75% of over a billion devices in the world are ready to be broken into at any time

>75% of over a billion devices in the world are ready to be broken into at any time

Who would buy this garbage?

Other urls found in this thread:

gs.statcounter.com/android-version-market-share/mobile-tablet/chart.php?device=Mobile & Tablet&device_hidden=mobile+tablet&multi-device=true&statType_hidden=android_version®ion_hidden=ww&granularity=monthly&statType=Android Version®ion=Worldwide&fromInt=201611&toInt=201711&fromMonthYear=2016-11&toMonthYear=2017-11&csv=1

if everyone main choice is so bad then
you know the alternative must be worse

Not Apple, they even tell advertisers to fuck off. Don't know why Sup Forums has a hate boner for when they support a literal advertising company. Not everyone is going to jailbreak. Or install adblockers don't give me that shit

>tfw xz1c comes with oreo out of the box

another reason why sony is the best

What about all the other smartphones though? I don't think the one I use is any of those 4 models because it's really old.

>implying the other 25% aren't

>4 models

Brainlet it refers to lollipop, marshmallow and nougat, and excludes Oreo

Fucking idiot

Comfy on LineageOS

Which android version?

If it's not Oreo based ur fucked kiddi

Pajeet will defend this

lol 4 versions and I'll bet not even 10% devices run anything that new
Lagdroid BTFO

>Not linking the article


>However, researchers said the attack is not 100% silent, as the screencast icon will appear in the user's notification bar whenever an attacker would be recording audio or capturing the screen.

So you have to be retarded to fall for it

>over half of android users globally are chinks and pajeets

Makes one think

Every single Android app already demands access to the camera, microphone, locations, all your personal files, all your contacts, your g-mail account, etc. etc.

the market has decided. The 2 worst mobile OSes won. There is no alternative anymore.
People don't care about security, when they can have billion fart apps and shit emojis instead.

What about my iPhone 4S running iOS5?

>the market has decided
>The 2 worst mobile OSes won.
>but m-muh rational economic actors

You're probably okay, as long as nobody texts you or manages to make you display that string of text that makes your phone shit itself.

>Who would buy this garbage?
Everyone who can't afford an iPhone or find a 3G dumbphone that's worth using.

So what about the other models retard? Did you not understand my question? My phone runs Froyo. The OP seems to be implying that all phones are either of those models, but probably they're just like 5% of all androids.

Pajeet my son
You are men now
It is time to buy new phone

Fuck off kike, this phone does everything one could want.
>a picture of some percentages titled as "developers"
What is this even proof of?

Ranjeet please, contain your asshole

>Platform Versions
>This section provides data about the relative number of devices running a given version of the Android platform.

>For information about how to target your application to devices based on platform version, read Supporting Different Platform Versions.


>relative number of devices
So the ones in the chart are measured in relation to all the ones not included? Like, marshmallow's market share compared to pre-2.3 market share is only 30%, lolipop is only 26%, and nougat only 20%. Thanks for proving exactly my point. I'm sorry that you had to expose yourself as a dumbass with no reading comprehension in the process.

phones will become real personal computers soon and they will run real personal computer operating systems soon (mac os, windows and gnu/linux systems)

it was a huge step for phones when the market came up with a better concept than nokia, back then it was unthinkable they could run a full fledged OS so mobile light versions were created

there is NOTHING that speaks against using modern OS on mobile devices today and even less in the near future

this will be the next big thing and to everyone who disagrees with me irl i will link them this post
you know who you are
and yes i do have severe autism

>Poorfag is literally this braindead

No saving you

>Withan escalation of 2%, last year’s Android Nougat remains the third most used Android version. And there is also a small footprint of Android Oreo, thanks to the Pixel devices were the earliest to receive the update. In the case of JB and ICS, the figure hasn’t changed, this indicates the manufacturers don’t have any plans to update these devices and they’ll eventually phase out as their owners upgrade to new devices.


>there is NOTHING that speaks against using modern OS on mobile devices today
There is a lot that speaks against it.
For once, the average normie can't be trusted with too much control over their system, so it has to be dumbed down to the point where they just put their finger on the pretty picture of the big, blue S to open Skype.
Furthermore, phone OS will always be different than desktop OS because of the hardware differences. On your desktop you have a big monitor, a keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, etc.
On your phone, you have a touch screen, that's it.
Smartphones have certain advantages over Desktops and vice versa.
Smartphones are superior for receiving emails, because the days where you manually have to check your emails are over. Now you just get a notification on your phone.
But more complex things like gaming or programming still have to be done on a desktop

Oh really? That's a thing?

>Android Nougat remains the third most used Android version
You are a literal brainlet. The fact that one specific version is the most used doesn't even mean that old androids as a whole aren't used more than new ones, because those are many versions and have lower individual market shares.
>the numbers don't even add up to 100%
I wonder why...
>Google releases the Android versions usage share data on its developer portal
Oh, so they don't even gather data on not supported versions? Thanks for proving my point again queer. I'd wager that the amount of devices running pre 2.3 andorid is even larger than what I first thought, probably over 97%, not 95%

You can stop anytime pajeet

>5% is 97%


>those numbers ad up to roughly less than 50%
I wonder what android version is the other half running...
How can one be so stupid that you don't even understand the data you look up and post?

Apparently you're safe, it was a 6 and up bug, I looked back into it. I'm sure there's some kind of security concerns, but whether or not it's anything horrible, I have no idea. No worse off than Froyo user, or people on gingerbread, probably. Should be fine, as far as I can think of.

Did you miss the part where they say that they collect that data from only the devices with currently supported versions? For your brainletcy, that means that all the devices running older versions aren't even included in those numbers.
>replying to a post before even comprehending what it says
You should stop browsing this board man, you're too stupid.

most of the things you are mentioning are just UI related
security: windows 10 is already building in a retard mode (doesnt run apps outside the windows store) for normies

i think you might grasp it from this sentence:
normies (-gamers) will not have desktop computers anymore, they will put their pone in their charger and it will connect to monitor and keyboard doing everything that computers can today

Ranjit please stop

Rounding error aside

Just buy a new fucking phone it's 2017

poor and stupid lmao

>Software developing kit version
Those numbers concern the installations of the SDK you retard, they don't even have anything to do with the versions running in the devices. For your information, a version of the SDK doesn't only create apps for that version of android, so you can't say that there's a direct relation. Even if there was, you'd still be getting numbers of the amount of computers where the program was installed, and that has nothing to do with the amount of devices actually running that version (because it would be based on two false premises: first, that a version with more developers has more users [which again ignores outdated versions]; second, that more installations of the SDK equal more developed apps). You gotta be pretending to be absolutely retarded on purpose.

>get exposed as a retard
>better call names
I hereby accept your defeat. Go away and I'll let you save face.

>No one is downloading or developing apps designed for froyo or lower

Is this logical fallacy intentional or are you actually this short sighted? Consider that most of the world's software is written in COBOL. Also consider that most enterprise computers run Windows XP. Then we can say that most servers in the world run GNU/Linux. Now realize that:
>barely anyone is developing in COBOL
>nobody is developing programs for Windows XP
>nobody is developing software for GNU/Linux
Feel free to realize why you're wrong and understand that you're a brainlet. Checkmate.

You have not provided a single source to back up a single claim you've made :)

I assume mister big brain knows how to open a CSV

gs.statcounter.com/android-version-market-share/mobile-tablet/chart.php?device=Mobile & Tablet&device_hidden=mobile+tablet&multi-device=true&statType_hidden=android_version®ion_hidden=ww&granularity=monthly&statType=Android Version®ion=Worldwide&fromInt=201611&toInt=201711&fromMonthYear=2016-11&toMonthYear=2017-11&csv=1

The critical issue is that they'll never get updates to fix this.


>tfw kitkat
Why would you use anything else?

Feel free to understand why you're wrong and that you're a brainlet.

looks like this does not affect me because im still on 4.1.2

>You have not provided a single source to back up a single claim you've made :)
No, and that's because you provided it all instead of me. Go to the link you posted earlier and read that they collect those numbers from currently supported versions. Read what I pointed in every post and use your eyes (e.g. if you read then you watch your image and find out that it's actually data about the SDK installations), and if on top of that you use math and logic that helps; but you can only do all of this if you first stop trying to win Internet arguments, and seek truth instead. I have already proved what I said, and disproved your data manipulation and fallacies, so I will not be entertaining your idiocy any longer. At first I thought you were just some mildly idiotic consumer, but it has come clear that you're not unintelligent, just rather childish and immature. If you're a male over 20, grow up already queer.

>No evidence at all
>Just insults

I've already provided other sources of information not based on SDK installations but okay sure man. Strawman your way out of this.

Im sure you'll buy a phone that wasn't released in 2010 soon.

Man just stop. That guy is right and you are probably lucky that he didn't see the last image you posted. I get what you're trying to do, but educate yourself first.

Provide evidence to the contrary

I want statistics and links right now. Not your opinion.

I want evidence of Pre-Gingerbreads alleged 97% marketshare right fucking now and if you can't provide then you are unequivocally BTFO

The fuck are you talking about? That image clearly shows the decline to irrelevance of every version of Android before Jelly Bean. Jelly Bean is Android 4.3. That user originally made the retarded claim that 95% of android devices run pre 2.3. That's fucking stupid no matter how you spin it.

I bet you are still affected by the other zillion vulnerabilities. Which you probably can't patch because Google/your carrier/maker don't release updates for your phone anymore.
It took Google to this year to come up with something like treble (I wonder why).

Good thing my phone is not a webserver with hundreds of users. No one is going to go out of their way to hack you, and you wont get malware with common sense(tm). This goes for both PCs and phones.

You gotta be butthurt as hell to try to autistically throw the argument on any passerby that disagrees with you. And posting twice in a row for that matter. KEK I'lln't legitimize your ignorance. The points he raised are clear, in essence he said that data isn't being collected from outdated versions, and therefore we don't know exactly how many old devices there are. If you want more insight see my reply to the next guy.
It shows the amount of devices being launched with certain version, not the total amount of devices with that version in existence. Want a proof of concept? Look up the net amount of devices that were sold with every version, and then show me where they are right now. If they're not in existence, they must have been thrown away or recycled or something, so you just have to show us where those 6 thousand gorillion useless phones are right now. If you can't prove that this phonocaust exists, then it's safe to assume that they are still being used somewhere. It's also logical that the amount of phones sold -for example- before 2015 is way bigger that the amount of phones sold from 2015 to the present, so unless you can prove that they were decommissioned, the simplest explanation is that statistics on those devices aren't being gathered because the OS version is outdated. Get a clue man.

>No evidence provided

Okay thanks for playing

that graph shows market share, not sales

so again, it shows that anything before 4.3 has negligible market share.

You come across as very mad right now. Ironical for a person who tried to twist the evidence time after time only to get called out on it. Try to learn something from this experience and become a better person.

>Still no Pre-Gingerbreads 97% evidence

Don't twist what I said like the other guy. I said amount of devices launched with the version, not sales. Now go and look up how the measure the market share.
>still mad as fuck
>still no evidence of the phonocaust
I find it funny that you totally disregarded that part. I'll leave now. Don't be so butthurt.

I asked for evidence before you did.

So have the manners and decency to provide yours first. Did your mother not teach you how taking turns works?

>unless you can prove that they were decommissioned
You need evidence that people dont use their old phones? stop trolling.

>launched with the version
That's even less relevant to the argument

that graph still represents market share. It has every version of android on there back to 1.1. All versions are represented, as are their market shares over time. You can see exactly when each version had its market share drop to irrelevant levels. That is to say, their market share numbers were tracked until they were no longer relevant.

So unless you're saying that these market shares started climbing AFTER dropping to ~1% and AFTER the phones with those versions were out of production, you are very wrong about this. And if you are saying that, well, clearly you're grasping at straws or trolling.

Except that you can install a modern OS on a 10 year old PC, but a 1-2 year old phone is left with an antiquated OS version for bullshit reasons.
We need to be able to install an OS in the phone just like in a PC. Trashing perfectly fine hardware every year while makers keep releasing phones with the same or even worse specs is not reasonable.

He obviously is trolling, no one would claim that 97% of android phones are on 2.3 or lower.

Sure you can on a PC, but a lot of people run win7 or older and don't update, because it's really not that big of a deal.

Also, I'd of course like to see android updates being available, but that might lead to the IOS model where you're forced to update to your your apps pretty fast. In that case I'd rather not have updates. Also, since android was launched newer versions have added less and less.

>75% of android phones aren't running Oreo

Fucking India

The iPhone 4s doesn't have this problem.

Actually it is 99,8%

I like how these articles come out right after they released their new update.
>no no goyim nougat, lollipop bad! You switch to (((Oreo)))