Love windows thread

tell me what Sup Forums love about windows

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>tell me what Sup Forums love about windows

You started this war...

FixThisFast for IE toolbar

OP just talk about love

About 10? Nothing, it's a piece of shit.

yandere updates.
windows me tan shows pantsu on every BSOD

Say what you want, the amount of programs/downloads available for Windows is top tier. Theres no extra set up, you dont have to use alternatives for programs, i.e gimp. Other than that it still has its cons

heard about APT and repositories and no virus or scam? hm!
Thought so :P


ofc, your stupid if you think apt and repositories have everything that windows has available. Literally in so much denial, cant even accepts your os's cons

He didn't say that apt has more software than Windows, dumb nigger, just that it's a superior method for installing programs.

nothing at all
I would rather stick pins in my eyes than use windows.

when did I in my original post mention methods of downloading software? Im talking about software in general

>we crash Windows
Yeah, that's about right.

>it's a superior method for installing programs.
windows software contains aids when you download from cnet.
Tell me about windows server :#

Can you install everything you need from a terminal?

windows is crappy kernel

>Forced updates out of the box

There is nothing wrong with Windows, right right?

why would you want windows programs?
windows is only good because people develop games for it

It's, uhhh, something that my parents can use.
Not like it's a good software, it just piles up new [underdeveloped] features on layers of legacy and by the time they are good, suddenly they are legacy too and MS does not care until it's a security concern, then it just stops including that particular piece of software into Windows.
tl; dr - it's an enterprise OS developed by a single company, like Oracle, with its features and shortcomings.

Windows might have a bunch of fantastic software the OS is garbo.

There are two decent reasons to use Windows: it's properly translated and they lock the computers they're sold with, making installing GNU/Linux rather difficult.

Otherwise I like Microsoft for the kek

Basically that. There is no reason to use Windows if your income isn't dependant on exclusive software for it.

I unironically get off to the thought of being spied on/watched

Yeah you can, they monitor the specific apps you're using and for how long and they send that to Microsoft's servers.

>"Hello Windows user. You have to update NOW."
>"I don't want to update right now. I'm in the middle of a game"
>"Sorry, you have to update now. Exit your game now user."
>"But... my game."
>"NOW! Update now. It is more important than anything you're doing"
>Windows is now rebooting

games are the only things windows is good for

be me
>start using computer with windows 98
>playing games at cybercafe with windowsXp
> study using school computer lab using windows 7
>no problem at all
>buy new laptop
>oh shit it’s windows 8
>it’s a mess..dont know where to find things
>Install linux with mate desktop

>playing vidya for 9 hours straight without any breaks
Windblows 10 is doing this kid a favour to bh

This only happens to idiots (ie, the sort of people who need updates forced on them). When there's an update Windows will notify you steadily over the course of a few weeks, and only if you ignore all of these notifications will it force update - and that's only if you use the default shit settings. Updates can be postponed entirely for 30 days, or feature updates can be deferred for up to 365 (security updates 30 days) through the settings panel, or just disabled completely through the group policy editor.

At least it's not yet another god awful Unix-like system. The Unix meme should have died and stayed dead decades ago.

I like hardware acceleration. Guess who has the drivers

so... a pajeet thread?

The fact that Microsoft is watching my every move makes me feel comfy, like someone out there cares about me and what I do. It's kind of the same feeling I get when superior black men make love to and impregnate my wife and I know the responsibility will fall on me to raise and pay the way for the mulatto children that result, thereby crediting me social capital in society.

I love Windblows because
>they purchased the best phone company in the world, started building smartphones worth buying then ran it into the ground loosing billions
>No longer make operating systems worth a shit and are focused on adware, bloatware and spying on end users
>Haven't done anything innovative in over a decade because lost vision and now play catchup trying to be like every other shitty tech company dominating the market

All of these

>install windows 7 on old machine
>ethernet works during installation
>log in
>ethernet stopped working and requires driver from MB manufacturer


stop posting that retarded Jap
Eroges tend to work great in wine and doesn't have all that AppLocale hassle


RTP engine is easier to set up for wine. Easier to run translation tools. Easier to run securely.