>he uses an ISP that injects 400+ lines of JS into every response
He uses an ISP that injects 400+ lines of JS into every response
I'm not a retard I know how to use SSL.
hard to pick a favorite part
>people think a company that does this will play nice without net neutrality
Should you really have to fight your ISP on this front?
Nothing wrong with that. You could come up with some god awful way of defining interpolation functions but this way it's easy to read and perfectly clear what every function is.
>use pow()
I'm sure there's some reason they don't. I don't know JS.
How am I fighting my ISP? I'm not going out of my way to do anything that I wouldn't be doing anyway.
>this many chars to load 5 font weights
this is a talented Enterprise Solutions Architect
They probably wrote a script to batch fill lines like these which took less time for the whole project than a more elegant solution for each function.
Well, you'd hope.
Did you miss how some ISPs (mainly mobile ISPs, but anyone could be doing it) were already caught having APIs where companies that paid for the ability could look up your IP address and get your real name, or all the other bullshit with ISPs injecting shit? It's bullshit, and there's nothing much one can do now days besides using Tor/a VPN/other similar services full time.
You don't view people as attackers unless they succeed?
>GNU General Public License
>"Our records show your modem won't be able to handle these faster speeds so let's punish you filthy paupers by injecting approximately 600 meg of javashit into every page"
>The certified Comcast modem you're allowed to buy speeds up the connection just by blocking this abomination from being loaded.
Corporations have your best intrest in mind goy,they need consumer,so they won't fuck you. FUCKING COMMUNIST STOP HATING THE CORPORATION!!!
but does that script count in your data cap
Corporations do have my best interest in mind because I'm an owner, not a poorfag consumer. Stay poor nerd.
Do most burgers even have valid choices for ISP if they aren't happy with their current one(as in not some shit like satellite)? I can choose between 4 that do cheap 50mbps at my place.
Yes, it's called 56k
>b-b-but muh Annie may
>b-b-but muh games
Grow up
>Comcast cares about anything but itself
>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
>I own all the corporations goy!
They're doing this, because with NN they don't have competition
i really hope you don't believe this