What should I buy with €750?

What should I buy with €750?

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either a montrous dildo, a thinkpad, gentoo

i would save a little more for a motorcycle personally.

rope should be enough


Save it fag, having lots of money isn't a real reason to spend it.

Is that supposed to be funny?


Honestly, you should probably buy a suit or at least a couple of nice outfits.

What do you need?

I think it's advice.

A savings account

donate it to susan g komen

Lots of pentium 4s and agp video cards

€750 worth of bitcoin

Buy me I can suck your dick when you want

Stop it, no one's falling for your retarded Ponzi scheme.

t. shitcoin bagholder

This. You're on Sup Forums, which means you probably wear clothes that don't fit you. I'm not saying designer brands, just buy some nice ones. It does wonders for your self esteem.

Save until you have ~€1000.
By that time, it will be Q1 2018 and there are rumors of some pretty bangin parts coming out by then.


save it until you have enough to get a jetski

Definitely an advice.

E46 compact and a bag of condoms. You'll need them when you accidentally spook some romanians jacking your car for parts and they pin you down when you try to run for your life.



Since you don't need anything at the moment, you should just save it.

Donate to the clinton foundation

700 eur paypal for this pepe I have the only original I can ship it to you

[email protected]