My ssd

What's wrong

>Sup Forums is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.

No, why does ssds suck (Paid 100 bucks for this)

delayed launcher (2) : start up impact high

Your SSD is probably fine. Confirm this with a benchmark tool.

The problem is the operating system you installed on that SSD. Install a free and open source operating system that respects your freedom and privacy.

found your problem

Also post rest of specs.

I bought a SSD yesterday and my computer boots so fast that doing other things while the computer is starting is not fun anymore.

16 gb ram 2100MHz, i7-6400t, 1050Ti, (SSD) Sandisk Z410 500gb

Fuck off, don't encourage tech support threads

No idea. Have you tried not being a retard?

Does it actually take 45 seconds to boot up? Because that counter only resets after a full shut down.

pic related

Sandisk z410 500gb. What?


that's your problem


Fuck this community.

Post HDDSentinel results

wew lad

Shit, just remembered something. I actually did have an issue like this with an SSD, but the SSD had nothing to do with it. Check system logs in Event Viewer. Look for events at boot-up, with source NTFS. The log entry will be something like "Volume C: ... is healthy." Check the timestamps for those events, and see if one of them is taking a long time. Turns out I had a drive that was going bad. Once I pulled it, the problem was gone.


>Sup Forums
Sup Forums is just one person, retard

Reddit is better

>falling for ssd meme

piss off