Take his laptop when he's sleeping

>take his laptop when he's sleeping
>clone his hdd
>install windows 10
>install vmware
>install his clonded hdd image in a VM
>set a script to automatically start the VM in seemless mode at boot
>let him use his laptop for a few months or years before telling him

No need for emulating it, Windows already has emacs

Doesn't he use an ARM piece of shit?

He switched to a librebooted x60 i think.

Okay guys, who's that fat Linux guru guy? I use linux rarely and only because my of my shitty laptop, so enlighten me. GIVE ME A QUICK RUNDOWN.

Terrible idea just like 90% of people on this site. It would last a day when he is forced to update and it forces a reboot

Literally kys

Literally suck it fag and go back to tumblr.

You stupid cuck, that's Richard Stallman. Don't you know anything?

Is there any particular reason why i should know this "Richard Stallman"?

Well the same reason you keep posting pictures of strangers.

Google him fucktard


Come on guys you sure are lame fucks today.

Stop recommending botnet.

My hero.

>piece of shit
you say one more bad thing about arm i will bash yer fucken head in ye hear

>installing windows 10 on a trannybooted machine
good luck with that

Anyone here asking who's Richard Stallman is a pathetic newfag not trying at the slightest to assimilate.



I would pay to see this happen.