In a couple decades, amazon is going to own the planet. why does no one give a shit?

in a couple decades, amazon is going to own the planet. why does no one give a shit?

because google will already be owning the solar system

Google is the heartless corporation
Monsanto and the like just want wealth, not power

Google wants to own humanity, Tesla wants to break free before it's too late

holy shit shut the fuck up

teslacucks everyone

i heard they're going to get into the pharmacy dispensing business

should I apply for a job? i'm a pharmacist

because google will take over before amazon does, and google has a better endgame.

Most of Europe still doesn't have Amazon services. That includes all of Scandinavia, you can have stuff sort of sent here but no return nothing
They'll need to set up a service here before they dominate the world.


while google may have its tentacles in more pots, im more scared of amazon, because the pots it gets its tentacles into, it decimates and owns.

it just bought whole foods. in a decade, it's going to refine whatever tech it deploys there and probably continue to buy up all the regional grocers in the country. if you dont think that's true, there was already a lot of talk about amazon buying HEB (the biggest regional grocer here in texas), but it didnt work out for whatever reason.

cause i work for amazon

Amazon has always gone above and beyond to help me out whenever there was a problem with a purchase from them. A lot of businesses would probably be better off under Bezos' ruthless fist.

>Google is the heartless corporation
Everything they do is decided/governed by various algorithms, so of course they're heartless.

Because by then I'll own Amazon.

>Amazon has always gone above and beyond to help me out whenever there was a problem with a purchase from them.
Same here. As a retail consumer, Amazon is absolutely fantastic.

I do worry about increasing consolidation that's happening with giant firms buying other giant firms, but Amazon's growth - while it has included purchases of other companies - has largely been more organic and a function of just providing solid and competitive service.

That said, everyone here talking about Google being ahead of Amazon are missing the strides Amazon has been making in their Amazon Web Services areas. Something like a third of US internet sites are hosted by AWS, and a massive proportion cloud-based apps and the like use AWS as their backbone as well. Google is still at its heart a search/ad company. Amazon is turning itself into an entire and basic infrastructure for everything else. If I had to put money on a single tech firm growing more and more powerful, I'd put that money on Amazon.

>Tesla wants to break free
>By giving you souless metal boxes that drive you to work and back, giving you more time to use Google's services

amazon is a steaming pile of shit. used to have the best prices... not anymore. Amazon prime not worth it. 2 day shipping takes 3 days. Why waste money?

How'd you get a job there? Do you like it so far? Any tips?

because its an ancap paradise

>why does no one give a shit?
So far they haven't been dicks about it. Once they stop innovating and become anti-competitive, expect regulators to step in.

>weak individuals
I love when nu male commies are speaking about things they don't know.


>In a couple decades big oil will own everything
>In a couple decades Walmart will own everything
>In a couple decades NEW THING X will surely take over all the things!

>but Amazon's growth - while it has included purchases of other companies - has largely been more organic and a function of just providing solid and competitive service.

>losses for years
>money piled into it by the government and even spooks
>it's ORGANIC!

Fuck off shill

Thats why we need SJW, minorities and females.

Whenever a company becomes to powerful, those groups infiltrate it and make it shit, so the competition can catch up..