Any user wanna visit Terry? He looks lonely and he's living in the park

Any user wanna visit Terry? He looks lonely and he's living in the park.

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How the fuck don't his parents try to find him?


Not their responsibility any more.

haven't been keeping track of terry, but if your mentally ill son who has been living at home well into adulthood goes away, you just hope he isn't dead in a ditch somewhere, past that, not your problem.
maybe you aren't american though.

Would you give him shelter in your neet cave?

>NEET cave
>full of expensive luxury goods
BigFazeek is like that, but his parents are rich.

Nothing wrong with Emma Watson, reddit on the other hand..

Didn't his battery charges the other day come from assaulting his parents?

Why isn't he in a mental institution? He's clearly schizo. Only a matter of time until he encounters a nigger in the park and raises the black crime statistics.

He actually lowers the black crime statistics by running over all the glow in the dark CIA niggers

latest ubuntu looks so fucking disgusting
thats sad :(

Eventually he is going to murder someone.

>Terry speak
Hurr see I ayy nihghurs dey glew n derk
Any fag who speaks in Terry speak is a spinless leech with no personality. It's the same thing that normies do when they like something.

>latest Ubuntu looks bad
What are you talking about? They've looked the same since Natty Narwhal was released in 2011. No inovation in design since then. They experimented with Mir, but that was never stable.

> Wanting to visit a verified king of manlets

>Emma Watson
Hopefully she ends up replacing Diana

Average height in US is 176cm (5'9 in retarded units)

someone call the cops so this criminal can be arrested.

Sup Forums gets the blame for Terry's degeneracy, yet it was leddit all along. Fucking typical.

This is how we Americans handle mental illness; just let nature sort it out (see: ).

Lolwut, goddamn nation of Manlets
someone edit that!!! US isn't manlet country!!!

Feels good to be a 6'4" GOD.

If Terry would have stuck with 16.04 LTS everything would have worked out fine.

KERR-POW! Right in the kisser, Alex!