His """language""" doesn't support generic returns

>his """language""" doesn't support generic returns

method overloading is much cleaner, and in cases like this one there's always metaprogramming

Nim looks pretty nice. I'm learning it.

>identity function that only works on strings and integers
>identity function with a type that isn't T -> T

Here you have a better example of what I was getting at

This isn't a better example because overloading is a much better fit.

But it does
myFun :: Either Int String -> Either Int String
myFun = id

Also, I don't see how the word "generic" applies to it. It's just a sum of types.

you have to go back

>not using the best tool for the job

never reply to me again. you disgust me

Make me.

(fun x -> x)

type T_ is private;
function myFunc(X : in T_) return T_;

Is int or string an anonymous sum type?

You're the disgusting one.

Please give me a use-case.

just use dynamic typing :)

fun = lambda x: x

assert fun(4) == 4
assert fun(':)') == ':)'

generalized sorting function, generalized heap or generalized stack objects.
just use void pointers. So much cleaner and more elegant.

>confusing tagged unions for open polymorphism
Begone cnile.

>void pointers
>clean and elegant
Pick one

What's wrong with templates?

>his """language""" doesn't support multiple return values

def piv l
return l[0], l.select{|i| il[0]}

pivot, smaller, bigger = piv [6,3,9,7,2,1,8,4,5]

So what, you gotta put "int or string" everywhere? What if you want to declare a variable of the same type in the body of the function?

C++ template syntax seem cleaner.

>having types but Object and Function

>having types besides function

You can define a type alias.

>C++ template syntax seem cleaner.
You can't do that in C++ without using a mess of template hacks.

Templates are something different. But you can achieve what OP does with std::variant.

mah nigga, learnin that shit once these goddamn finals are over

>You can't do that in C++ without using a mess of template hacks.
Wouldn't a template + static asserts that T is string or int work?

Thank you for your understanding btw.

>+ static asserts that T is string or int work
Try actually writing that code. is a much more reasonable solution but it's still a horrible template hack built into the standard library.

Ah yeah I guess the "or" part is where the difficulty lies. Does std::variant have any runtime overhead?

>it's still a horrible template hack
You could do it with nothing more than an enum and a union senpai.

Nope. It doesn't do any dynamic allocation by itself. The internal representation is very simple.

>The internal representation is very simple
It's a tagged union so there is "some" overhead.

>You could do it with nothing more than an enum and a union senpai.
The horrible template hack hides the complexity from the user of the function, enum + union does not.

>You can't do that in C++ without using a mess of template hacks.
T myProc(T x) {
return x;

assert(myProc(4) == 4);
assert(myProc(":)") == ":)");
Last one should work if the compiler is handling static strings properly and you don't mind a little UB. Or just use strcmp.

No more overhead than if you were doing it yourself. I can't think of a simpler way of representing a variant type than enum + union, barring "intrusive" representations like null pointers.

You clearly don't understand what OP is demonstrating. He did a terrible job of it, any way.
The point is that a variable can be declared to be a member of a finite set of types. It's a useful concept, which is why C++ has std::variant.

>The point is that a variable can be declared to be a member of a finite set of types.
std::enable_if exists. But yes, I see your point.

That's different. You can't have a struct member whose type is determined at runtime to be string or int by using std::enable_if_t.