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Technology #637
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Router Thread 2: Electric Bugaloo
Faked my way to get my bachelor in CS
Nest Secure / Smart home security
What the hell is an IT coordinator?
Sit down to take a shit
His """language""" doesn't support generic returns
What's a computer?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What is your excuse for not studying cybersecurity? Don't you want to make money?
Fuck this country. land of cpu and gpu throttling. Twice now my computer has crashed due to over heating
I want the rundown on Net Neutrality. Is it going to go down? If so, will anything change...
What Router and Modem are you using?
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #14
Linuxerino Pasterino
What torrent client does Sup Forums use? I recently removed uTorrent/bitTorrent and installed WebTorrent, I like it...
/dbg/ - Dual Boot General
OpenGL with C++
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
The iPhone X has the best display every on a smartphone
As someone who's been on this site for at least 10 years...
Failed Class in Uni
You would put 4 Samsung 850 Evo M.2's in software RAID0 for games, right...
Well, Sup Forums ???
How accurate are these kill-a-watt things?
Are these any good for linux?
Reviving your shitty laptop?
He has his pc on the carpet
Buy into Intel botnet
What is good battery life for a laptop?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
In a couple decades, amazon is going to own the planet. why does no one give a shit?
Is it a MYTH that mixing RAM hampers performance?
How can I prove to normies that non-free software is compromised ?
Update addiciton
Languages that strike fear into the hearts of brainlets
Got this for gaming
I'm running out of space, Sup Forums. I know newegg is having a sale on HDD's, but what's a good HDD?
Brainlet here
Audiophiles of Sup Forums: what is the highest quality headset $120 or less can buy?
Did I fuck up?
Dark Web (?)
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Amd ryzen+
Is there such thing as a web development scripting language that doesn't suck? Literally I loathe this shit...
How do I get pass iCloud lock? My friend died and I got his phone but I can't unlock it
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why don't you use PS/2 user?
Imagine working so hard, relentlessly, so hard against the botnet
Use Linux, custom Firefox, tweaked addons, VPN, TOR for years
Name a better computer scientist, Sup Forums
This triggers the privacyfag
Glass phones fucking suck
God i wish my phone would struggle with the most basic of tasks
Now we can slap any face to a porn video and live the fantasy
Why do indians have to fuck up everything that they touch in tech?
Steam stopped accepting bitcoin cause of its 25% loss in value
Who allowed these crab fucks a monopoly on sound chips?
Lets talk about computer mice, but specifically gaming computer mice. For all you gamers out there...
Pirate 10
How do I get into linux...
Pie + shit = Pai of shit
Media File Integrity for NAS
I'm planning on switching to Linux full time
Have to drop out of university because parents can no longer support me financially
God i wish my computer would struggle with its intended use
IPS vs TN Monitors
Prove ur not a javatard
You have ten seconds to explain why you aren't using a psu with rgb lighting
Data hoarding
I'm trying to reverse engineer Netflix downloads, but I don't know where to start
Apple iOS 11.2 is arguably the most rushed release in iOS history
*breathes out*
Thoughts on IOTA, Sup Forums?
Huh, so this is the power of Firefox
Vaio P appreciation thread
I've got to say (and this may be controversial) but I am not a huge fan of the 100% disk usage feature of Windows 10 to...
Sup Forums humor
Spied on at work
What would a Sup Forums designed PC case look like?
Is jailbreaking dead Sup Forums? Anyone else here holding out on 9.3.3?
Rice thread
I found this iPhone, but I can’t force it to reset, how do I get it to factory reset from the lock screeen...
/ptg/ - Public Tracker General
Dualshock 4 or xbox one controller?
NSA and other authorities who snoop, what's the nigging point?
Apple General /ag/
Live in hood
Why is Google Chrome popular?
Reminder that every real man has the following on his bedside table:
PC Case Thread
/spg/ - Smartphone General
So i finally fell for the i3 meme and have to say its quite comfy. who else /comfy/ here?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/tech backpacks/
Recieved this email. Need an expert opinion
Daily reminder that we are all cucks
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How do I stop being bored by technology and programming...
His android is sitting in a drawer
Why wont companies talk with me? how am i supposed to get ajob
I've never used this aspect ratio
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What software do you use for the biannual Windows-cleanup, Sup Forums?
Old Thread: >>63724676
How do you archive Sup Forums threads offline Sup Forums ?
Who would spend so much cash on a MACBOOK
Trying to find motivation
Stupid Questions Thread /sqt/
GNU/Linux minimalism thread
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
7 reasons why serious companies avoid open source
Who here /Hacker/?
Students Using Free Software
When do you wish to update windows? :^)
Will A.I. make non-whites useless?
France is an example to us all
Is Sup Forums scared of this man? Why? Are you prepared for the loss of net neutrality?
I hope you don't do this
Are people seriously still using C in 2017?
Free energy generator
Why would Microsoft build a cricket field at their office?
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Why does X86 need a bunch of extra shiddies to work like a North and South bridge when ARM and most other architectures...
What OS do you think illuminati use ? (pic related Soros)
This fucking faggot literally broke wacom support
What computer/laptop have you got your parents using?
Sup Sup Forums, do you use hackintosh?
Code artisan
Why don't motherboards just have a GPU socket and GDDR VRAM DIMMs?
Why is battery life on Linux so much worse even with PowerTop and TLP?
/middleclass/ tech
Software Upkeep
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #13
What's the best alternative to Sublime, Sup Forums?
Im about ti pull the trigger on the 13 inch Macbook Pro 2017 base model 256gb ssd...
Admit it. You’d buy one if you could afford it
How to get users
That kid-tier gaymur design
Two weeks
Edge underrated
Is your girlfriend as interested in technology as you are?
A couple years ago, if you asked about Python 2 vs Python 3, everybody would tell you to stick with Python 2...
Things that really grind your gears
Contact MSI support for updating BIOS
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
What the flying fuck happened to ram prices?
My Apple iPhone is up to date
Hey Sup Forums what is your low-cost mouse for FPS games?
Be lagdroid user
Are these a meme? do they work?
/wt/ Watch Thread
Grandma spoofed my DHCP server
Is there any reason I shouldn't buy a used laptop for a home file-server?
What is the less bloated edition of Windows ? I don't want Cortana neither Metro apps !
He fell for the open source meme
How'd i do, Sup Forums
Richard Stallman:
Speedtest thread
Do people really use underscores just for the sole purpose of making foreigners happy?
Are you using the best distro yet?
What kind of environment do you most like to program in...
Why Mac is better than PC
Women in Technology General
Just fuck my deliveries up senpai
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
I just installed Arch. Do I have to start watching anime now?
I'm not gonna pretend I've ever been particularly smart...
Le Potato
Can a hacker grab files from my computer through the internet?
Vim as an IDE
Tell me a good reason to NOT use Ubuntu
Any good operating systems that aren't Windows/Mac/Linux based?
Decided to start learning more about C. What's a good IDE besides Visual Studio's 40gb of bloat
Sup Forums memes
Redpill me on USB-C
Remember the good old days Sup Forums?
ITT: Software from your childhood
The absolute state of firefox
Anyone got this book? Care to share?
What does Sup Forums think of Alienware laptops?
What are your tech bad habits?
The board needs to know
Debian is literally the best distro ever
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Show me your dumb phone
Wat do?
What's your current vaping rig Sup Forums?
Why do iPhones constantly overheat and thermal throttle so much?
Microsoft Edge vs. Firefox?
>17 inch laptops
Nsa pls go
Straight talk now has unlimited data for 55 dollars a month, great deal in my book!
Literally the best Windows ever released
/cyb/ + /sec/ - Cybersecurity and Information Security General
So, moot said captcha was a temporal fix to solve the spam issue
Dell XPS 13 or Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon. Which one is better?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Radeon or Nvidia?
God I wish my phone would struggle with the most basic of tasks
What is Sup Forums getting for christmas
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Can anyone help me understand Note 8 buyin
Just started working for an pretty shitty AV company and want to improve a few things there...
Anyone here into Reverse Engineering?
Music file bitrate is less than 130kbps
What's wrong with it?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Tape Drive
Snapdragon 845
Should i wait until OLEDs get cheaper or buy an LCD now? Which one is best sub 1000 bucks?
Stupid Question Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
GNU/Linux minimalism thread
This newest Windows 10 creators update completely fucked me
Poorfag here. Is there an alternative to Netflix?
He uses an ISP that injects 400+ lines of JS into every response
Yfw Amazon puts their new HQ in a shitty, car-dependent, depressing, unwalkable normie city like Charlotte
My mom thinks I invented bitcoin
Private property is a good thing, lad
I just got a job as a react/nodejs developer, been there a week...
ITT Nu-tech that instantly enrages you
Terminal Fonts Thread
>8 gigabytes
Is the concept of internet itself is anti free market?
So user what do you think about future of C?
I want top of the line ultraportable laptop with Thunderbolt 3 so I can hook a eGPU on it when I'm at home
Tor is apparently compromised. Safe alternative browsers?
How do I into Linux?
So I just realized i had some change laying around...
Got an Android Nexus 6
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #12
I havent been following the case, but ehy are people so mad about net neutrality?
Are you a job hopper Sup Forums?
I store everything on the desktop
Sup Forums how would one go about erasing your digital life? I made mistakes and used social media...
Apple slowing down phones after releases
My thinkpad's GPU is only very slightly worse than the hailed AMD 280X
Post your taskbar
Invite me to #cutegang
Which is the best ultralight Ultrabook and why is the Carbon X1?
Where do (you) buy bitcoin with low fees
Post your custom Windows theme
Pi Thread
Sup Forums makes the worst website ever
No GPU installed, yesterday windows randomly switched to basic theme, while no demanding programs were running...
I want something else
Capitalism drives technological progress
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Install TempleOS !!!
What are some cool Android apps?
Firefox SILENTLY updated and broke all my extensions
Are Hackintosh a reliable choice nowadays? Do they break after software updates? Is it even legal?
Intel ME Vulnerable
Why are data caps allowed?
Did this low key fail miserably because I can't find any monitors that aren't super expensive with zero reviews or...
What are some tech youtubers from Sup Forums ?
So I got one of these fuckers as a gift from a buddy, works well as $30 light switch
Is this idea even possible Sup Forums ?
If you post one you must rate one
Anyone else here do tech support?
Get CPU with vt-d support
Find a flaw
Where's the love
I fucked up tumbling bitcoin and now I need an extra .0002 to withdraw the rest...
Seattle tech jobs
Video Codecs
Kubuntu or KDE Neon?
Practically speaking, how bad is it to keep all your passwords to everything in a single jpg file on your desktop...
How the fuck would you back up DNA storage?
Get k70
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Hold the FUCK up...
Retro tech thread comfy edition
I am watching this show on CNN called The 90s
Need a printer that prints documents well (black & white, no need for photo printing), relatively cheap...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboards General
What the fuck just happened?
I think we should create an AI that bans frogposters on sight...
Hey faggots why aren't you rich yet? Even if you have a shitty pc, just mine for spins...
2 weeks
Why are you single, Sup Forums?
IToddlers BTFO
Anyone else get themselves an early Christmas present, or two? Poorfags need not apply
Is there a Linux solution for forwarding text messages and images to and from mobile devices?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What are some good sites to download Youtube videos from?
IDE for C++ on Windows
What is Sup Forums's favorite mp3 player?
Why don't you guys like Kubuntu? It runs so smoothly on my T420 and looks so beautiful
Serious question
Sup Forums humor thread
Whats the best version of μTorrent Sup Forums?
Is Bill Gates a saint?
Is there a worse comunnity in tech other than Linux users?
That AMD slide isn't fake, I have some decent AMD connections and the beans have been spilled anyway...
Info graphic thread
What's the best IPS Wangblows laptop I can get my normie sister for under $1000?
GNU/Linux minimalism thread
AMD's new Ryzen 7 2800X teased: 12C/24T at up to 5.1GHz
Wanna see something rad?
This is a real logo
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is Tor enough to hide from my isp what sites i access ?
Serious question: why do people use make/cmake for small or small-ish medium projects...
Get 1080 ti
Is Antergos something between Arch and Manjaro
How often do you clean your mobo? How do you clean it?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Brb dropping $100 on 8 gigs of ram
My buddy is saying that dbus is evil. Is there any substance to this or is it just paranoid rambling?
Poor Volta
Macfag Vimmers BTFO
/wt/ Watch Thread
Why are Apple engineers such a joke?
Le fishe
/spg/ - smartphone general
Pay $70/month to only get 1 day of access to my internet connection
Create a new Sup Forums
Why are printers so fucking shit?
Ryzen 2 - March 2018
Open source Hexadecimal Editor for Windows
What podcasts does Sup Forums listen to? Decrypted is p fuckin good
This is Saya-chan. She was made in ancient japanese computers by honorable japanese 3D artists and programmers...
Post your processor
This is a systray thread
$25 with shipping
If people here are antisemites, why they use GNU/Linux?
Why are you not seeding /user/?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Has anyone been tormented by a neighbor's sound system?
Favourite Emojies Thread
I need to sell all the tech stuff I own someone help
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
Why aren't you using MS Word '97?
HELP!!! Computer does not want to wake up
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General thread
In a few months im going from a 32 inch 1080p tn tv and a 27 inch 1080p tn monitor to two 1440p 27 inch monitors ips...
What do you guys think about chromeos or Chromebooks in general?
Shoes are tech
How does it feel to know in 15-20 years you will all be chinked?
Uptime / Desktop Thread
Linux is the Christianity of operating systems. Think about it:
Why is all hardware improving/advancing at a competent rate except for monitors?
Linux Mint or Debian?
How often do you update your system Sup Forums?
Why are there so many tranny's in technology?
So is net neutrality a bad or a good thing...
Why didn't you fall for the e-reader meme yet, Sup Forums?
What's the best reddit app?
What's the point of Debian when Ubuntu exists? The latter has better repos and PPAs...
And people say that Chrome uses a lot of RAM
Permabanned from youtube because my media consumption wasn't diverse enough
Programming is becoming a blue collar job?
How do I succesfully fuck my 10/10 boss
Does it make you look like a noob if you use Ubuntu with default GUI and code using vim with default settings?
Whatever happened to SOPA? Will it come back someday?
For all of you Firefox fans/shills
When you close Firefox
Help me /g, i have low confidence
So addicted to the internet that you haven't changed your pants and haven't taken a shower for two weeks
Why aren't you using the best Lisp, Sup Forums?
Why is Gnome such a piece of garbage? Even on my modern system it stutters and drags...
IPod backup with metadata
/aocg/ - Advent of Code 2017 General #11
Intel alternative for threadripper
/hrt/ - Hardware Removal-of-botnet Thread
Firefox Masterrace
How safe is utorrent 2.2.1 to use? Are there any known exploits for it and, if not, will there be any?
Why does Sup Forums hate Nvidia so much? Is it just another case of AMD fanboys yelling at clouds?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Old PPC Mac from a school in California unformatted
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What's the best podcast app?
Green shits coming out
When will we get intelligent anime waifu desktop assistants?
Someone give me a breakdown on the Vive
/amg/ - Apple Mac General
Any user wanna visit Terry? He looks lonely and he's living in the park
Spent 800+ on a new smartphone
It's finals week Sup Forums
RIP Vega
There was a time Sup Forums shilled bitcoins
What good / interesting sites exist in i2p? Is tor more interesting to explore than i2p?
Why don't phones have full sized USB ports and HDMI?
Post your modular Sup Forums
Redpill me on the ASUS Zenbooks
Acquired a macbook, clearly white so inb4 "give it back jamal"
You have 10 seconds to explain why you are not watching the most Sup Forums show ever
Is it possible to run Linux as a daily driver and also be productive?
Is the Surface a meme? Why do so many compsci students have one?
Are Chromebooks good computers? I'm thinking of buying one for my mom
Why aren't you browsing 2 sites at once, user?
What userscripts do you guys use
Android = botnet
Why aren’t you using your phone without a case, user...
You use arc to?
Yo Sup Forums I smoked some reefer like 20-30 minutes ago but I only feel a slight buzz
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Is it a bad idea to use Windows XP nowadays?
16:9 or 18:9 for phones?
I want to install Linux on my ps2
Itt: tech pet peeve terms
What do you guys use for PC speakers, and how to you like them?
Vapes are technology, what is Sup Forums smoking?
Frying pans are technology
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How will the future technology make Anime real?
28 year old (legacy from dad) vhs camcorder broke
Advice please
Remembering the faceberg account your mother made for you (and her forgetting the password so you can't delete it)
Is AMD /our guy/?
/helpdesk/ stories
Ahh the good old days
Normie friend just got $115k as an editor at a magazine
Desktop RAM thread
Is Apple the most mockable technology company in the world right now?
Functional programming thread
Is JayzTwoCents /ourreviewer/?
Ryzen 5 1400 or 1300x?
Is there ever a reason to use linked lists?
God I wish my computer would struggle with the most basic of tasks
/ptg/ - Pickle Rick General
Post malone shows a Razer in his video
Calculator Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How do I castrate Windows 10?
Mouse sensitivity
Does Linux work on a macbook? I've heard it's hard to install
Gaming computer
// sort by name
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
It's not Linux
Show me some technology which could remove slavic subhumans
Imagine the perfect programming language
Just bought the mic!!! The podcast will soon be up and running
Browser Swapping Thread
Who here still uses win7?
Why use another browser when pic related exists?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Mouse thread
Buy a 120 dollar external harddrive
What does Sup Forums think of wine? It's a very useful program
Is Firefox Quantum better than Google Chrome? I'm testing it out and idk which one I prefer. What do you use and why?
Need a low power consumption distro
It's been +20 years and there's still no proper replacement for CRTs
Is reddit the soyboy headquarters?
What laptop does Sup Forums use?
Let's get it settled once and for all Sup Forums, what's the absolute BEST browser for winslows...
Post useless technology/connectors
What happened in the 80s?
How does Sup Forums hide his lewd pictures? uwu
Post some handsome Sup Forums-related men
Is there a browser that doesn't bloat and doesn't use all processing power available...
/wt/ Watch Thread
Want to build a PC
How do you name your files?
I need more than 8 GiB of ram
What's a computer?
Is x265 a meme for 3rd world pajeets?
How the fuck do I get rid of emojis
Say something nice about powershell
/hsg/ - Home Server General
/aocg/ - Advent of Code General #9
Tech cringe
Programming challenge - rerun edition
RX460 or HD6450
Just installed arch-anywhere with i3. what's some neat stuff i can do on this?
Redpill me on the pixel 2 Sup Forums
Why can't Indians code?
When the transparent design will come back?
Why are fat neckbeards such bottom tier students in computer science classes?
I need anti-nigger technology
Drag icon from gnome dock
/hrt/ - Hardware Removal-of-botnet Thread
The Let's note laptops are Sup Forums's dream
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboards General
E-GPU thread
Need to connect 2 speakers to the same Spotify device
Muh neutrality
I'm starting to save money for 8700k, new mobo and 16GB DDR4!
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What Decentralized Internet Project is the Best?
Fujitsu Laptop
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/gg/ - Gentoo General
How do I find a hacker community?
/spg/ smartphone general thread
Not using an xps
Sup Forums claims to hate gaming
Sup poorfa/g/ how’s your shitty thinkpad treating you hahaha
It's GNU/Linux!
Going to be torturing myself for my own amusement...
What is your reason for not using this amazing piece of technology /user/ ?
Why don't you learn Ruby?
What's a good substitute for Facebook Messenger and how can I get my normie friends to use it?
Um..what did he mean by this?
Sup Forums shill thinkpads everywhere
Looks like it would make a nice workstation card
Let me guess. you "need" more
/csg/ Chink Shit General
What do
What is the most aesthetic smartphone and why is it the Note 8?
Get down and hands off that computer
What should I buy with €750?
Apple HomePod or Echo?
What is the technical reason why Steam has different games for Windows and OSX and LINUX?
Hey Sup Forums, what's a computer?
/sqt/ - Stupid Question Thread
Why is the iPhone X better then the Google Pixel 2?
Stupid question thread
Blocks your path
Comfy bedrooms
How bad is your computer/internet addiction Sup Forums?
Desktop Thread Neofetch Screenfetch
Torx Screws
There was a study that found iphone users have more sex than android users
What technology project could a highly advanced civilization be working on?
ITT just say something about Sup Forums or technology
Why in the FUCK have we not made a bot like Tay? Microsoft has the framework open sourced...
Why are companies moving away from ps/2 and to usb even thogh ps/2 is superior for keyboards or mice...
Best mid tower?
Help Me Not Get Fired General - /hmngfg/
What are you doing on your computer?
Kotlin and Swift
Thanks, AMD
There are people on this board who don't create documents using LaTex
If double == true then check
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread - OOP EXPLAINED EDITION
/wm4/ - the Sup Forumsreatest mpv coder
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Now that Windows 10 natively supports a UNIX shell...
Hurry up Sup Forums, you're going to be late to your daily Scrum meeting!
Use cuckcuckgo
Why would anyone buy a smartphone that doesn't allow this?
AMD is reportedly allowing the Platform Security Processor (PSP) to be disabled...
Why haven't you bought a high refresh rate monitor yet? Even phones and tablets can do 120Hz now, you're not a hertzlet...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Lads, do you really NEED a giant ass power supply...
Coffee Lake on Z170
When you want to listen to music and charge your phone at the same time
Anti net
Buy Thinkpad W520 for $250
Sup Forumsternet
Anti-cheat software botnet
Fps drops in league
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
This is not a general use or productivity CPU. This is a 144hz gaming only CPU
How do I unlearn programming?
I have been using Kubuntu as a development & studying environment...
This is why bitcoin and cryptomemes will never be taken seriously
What shaving tech do Sup Forumsentoomen use?
Just bought an XPS 15 4k with my Autismbux
If we detected an astroid heading towards earth with a size that killed the dinosaurs could we prevent impact?
How come there are no keyboards with a built-in Auto-correct software?
Meme resolution
I was thinking about putting this in the /sqg/...
BSD And Other Things
I have a 8-hour "hackathon" tomorrow at work. I'm a reasonably competent .NET developer...
Tech Den
Ok context: I work at a highschool, and one student has flashed his own OS onto his tablet (we provide them)
IPhone SEX confirmed
I am thinking about a startup idea (not directly tech related but the online marketing will be):
Have live saving in BTC
"welcome home user. dinner is ready"
Best C & C++ command line interface?
What does Sup Forums think about Kode with Klossy?
"AlphaZero, the game-playing AI created by Google sibling DeepMind...
Macfags BTFO
Teach me the basics for choice a vpn
Deep web
Femanon here having serious issues with her computer
Tfw 99% of 1080p video is actually 540p and 4K video is actually 1080p
E7600 or X4 620
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/wt/ - Watch Thread
I really don't understand why anyone would actually use bitcoin as a currency...
User, my laptop runs so slow lately. I heard you know your stuff. So, please tell your aunt what's going on, would you?
Arch linux will never be shown in Mr. Robot
GIMP is a piece of garbage
Mozilla, Yahoo Sue Each Other Over Firefox's Default Search
Python is the superior language
/hrt/ - Hardware Removal-of-botnet Thread
Screenfetch/Neofetch thread:
How much is the internet censored in your country, Sup Forums?
Is this fast?
This is not a gaming CPU. This is a low-end productivity CPU
How does one format a win7 laptop and fresh install win10?
Windows is botnet
Are escalators made in white countries dangerous too?
Sup Forums
Tfw moving to a building where the fastest internet available is 3 mbps
I'm fairly tech savvy but I don't know a damn thing about routers or what makes one good or bad...
Linux on Windows 10
Will artificial wombs make women useless?
/sitg/ - Startup Idea Thread General..Build it and they will come edition
Ted Kaczynski Was Right
/aocg/ - Advent of Code General #9
But but but nvidia gimp their gpus to make you buy the latest one
Best Ubuntu alternative?
I just realized they're called routers because they create a route for packets to travel by
What is the best browser to use in 2017? I use Pale Moon
20 yo
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hidden Spy Cam - help
Modern web needs to DIE!
Ereader Thread
Moore's law is finished forev
GNU Plus Linux Thread
Any Sup Forums having experience with nltk or natural language process?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread (ask your stupid questions here)
Reminder that the screen alone in an iMac would cost $1,299
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
Love windows thread
Bought gf apple watch series 2
Want to delete Facebook
Has anyone else experienced this problem? I noticed there’s was some form of material on the back of my new CPU fan...
Let me guess. you "need" more
About to switch
Mechanical Keyboard General - /mkg/ - Thread Into Which Keyboards Are Posted
Is this the end of x86?
What the fuck are we looking at?
Which big tech company (doesn't have to be American) you find to be the most cancerous?
Lets get a Sup Forums Christmas wish list going
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Don't mind me... just lied on my resume about my programming ability while my IDE finishes 99% of my code
What is the best Gnu+Linux OS to use if i have used windows my whole life and want to use it to manage online banking...
How do I learn programming?
/guts/ thread
He doesen't have minimum 32gb ram
Mechanical hard drives
Ubuntu Meets Windoh user
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Best programming pet? no catfags allowed
Unix can do everything linux can do and more
Car car = new Car();
Rate my setup
What tech company would you say is the biggest threat to people's digital rights?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Practically speaking, how bad is it to keep all your passwords to everything in a single notepad file on your desktop...
Post your (mobile) music player
/gg/ - Gentoo General
Konqi is hunting bugs to make KDE even more polished and secure! Why don't you join him? It's fun!
In browser
What language do you prefer mmm
'Sir how about this one, this car cost 0.002 btc'
Was Windows XP aesthetic?
Post screenshots of your firefox 57 userChrome.css, just finished mine after updating
/bst/ - Battlestations Thread
I like my Ryzen system, it's comfy
75% of over a billion devices in the world are ready to be broken into at any time
Let's discuss the best mouse option, trackballs. I'm looking to upgrade from my Kensington Orbit. Suggestions?
All the wikia pages are blank...why is this happening?
CPU-Z thread?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why does vim have such an autistic interface?
Iphone x
Cloud machines
KDE Blur
Sup Forums here
The best way to learn about technology is growing up poor. You didn't throw out tech...
Can you code in assembly?
Got netbook
Offical amd Sup Forums hate thread - part 2- bankrupt & finished edition
December 2017
There are only 300,000 AI engineers worldwide, but millions are needed
Opinions on unity as a piece of technology?
Post your Firefox version. >=57.0 fags with broken browsers are not welcome
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Post your SOT stats
I'm uninstalling Arch as we speak
GNU/Linux /minimalism/ thread
Has anyone here traveled internationally with their laptops/data...
/amg/ - Apple Mac General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Mozilla FireFox
The year of linux is finally here
Did anything ever rise up and fill Yik Yak's shoes?
What does Sup Forums think about the dragonbox pyra?
Thoughts on using this server as a desktop replacement?
Why do girls use iphones?
/UMPC/ General Psion 5 edition
Plaintext thread
Apple is a meme
Windows 10 AME (Ameliorated)
It's GNU/Linux!
Los Angeles Fire (Bel Air Fire)
Why aren't you using superior browser? first to get security updates...
Want to use linux
What is life going to be like in 10-15 years when camera and microphone technology progresses to the point where...
/w10/ - Windows 10 General
What the fuck is the point of a liquid meme cooler when my 8700k can sit at 22C idle with an NH-D15S air cooler?
Kodi thread?
Which one Sup Forums
Post aesthetic UI
Are sound cards a meme?
/hsg/ - home server general
Router without ME/PSP?
Could we build bombs to destroy whole cities?
Vaporziers are technology
What's your IQ
Firewall in Linux
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is American computing really weak?
Why would you tolerate 144p on YouTube?
Fuck Youtube maybe?
You are approached by a being with mystical powers. It says you can't use linux otherwise you will die...
Am I the only one who finds single slots cards sexy af
What apps do you regularly use on android Sup Forums?
/hrt/ - Hardware Removal-of-botnet Thread
Coding bootcamps?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
How does one achieve John McAfee status?
My ssd
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Will AI make latinos useless?
If Linux is so good then why don't you go and post a proof of a PROFESSIONAL artist/video editor/musician or any...
Design your perfect laptop GO (pic not related)
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread:
Have to write Python at work
React OS 0.4.7 released
Which android media player does Sup Forums use on your phone and why?
Windows is a service
Continuation for if anyone wants to keep bitching about cryptokiddies making our GPUs expensive
How many CryptoKitties do you currently own, Sup Forums?
Nixos, void linux, or arch linux
Finland's 100th birthday
"i'll disable my ad blocker if i want to support the website/if the website can promise me malware free ads"
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Amd is going to be on literally everything
/aocg/ - Advent of Code General #8
Sup Forums Code challenge: Hard mode
Let’s look at the screen on the 5k iMac for a moment:
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...