quelques étrangers réglos qui bossent foutront pas le camp.

>muh cuck!!!

Non, par contre les vrais cucks, aka les cocos, les gauchos et quelques droitistes gueuleront.

kek you should make up your mind

FN is either
1) evil nazis who will genocide everyone
2) fucking cucks who won't do anything anyways

Ca concerne uniquement les étrangers, pas les millions de cacapeaux qui ont la nationalité, comme je l'ai dit rien ne changera a notre merde.

Mon père est un étranger blanc européen qui travaille en france depuis 25 ans et paie beaucoup d'impôts, le FN compterais donc le virer mais laisser mouloud et bakari parce qu'ils ont une carte d'identité française ?

Oh, trust me, you don't want to play this shitpost game, leaf.

I don't think they're cucks or HUUUUUUR MUH NAZIS

bien sur que non
ils ont pas le droit de dire la vérité, comme quoi c'est les musulmans qu'il faut virer pas les "étrangers", c'est tout

>We're as fucked as you are demographically
>11% Muslim
>1/10 people in france are immigrants (Almost all of them come from Africa and Turkey)
>70% white
Ah yes just as fucked as us

>but at least we don't give in to muslims revendications as easily as you do
>illegal immigration :^)
>knocking down churches and replacing them with mosques
>building communes for muslims

lol mate you literally have a socialist running your country kys

kek, don't I???

FN is so cucked it's literally ran by jews,gays and women.

C'est ce que tu veux croire, mais je n'ai aucune preuve et honnêtement ca me semble peu probable qu'ils " virent tout les arabes et les noirs".

Stop sucking dicks.

Plus de 50 % de l'armée et de la police votent FN, ils peuvent gueuler autant qu'ils veulent sans un coup d'état personne ne peut empêcher le gouvernement de faire ce qu'il lui plait, le 49.3 en est un bel exemple mais ce n'est que la pointe de l'iceberg car la Constitution regorge de ligne permettant au président d’obtenir des pouvoirs quasi-absolus s'il le veut.


ça m'étonne pas, à force d'enfermer des cacapeaux et de tuer des arabes au MO, ça laisse des traces :^)

C'est ça, seul un mouvement révolutionnaire ( coup d'état, guerre civile... ) en dehors du jeu politique pourrai changer la donne.

Mais bon, c'est autant probable que le fait que l'OP ne soit pas puceau.

I know right, damn

Found the cuck, the FN will be elected and you can do nothing about it, pretty infuriating isn't it :)

How is your daughter nigel, did a paki raped her recently ?

I also heard your women are used as kleenex by foreigner is this true ?

So you just reply with memes instead of refuting anything I said? You know I'm right froggo


I have nothing against the FN, faggot

I'm just not a deluded edgy kid.

>>Scotts hate British
check this absolute mong out lads

tu crois vraiment que les gens au fn en veulent au portugais polonais italiens etc ? non y en a plein au fn, tout le monde en a marre de ces terroristes c'est tout

I already refuted them, and these people are voting for Lesquen and Aselineau they don't even represent 0.1 per cent of the French and are the shills of The Republicans(cuckservatives).

Really makes you think

a lot of things happened to France those last 3 years i'd be curious to see what it looks like now, who still likes us, who hates us now
maybe there are even people who like us better with all this ?
post it if you have