God I wish my computer would struggle with the most basic of tasks

>God I wish my computer would struggle with the most basic of tasks

Other urls found in this thread:


>Pic unrelated.

>god I wish I could afford pic related. I can't so I'm going to pretend like it's shit anyways.

But what's a computer?

>everyone who makes fun of my soyboy machine just has sour grapes

>wasting money on a craptop instead of a glorified desktop
>not spending the extra buck on a old thinkpad for presentations (laptop are only good at that)

Konpyūta to wa nanidesu ka.

>core i5 can't handle basic tasks

lmao are you intel marketing?

>you need an i7 for youtube

On a mac you do. Do you know how much they CONSTANTLY overheat and thermal throttle?

Is this the nu-numale?

Nice trips bee tee dubbayu

Bot really the nu-male doesn't necessarily have developed breasts due to soy product consumption.



t. pajeet soyboy


>"The processor performance in particular is significantly reduced during our stress test with the two Windows tools Prime95 and FurMark. The consumption of theIntel Core i5-7360Uis steady at 23-24 watts, but the clocks change over the course of the test. The CPU starts at 1.3-1.5 GHz, but then levels off at 1.6-1.7 GHz after some time."


I mean it's not as bad as the 2015 mac that would constantly downclock to 1 GHz if you even watched youtube for more than 5 minutes but it's still pretty bad if XPS laptops can sustain 3.5 GHz and above for extended periods of time.

>no laptop ever overheats when maxed out at 100% cpu for over 1hour

>How to Fix Throttling on the Dell XPS 15 9560
>Why is my Alienware 15 CPU throttling to 800 mhz?
>GL702VS Thermal Throttling
>Asus GL702 thermal throttle while gaming
>Omen 17-w102ng: CPU throttling to 800 Mhz

Bloody apple!

Not all of them do, like modern xps 15s

These are mostly faulty units or something the consumer did (put laptop on bed, covering the vent ports). However on ALL apple laptops constant overheating and thermal throttling is a "feature".

Don't think I'm defending laptops btw. I used to own both windows and max computers before I did my R7 1700 + vega 56 mini-itx build and I will never go back to them.

>must be faulty


No. Tell us more.
Most of these problems, as I read, are in used machines and are solved with a repaste.
I still think that Apple needs to stop tickling with thermal specifications, specially considering that Intel is in the middle of NetBurst 2.0

what the population will look like soon

Right, it's not a widespread problem like on macs. This is a big reason why people don't buy them.

I wish, it's actually due to the very tiny slim heating macs have.

If i paid $1700+ for a fucking laptop, id expect it to work somewhat flawlessly...

>very tiny slim heating macs have.
>same copper heatpipes every company does
>apple just paints them black
>act like apple is the only laptop maker with thermal throttling when cpus are maxed

>literally a facebook machine
>mfw people encoding video on it and complaining it's slow as mollusk.

My T440p has black heat pipes. Are they just copying Apple now?

>mfw can't download incest pornos because Os Eks

No you cum drizzle, they're literally tiny as fuck. Seriously, pic related is what apple puts in their computers to cool housefire dual-core intel processors that can pull over 35 watts for a TDP rating of like 15.

>it's okay when anyone else does it

No, it's not. Anyway I'm done with laptops. Paying 2-4X the price to get lower performance with no upgradability fucking blows.

That laptop has an actual 15W TDP part. The cooling solution is completely acceptable.
The 15" MacBook Pro is barely good enough for burst loads on the 35W CPU, not to mention it has to cool the ~20W GPU as well under full computational load.

That's 15W vs 55W on similar cooling solutions.

it's like there is a compromise on portability or something

>i'm sick of sports cars!
>paying 2-4x the price for less seats and boot space

Not an argument anymore. Already own a cheap $300 convertible for work. Whenever I need the performance I just remote into my desktop.

>everyone can get by on a cheap laptop these days!

are you the stupidest cunt alive?

Nah, that's not even it.
You can totally cram better cooling into a macbook pro chassis, there just aren't good margins on it, so Apple doesn't do that.

And a mini-itx at home. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere you can just remote into your desktop whenever you need the processing power. Teamviewer only uses like 2 mbps if you're not moving too much.


So, as probably the only person in this thread who owns the exact same computer as displayed in OP, what can't I do with it exactly?

Have security

max out your cpu and gpu for over 1 hour then expect the same clock speed as before you started the test

daily reminded that 90% of the cucks on here have decade old thinkpads that they paid top dollar for too on ebay


The exploit has been confirmed to be access by remote means other than screen sharing.

Run the CPU at full load without it hitting 100'C and heavily throttling.





>macbook pro with a dedicated facebook button

>top dollar
if an 8th to a 16th of the price of a new one is top dollar I don't want to know what you think of new laptop prices.

>God I wish my computer had shit battery life and trackpad

I'm not sure you know what the word means..

lmao this

it's top dollar for old used laptops.

it's a circlejerk price hike from other thinkpad cucks

My T440p gets a legitimate 10 hours of use with chromium, terminal, and VS code open.
It also has a trackpoint and a much better keyboard.

trackpad is still the best out there

it's been 10 fucking years since apple did the giant trackpad shit and no one has matched it yet

it's fucking retarded

Don't the new models have that common defect where parts of it just randomly die?

patched day of within a couple hours, i was here when Sup Forums was having autismal rage over this

But I've done that, and it generally runs at about 50-60 C, sometimes 70. Overheating MacBooks are kind of a thing of the past.

It was un-patched with another "update" again lmao. Apple just can't get a fucking grip anymore.

It was a counterpoint to show why you wouldn't want a Windows laptop

Among other things like being lighter and having better screens, Windows laptops don't beat macs in any category other than costing less (not true for Thinkpads) and performance when heug thick beast 7lbs.



I just tried it, it cannot be done. What are you memeing on about?

you wish, it will be much uglier

You don't know? Wewlad you better watch out to what "free" wifis you connect to.

Actually theres evidence that repasting a macbook pro improves their performance.
But yes, they have too tiny heatsinks for the heat that intel processors produce.
The 2012 non retina macbook had the perfect thinness for today processors.
>related video: thermals stays the same, but the performance improves after a repaste

>dedicated facebook button
That's safari showing its shorcuts user.




>God i wish i could clean the fans without having to deal with a shitton of glue, tiny different screws and easily destroyable ribbon cables.

>those pics

>implying that you have to deal with glue and ribbon cables to take the heatsink off
Granted, the screws sucks.

Glue is more a microsoft camp in terms of laptop.

I have to correct myself, In fact you have to deal with the ribbon cables to get the heatsink off
>that little heatsink
Why apple? Why?
A teardrop design could grant that heatsink more effective surface.

I bet that Apple could throttle a Ryzen 2500u

I bet ARM could throttle an ARM7TDMI.

Why hasn't somebody made an actual professional laptop that's also aesthetically pleasing yet?

this. if someone could make a mbp clone with better keyboard, etc. that has great driver support for linux id be happy af

Lenovo did it and thinkfags cried.

I remember that they did a OTB compatible Mac motherboard for desktops.
I think that we could do the same for a laptop, right?

you really need to build the whole thing for a laptop though, unless the industry decided on standards like for desktops. not what i had in mind, but that would be amazing

Well at least it doesn't has ads

>the need to plaster the "It's beautiful" on the title because it's obviously not
I want to see the face of those people the day we get an easy way to edit dna and black people start to whiten themselves with it.

They have, ThinkPad.

MacBooks pre 2016 were pretty good. Now they're shit.

I know because I'm posting from one. Never sell your 2013, boys.

>School buys 80 iPads
>After a few months, 62 out of 80 looks like pic related
>Batteries have begun swelling and leaking
>Retailer says "contact manufacturer"
>Manufacturer says "contact retailer"
>School paid more than 47000 dollars for this shit


Bekinski lol

That's a pre-Retina Macbook Pro logic board.
25W Ivy Bridge processor and chipset.

What the fuck did they do to them?

Oh wait, they're first generation iPad Minis they probably bought cheap because they were sitting in a warehouse unsold for years.

Lithium Ion batteries do this if they're not regularly charged and discharged.

not if i can help it

Grey, perfect and grey.

That most computers today "struggle with the most basic tasks" is the fault of the software, not the hardware.


It only got worse later on. The 2015 macbook pro would literally drop to 1 ghz when doing cpu intensive tasks and temps would skyrocket to above 100C, crashing/freezing was very common.

The ones that do are macs.

It's always a trade-off between fan noise and throttling.

Macbook Pro's are optimized to be quiet, they aren't intended for heavy computations.
If you need to compile stuff or encode video you hire someone who know about such nerdy stuff and probably has some ugly noisy bulky computer.

>Macbook Pro's are optimized to be quiet, they aren't intended for heavy computations.
>Macbook Pro

You never noticed how the word "pro" is only put on consumer level products?

"Pro" is short for "Prosumer".

Wrong, see xps 15.

>"Our test unit performs very well when under stressful processing conditions. The system is able to maintain the maximum 3.1 GHz Turbo Boost for the CPU when under Prime95 stress while keeping core temperatures in the low 70 C range."

>"The XPS 15 is completely silent when idling or during low loads on the Power Saver profile. More moderate loads with the dGPU active may bump fan noise up to 33 dB(A) for short periods, which is still on the low-end and not at all distracting. Gaming will cause fan noise to cycle from 33 dB(A) to 36.5 dB(A). Most of the time, however, the system will remain stable at 36.5 dB(A) under heavy load."


Remember this is all being done on a 4c8t i7-6700HQ with a base frequency of 2.6 GHz and TDP of 45 fucking watts.

tl;dr macs are engineering disasters

>He brings his desktop on the airplane
>He uses his desktop on a train
>He brings his desktop to coffee shops to creep on girls while he gets work done

>standard m.2 connector
>sufficient cooling
I don't see the problem.

Not a heatpipe problem. They increased the temps needed for the fans to spin up.

>"Pro" is short for "Prosumer"

This. Even when Jobs worked in NeXT he made presentations about targeting what he called at that time the 'Prosumer market', people who were neither solid professionals who needed mission critical things or total casuals.

> Thousands of years of inbreeding will be undone by 2050
... good?

I would hit it

Hahaha yeah guize everything with Pro written in it is for plebs

Windows 7 PROfessional
VMware Workstation PRO
InterPRO workstations.

Applel btfo by based Sup Forums xD