Muh neutrality

Isn't there any good non-botnet search engine out there that doesn't push this retarded statist NN bullcrap?

>retarded statist NN bullcrap?
Looks like you have no idea what's about to hit you.

Commies pls go.

yandex probably. any private company with a significant US market is going to be against NN repeals because its an extra risk to their income.

No, you will leave when you can't pay up to visit Sup Forums anymore.

Burgers GTFO, you brought this to yourselves.

I so happy that amerifats are going to get BTFO soon.

you sound like someone who would love Yandex

He said non-botnet, you dumbfucks.

oh yeah.
well then the answer is no. you can roll your own or you can adblock the message div.

A botnet from a country without an extradition agreement with yours isn't dangerous to you.

>mfw I shill anti-NN on Sup Forums for free just to ruin amerilard lives

Bahahahaha. I am the Russian now.

Australian here, we've had similar non-NN regulations since forever now.

You americans will get over it, at least the ones who are prepared to work and not communist babies like yourself.

Yeah, we all know how great your Internet is...

I love how Reddit is convinced anything relevant will happen.

Just create your own search engine.

Yeah it's shit, but it's nothing to do with the regulations you worthless commo.

>"Git big gov't off muh internet"
>OP is fag

You said it OP. I'm fucking disgusted by all those sites pushing non-nudes on us. If I'm going to waste my time masturbating it better be nude.

Aussies claim their internet is shit because
>muh separated from rest of the world
>muh shitty submarine cables
Meanwhile under the water

>If we don't have net neutrality we have to pay more for web

>muh freedoms.

>mfw net neutrality is all about money
>mfw nothing will happen either way
>mfw just manipulation and distraction from the jews

>net neutrality is statist

A new low for Sup Forums.

Roads are roads. They shouldn't work differently or charge you tolls based on whether you're a personal car or a transport truck and which company you're transporting goods for. The road adminstrators should just maintain the road itself and fuck off

top kek

>charge you tolls based on whether you're a personal car or a transport truck
That's how motor tax works, my dude.

> roads shouldn't work differently or charge you tolls based on whether you're a personal car or a transport truck
they do and they should

>charge you tolls based on whether you're a personal car or a transport truck
Transport truck and large charge damage the road more quickly that simple cars' thus they need to pay more for maintenance. Same with website, Hetflix and Youtube needs more invesstments in infrastructure to deal with the required bandwith.

your opinion disqualified

Europoor here
Any particular data besides porn I should hoard before NN is gone?

The absolute state of Sup Forumseddit

Nothing wrong with hoarding data

No, but there is everything wrong in saying
>Europoor here
>What do I do once this thing that will only affect Americans, if at all, happens?
Might as well say out loud "I'm a retarded Reddit bandwagoner"

>being a cuck

You pretty much proved his point with that picture

What if the retard is (You)??

Better start getting used to Yahoo.
Other search engines are going to cost you money.
Yahoo won't because its owned by Verizon.

>aussies lecturing others about the internet

get bit by a funnel web cunt

I do not think that DDG makes me 100% neutral. i just like the fact that it doesent bubble you and the duckduckhack part creates alot of functionality that i miss everytime i use Google