Finns had agriculture at least 7000 years ago

Finns had agriculture at least 7000 years ago.

Finns lived in permanent houses 10000 years ago.

Finns have one of the most ancient languages in the world.

Can you say the same about your people?

>thought so...

Other urls found in this thread:

WE WUZ tier fairy tales

How's Nokia doing?

fins also have Katja

and the best memes


>advanced fishing infrastructure, ferries and buildings found on the bottom of a lake in funland that are 2500 years old

Rest of the world are you LITERALLY even trying

But we don't have Spurdo, so we lose.






>cant even defeat another Nation with one bullet

Yep, pic related are ruins of Szczęszyrzeboszyce, the capital city of the Ancient Lechitic empire of Krztęczkoszczkaczek III who united all tribes of Polans, Silesians and Masovians around 12000 BC


God created america 300(!) years ago

The Romans about Finns.

bullshit, see:
>According to the Book of Mormon, Lehi (/ˈliːhaJ/[1] LEE-hy) was a prophet who lived in Jerusalem during the reign of king Zedekiah (approximately 600 BC).[2] Lehi was an Israelite of the Tribe of Manasseh, and father to Nephi, another prominent prophet in the Book of Mormon. In the first book of the Book of Mormon, First Nephi, Lehi and Nephi lead their family out of Jerusalem, and across the sea to the "promised land" (the Americas).

So 2000 years ago there is recorded evidence that Finns were hunter gatherers.

>Polack butthurt
Like clockwork



>learn2translate stupid faggot

Tacitus never even visited the north. Also, that's basically what "historians" wrote about every distant peoples at that time, because "we are the best and strongest".

Well, he also called Swedes feminists and Dutch people awesome. So it seems fairly accurate to me.

This description makes it look like it was made by an angry weeaboo who got his feelings hurt

>finns have no arms

Bjullsjhit. I have bjoth arms.

yes but we are better than you in hockey

Where are the proofs?

I'm typing this post and drinking vodka at the same time

So you have 3 arms, right?

>Suomessa suomalaisia 8000 tai 5000 ekr

Vitun kehari edes yritä oppia jotain ei jumalauta

they do good in the youth championship thing.

I think our best players are busy with north American teams though.