What is the less bloated edition of Windows ? I don't want Cortana neither Metro apps !

What is the less bloated edition of Windows ? I don't want Cortana neither Metro apps !

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Enterprise LTSB
no cortana, no stupid shit, no games
it's the GNU/Linux of Windows 10 versions

There are new Enterprise versions, now : E3 and E5, I'm confused

If you need 4 versions of an os you're already fucked

are you a macfag?

because linux has a bazillion distros, some with multiple "flavors"

And they're free like osx

Windows Embedded Standard 7

Please don't compare Windows with GNU+Linux.

How do you get that if you aren't a business?

if Linux was spyware and unauditable.

search "windows evaluation" on DDG


What is "no games" about the Enterprise version? Just curious.

What's the version that lets you disable the telemetry settings for real?

LTSB. It really is the based version of Windows 10.

Cool. Will look into getting that version for my next PCs. Thanks

Whatever chinese are getting

Enterprise/LTSB has an option to send 'security data' only. So I assume if you disable Defender and block the monthly(?) malware check tool, it won't send any telemetry (yeah right)

You can buy it from someone like me

upgraded my win 10 pro to enterprise.. how dl i make it ltsb?

Good luck. You need an enterprise license to use LTSB, and those are only available on a volume licensing subscription to organisations.

Ebay is full of used and these licenses.


Unironically Windows Server 2016. Fully modularized and you can pick and choose all major system components. No store, no cortana, no bullshit.

No self-installing candy crush/minecraft/solitaire. DX12 and everything else you need to play your games are still there like every other version.

Portable version of KMSPico is good. Just need to run it twice a year, IIRC. It doesn't leave anything behind

Windows 10 XFCE

ah okay, but I guess you have to pay extra for these versions, right? (inb4 just pirate lololol)

You can buy a legitimate key on reseller sites for under $50.

In EU you can buy Win 10 licenses for 5€ a piece because couple years ago EU high court ruled that Microsoft can't forbid to sell used keys from old business computers etc.

Why is the Windows 10 UI so ugly?

Do we really have people on this thread who don't pirate Windows?
And retards still use KMSpico and MTK?
fucking nu-Sup Forums.

Unironically Gentoo

What's wrong with KMSPico, other than it being closed source? Last time I checked, all the open source alternatives were retardedly hard to compile/use

The ONLY way to FULLY disable telemetry on Enterprise (Ctrl+F "Windows Restricted Traffic Limited Functionality Baseline"):

>What is the less bloated edition of Windows ?
Windows 7

Free as in free dildo ravaging your asshole without permission

I would definitely put server on a desktop. Lack of bluetooth and wifi and touchpad drivers make it terrible for laptops though.

Fucked up mishmash of UIs from the late 90s, from the late 2000s, all topped over with a dysfunctional "modern" interface

>What is the less bloated edition of Windows ?
>I don't want Cortana neither Metro apps !
Use 7 and run a script to uninstall the telemetry updates.
Or if you prefer the flat UI then use 8.1 and remove the Metro apps and the store, install a start menu replacement like startisback, and again run the script to remove telemetry updates.
As far as I'm concerned 10 has only two benefits, DirectX 12 if you're into vidya, and the fact you can use it legitimately for free without relying on dubious "activators"
10 is not any lighter than 8.1 or 7, it has a shitton of stuff running in the background at any time.

I have never had to use tiles or a full screen start menu.

>As far as I'm concerned 10 has only two benefits, DirectX 12 if you're into vidya, and the fact you can use it legitimately for free without relying on dubious "activators"

Obviously you're not a power user, Win 10 has many new features that is essential to me at least. For example Windows' Subsystem for Linux.

LTSB is the only bearable Windows 10.

Just fucking write the cmd command to set an external kms server and write a new one to activate os, same shit but without running any closed source software from russians...

Windows 10 AME

Documentation: actrons.info/pdf/win10_ame_15-10-2017_doc.pdf

So sketchy, I wouldn't trust builds like that not to have implanted their own malware instead

I can't stand W10
What's the best version of W7 and how do I debloat it thoroughly? I've been using that guide with the animu grill on the background but I don't think it's enough


What you are describing is windows 7

It is identical. It is only the licensing that is different. E5 allows an organisation to get keys for LTSB, E3 does not. That's all. Does not affect the OS itself, only the contract between corporation and Microsoft.

Reinstall is the only option. You cannot just switch to and from LTSB.
It is not modularized(unlike WES2009,WES7,WE8S), unless you are talking about the add server features option. Do note that you do not need the install media to add roles and features(For WES7 you need the appropriate .cab files from the install media's DS directory), so the bloat is just hidden and not actually missing.

Sir, plz reconsider this. Windows(R) 10 is the Most Secure operation system. Windows(R) 7 is insecure Sir.

Thank You Sir, Regards Ranjeet from Microsoft

Can't you just run a pirated version without any repercussions?

LTSB, but, be aware that it does get updates often, just not the regular new improves and stuff. You can try a toolkit made by the ppl from MDL but every change you made will be overwritten if a new version of windows is released. (i'm not talking just security updates). Also, LTSB was not meant to be for consumers so be aware of that too.

I don't understand. Why do you bother with 10, the Windows that has more telemetry than features and stability, fixes what isn't broken, is prone to crash even more often randomly than older Windows OSes and looks worse than 7, Vista, XP or any other Windows before 10 and 8?

There's no benefit to using it. DX12 is still only required for just a few amount of games, and that's it. Use 7 or even any other older Windows OSes instead, since they at least respect your control over them and your decision to not receive updates.

>What's the best version of W7
Ultimate or . Either is fine, but the latter let's you choose right away the kind of features you don't want to install along Windows 7.

>how do I debloat it thoroughly?
Go to the list of installed programs through Control Panel, then click Activate or deactivate Windows's features. There, you can disable some programs that you don't find necessary. Go to Services, and you can also find another list of processes where you deactivate some you don't like.

There's more to it and I know that. I remember seeing a guide with black background and orange letters that guides completely about debloating 7. Someone here could post it, since I don't have it.

LTSB edition, but there is still lot of carp... Use Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro

>the Windows that has more telemetry than features and stability, fixes what isn't broken, is prone to crash even more often randomly than older Windows OSes and looks worse than 7, Vista, XP or any other Windows before 10 and 8?

there is something wrong with your computer

Just stick with and debloat w7/w8.1 and pray Microshit will release a non-retarded fucking OS instead of trying to fix their free-NSA-scanner bitch of a product with unavoidable function-breaking updates

Just check nanami-tan.info, it's definitely up there

Tried Windows 7. It felt like I was running it on a 2000s computer. It was so fucking slow. While Windows 10 runs so smooth.


>what is driver compatability?

Oh, I didn't know this exist. Thanks.

Server. I got it for free and it's just that.

>>>If you need 4 versions of an os you're already fucked
>>Meanwhile, Linux has a shit ton more
>B-b-but they're free!

Not OP but thanks for the information, 63785639.
Is there an actually good alternative created with that "DISM" tool though?

I had these (rbt.asia/g/thread/61080860/#q61082649) saved and I think the guy's trustworthy, but you never know.


You would be an extremely retarded normalfag or tech illiterate to use a hacked together piece of WIndows made by literary nobody.
Do the modifications yourself and know how it works, why trust someone else? Very likely includes spyware, only reason to shill it so hard.

hol up
where i get dis Enterprise LTSB version @

please stop shilling this garbage

Enterprise or Enterprise LTSB.
Sadly my laptop is already built in by home edition so I don't want to lose my license key. The hardest part is since I can't use group policy, I need to find it on regedit.

I'm stuck with some frakenstein version of windows cobbled together from what seems like XP, server, 7 and 8.
Seems the custom image has been secreted somewhere in my hardware and just gets loaded again whenever I try reinstall.

thats just default windows 10 user

>Is there an actually good alternative created with that "DISM" tool though?
>I had these (rbt.asia/g/thread/61080860/#q61082649) saved and I think the guy's trustworthy, but you never know.

>that tiling preview
what the fuuug