I'm traveling to Turkey in the next couple of months to study dentistry...

I'm traveling to Turkey in the next couple of months to study dentistry, How's life there compared to other Arab countries? and How much of a "muslim country" is it?

Are you that kurd from jordan?
You'd get more (you) s if you have asked to /tr/ btw

Nobody cares about anything here. It's just the internet where people get politic.

>Nobody cares about anything here
What about if I mixed raki with cola, put ketchup on my börek and asked for milk with my čaj ?


what would happen to someone if they went to Turkey dressed like this?

Siktir git

t.cultural attache

It's more secular than jordan but not really in a bad way

I am disgusted by this post.

How can there be a bad way of being more secular ?

>more secular
>not in a bad way
There is a bad way of it?

they'd kill ya.


Kuzukuzu is a Turkboo and our brother. He is always welcome.

I seen some militarist shitty secularism in mid90s. We literally didn't go to school for a month to practice for a shitty careography for 19 May and it lasted 5 minutes. But who cared?

He made it sound as if he didn't like secularism so I assured him it's alright

>Kuzukuzu is a Turkboo and our brother.

Of course, çerkes are your eternal lapdogs

Is this really kuzukuzu?

In 2010 yeah

how do you look like now?

OP doesnt get (you)'s, only (OP)'s


cute but your nose looks so turkish

wtf haven't we brought enough Premium DNA onto your island?!

It's legal to murder such people here