ITT just say something about Sup Forums or technology

ITT just say something about Sup Forums or technology.

I'm curious to hear opinions but please keep it Sup Forums related.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll start.

I completely disregard what anyone says if they can't type up a reply without comments like jewtel or poozen.

kill the gentoo meme

Fuck off, Gentoo is unironically the best distro

Advertising was a mistake

Misusing the term irony as a bannable offense, sorry.

>claims Gentoo is the best
>not building a distro from scratch
Ultimate control, least amount of bloat, create it the way you want including package manager.

What about using ayyymd?

I'm fucking tired of those autistic kids that post phones here like it wasn't just fucking meme technology with no real everyday use besides calls, fucking tired of phones, I wish this thread had more Linux OS content, I try to add value to Sup Forums and learn from valuable people but it gets every day more difficult

Threads that add value and are genuinely interesting usually die out on favor of bait and shill threads these days.

I'd still say no but that's walking a fine line. Depends how it's used I guess.

jesus christ, you're fucking autistic. How much fucking time do you have on your hands?

>using bash as default shell

Akarin > Maki

That's not Sup Forums related in the slightest.

>he could switch the shell at any time.
Of course, but that just makes it worse. After using fish and zsh, i couldn't imagine going back to bash, especially when if i was building my own distro. Its literally 2 commands to change the shell, so why wouldn't you?

>everyone who is not using Gentoo is a pleb
>everyone using LFS is autistic

i wish women were better considered. that board could also use some moe body positivity and being nicer to indians might result in an overall better experience

Fuck off you shitposting cunt

rude desu

unironically this

Avoid dpt like the plague. SNR is 1:300, at most.

ew niggers


>Say something about technology
>Thread doesn't belong on Sup Forums
You're a special child.

Honestly, I have no idea how to efficiently find the most value you can carry in a bag without carrying too much.

Your dick would melt inside her in

install gentoo

I don't know user, I'm not sure she's thicc enough for that

>Calls someone a nigger
>likes fat chicks
I'm done with this goddamn website.

I usually limit it to what I'll need, that's why I have a big bag and a little bag.

>Power bank
>Wall charger
>Type C cable
>Spare earphones (just in case)

That's usually mine.

If you need javascript in your browser, you're practically begging to be a part of a botnet.

what other x86 cpu is there besides AMD and Intel ?

The internet is about to go the ways of firearms. In the beginning, the founders fought for open and liberal access for everyone, to serve as a deterent and defense against tyranny. As weapons become more advanced and as time went on, that right has deteriorated and now all that's left is the illusion of power. Assault rifles can't take down tyranny. The tools to take it down have been restricted to use by the tyranny's armies alone, locked out of reach of its constituents.

So too, the internet. At first the pioneers fought for open and widespread access, to educate and connect the planet and to ensure liberty across the globe. And now time has went on, this defense against tyranny is soon to be restricted as well by net neutrality.


They're already working on a new low powered 8 core and apparently they're having some decent successful laptop sales in China.

They're still active if anyone here actually cares, and they're the only alternative to Intel and AMD if you want x86.

Well there's also Zhaoxin Semiconductor, which is a chink x86 maker.

>Assault rifles can't take down tyranny
I dunno, the Vietnamese and Taliban did a pretty good job with em.

The non-technical part of the populace will be tyrannized. The people that can't use Tor, VPNs, browser addons, Linux, VMs, etc. People who can won't be.

Aren't they now working with VIA?

ALSO it's an interesting read.


>I dunno, the Vietnamese and Taliban did a pretty good job with em.
Yet tyranny prevails in their enemies.
>The non-technical part of the populace will be tyrannized. The people that can't use Tor, VPNs, browser addons, Linux, VMs, etc. People who can won't be.
This is no longer enough. In Netsec there is asymmetrical development, favouring the attackers. Attacker's sole mission is exploit their targets and can focus all of their energy into this goal. Defenders must also employ resources to defend, but that's secondary to maintaining the operation of what they're defending, ex. an eCommerce store. Nation states can employ an ungodly amount of resources and utilize legal leeway that defenders can't keep up.
> Tor, VPNs, browser addons, Linux, VMs, etc....
is minimum. All of which already have many attack vectors.

muh dik

Thicc != Fat

dumb niggrposter

i am going to school to be able to design drivers for hardware so i can make it open source because g told me to do it many years ago
i may be wasting my life but at this point i dont care

That sounds like a lot of work

I enjoy technology but on a basic level, i like to get into problem solving but mostly use google for that. I'm not sure how good specs are just by reading them i have to google specific information. I like to browse Sup Forums but rarely post mostly in dumb questions thread. I wish i could get into it on Sup Forums levels but i don't think i can

That's a fine lookin' 56'er.

it's indians>"women">>>>>>>>>women>"women"/women who don't post nudes

i wish i could exile Sup Forums of its frogposter problem, that's about it

programming threads are great, consumer electronics are cool, computer parts are hilarious and pointless now but it's the userbase and I'm probably just getting a bit older and tired of the 4CHINZ in general. 2006 to 2017 is a pretty good run, i probably should have stopped coming a a long time ago

I'm positive about moe bodies!

Don't you mean 86er?
Or 69er?

That is one hot ass negress.

> please keep it Sup Forums related.
> ironically unrelated.jpg

Please OP give me sauce on that girl
used code tags to keep it Sup Forums related

we do consider women well, but they need to have feminine benises

> moe body positivity
Anime website.