Let me guess. you "need" more

let me guess. you "need" more.

Other urls found in this thread:


Let me guess, you "need" more.

truly epic

I kind of wish we didn't.

16 colors is all you need, as commanded by God.

I'm so fucking glad CRTs are dead


More what?
More monitors?
More colors?
More pixels?
More reflection?
Why do we need to spend half of each thread guessing what the fuck you are on about until the thread derails into cp?


>not having a monochrome display

You just answered the question yourself.

Now get started. That CP ain't gonna post itself.

You don't in reality need more than 2 colors. But it's nice to have.


A THIN display with HDR and true blacks.

Find me a CRT with a 240hz refresh rate.

Pah, absolutely no one needs more than 16 shades of grayscale and even 4 shades is a bit much.
Really, anyone can get by with just 1-bit B/W.


I need at least 16 big guys around here

I don't want to kill my eyes with radiation.

>he "needs" a monitor

Actually, you can use a VR headset.



Crt static makes me insane

Having a freaking RADIOACTIVE VACUUM in front of my head does not make me comfortable. I am glad we're advancing to OLED panels, true blacks on a thin screen at 4K 240hz.

I came

As long as you can adjust the zoom, this could be cool. I wouldn't want shit spread so far that I had to turn in a circle, but to have the equivalent of a couple of 2K or 4K monitors in front of me might be cool.

all that is missing is your waifu next to you in VR for maximum conffyness

For you, and me.

Come on. You're too into tech to think like this. You can do better. I fucking know you're capable of more.


fuck off jew

Here's some cp