I'm starting to save money for 8700k, new mobo and 16GB DDR4!

I'm starting to save money for 8700k, new mobo and 16GB DDR4!

Estimate time: 5-6 months.

NO ONE can stop me

Only new cute anime figs...

K. and stop pointing that gun at me. poorfag

big if true
keep us posted

i want Satanya to torture me

lewd the satania.
>goto /bant/ and uploads some lewd satania
>/bant/fags gets angwy

>Estimate time: 5-6 months.
if it'll take you that much time to save for it, I'm almost 100% certain you have better things to do with that money.

that literally only cost me 800
the real trouble is getting it while its in stock
and getting it to run on windows 7

stock was complete shit during Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Getting an 8th Gen is a lot better than getting a cheap 7th Gen.

>around same time last year
>Telling myself the same thing about 6700k
>By the time I have the money Kaby Lake is out
>end up getting a 6700k for $275, meme MSI titanium board for $120 with an SSD

You'll probably be best off getting a 6 core 12 thread i5 because 9th gen will be out by that time.

Ryzen+ will be released by the time you got your money and it will absolutely demolish everything Intel has to offer.

Heard the same with the initial Ryzen release.

It did crush kabylake.

>It did crush kabylake.


You are very optimistic if you think that the i8700k will be available in 5-6 months.

Wait, I meant still available.

>You are very optimistic if you think that the i8700k will be available in 5-6 months.
It's available in Europe.

>having to save for something sub 10K


I like how small Satania boobs are underlined here.

Get some self control

heh i can buy 100pcs right now

fucking neet

I'm personally good with my Ryzen 1700 right now. Will consider replacing it with the Ryzen 2700 or 2800 when they arrive.
It's kinda nice that nowadays my upgrades are more about motivation and less about money desu.

Wow right in time for summer, how coincidental. At least by then you'll be playing games rather than shitposting on Sup Forums

But shouldn't you be in school right now though?

>tfw r1600 is better than i7700K

>5-6 months

you live in honduras?

>Estimate time: 5-6 months.
Intel has probably changed sockets twice by then. Have fun.

7700k shits on any AMD cpus

back to Sup Forums

>a few weeks before 2018
>being this much of a corelet