Chad eval() edition Previous thread >Advent of Code is a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels. They are self-contained and are just as appropriate for an expert who wants to stay sharp as they are for a beginner who is just learning to code. Each puzzle calls upon different skills and has two parts that build on a theme. You need to register with an account but you can appear as anonymous.
The new leaderboard with empty space is join-code: 43046-941b8011
The old (full) leaderboard is join-code: 194764-c554ff91
>I know that this is exactly the witty remark you wanted to make, big boy wtf stop projecting I just wanted to know how you are building the tree
Jonathan Mitchell
Dominic Collins
data = [x.rstrip().split() for x in open("d8.txt")] data = [(x[0], x[4], '%s+=%c%selse 0' % (x[0], '+' if x[1] == 'inc' else '-', ' '.join(x[2:]))) for x in data] regs = dict.fromkeys(sum(tuple(zip(*data))[0:2], ()), 0) mx = 0
for x in data: exec(x[2], {}, regs) mx = max((mx, max(regs.values())))
print("P1:", max(regs.values())) print("P2:", mx)
Nicholas Green
>tfw one of your registers is named 'for' Just fuck me up senpai
Cooper Evans
Why does that matter
Nathan Scott
guess I'm virgin programmer, but it's not that terrible as on pic fields := strings.Fields(line) reg := fields[0] shift, _ := strconv.Atoi(fields[2]) if fields[1] == "dec" { shift *= -1 } var cond bool r := Registers[fields[4]] n, _ := strconv.Atoi(fields[6]) switch fields[5] { case "==": cond = r == n case "!=": cond = r != n case ">": cond = r > n case "=": cond = r >= n case "
Daniel Ramirez
he's executing every line as python code replacing only "inc" to "+="
that's cheating
Lucas Turner
I have to add a line to change it to something else, otherwise eval() throws an execption
Mason Fisher
Adrian Wood
If you try to sub in for inc/dec and then eval the whole line, it will interpret "for" as its reserved word.
Nicholas Nelson
good job you spotted that, I'd have wasted hours trying to debug that
Kayden Barnes
Last night someone posted a C++ abomination that was attempting to parse the entire textfile 1 character at a time without even splitting it into tokens or even skipping ahead to the next space with some strstr() abuse.
David Bell
Brody Clark
Well shit, I guess I'm still a virgin.
Matthew Bailey
tfw when switch virgin
Ian Ross
It wouldn't matter if you made every register the keyword of a dict
Kayden Sanders
>100 lines of code in java should i switch something more usable?
Jackson Martinez
Day 8 part 1 const fs = require('fs') let s = fs.readFileSync('in8').toString().split('\n').slice(0,-1).map(a=>a.split(' '))
The problem with "finding solution without extra loops" is that in 99% cases people who think they know the language suggest some built-in tools that are just syntactic sugar for same loop realized inside the extension method/helper func. When I mean "reduce the amount of loops" I mean some clever solution by logic juggling rather than "oh look at my super-short code I wrote with lambda and linq queries, who cares if it is the same amount of loops in general or more!"
Again, I know I can use recursion but in my experience in ALWAYS 2x or more slower. Classic Fibonacci chain is the example, loops is always faster.
William Allen
use better data structures t. did everything in 1 loop
Sebastian Perry
Charles Lewis
After some effort, one line in lisp. (day8)
Wyatt Kelly
pls no bully '-'
Tyler Cooper
More data - more memory used. You have to decide you want to use more memory or CPU >lol I used less than 1Mb retard yeah, now generate 1m-10m entries like that and process them. How many memory used now?
Andrew Bennett
This one is even worse so it's funnier.
Aaron Williams
Im sure even an old pc could handle 10m entries. Also i'm sure you will grow old while waiting for an 6 loops algorithm to finish
Brayden Edwards
This looks pretty clean. I didn't know you could map functions, good to know.
Matthew Martin
When you say 6 loops, do you mean parsing 6 times through the input or something else?
Christopher Peterson
When i say 6 loops, i mean 6 loops >>tfw total amount of loops is 6 now im assuming you are the same guy
Joshua Howard
I think you failed to understand my point.
6 loops total in whole solution. To process data only 1 loop, it never changed or transformed later.
Ayden Anderson
Ok, to clarify: 6 loops - 6 loop sections, regardless of the type (for/foreach/while) Not 6 ITERATIONS when loop only does 6 rounds
Logan Perry
post code also speaking of 10m entries, is there any file like this?
Easton Thompson
imbricated or separated?
Andrew Reed
No one r8'd my day 8. pls no bully
Daniel Adams
My Code is here: Total, including nested
Thomas Jones
Luis Cruz
Jaxson Walker
>using a map >not using a switch statement generated by a macro
Sebastian Allen
put inc and dec in a map too
Carson Walker
>tfw didn't start until a few hours into day 6 >tfw will never catch up on the leaderboard
Fuck problem 9 from AoC 2015. It's literally just traveling salesman. There's no easy way out. Unless you come up with some inspired new algorithm you're stuck with an O(2^n) solution. Last year had a lot of A* puzzles, 2015 was just plain wild.
Camden Wilson
If you think just the time difference is pajeet-tier, see how godawful my solution was.
I didn't have the insight that you could determine it while populating the tree with the cumulative weights.
Aiden Bell
I'm not reading this
Lucas Hughes
>lambdas instead of std::greater, std::lower et al from functional header >no curly braces in single statement blocks >cout instead of printf >typedef instead of using you tried
Ryder Smith
who cares i bruteforced that one
Asher Gray
Bruteforce it, it's not that big graph. There were 2 traveling salesmen in 2015, but some different graph/grid searches in 2016 where you had to apply A*.
Cooper Reyes
it's "just" O(n!) since you only go through permutations
Adam Smith
>some different graph/grid searches in 2016 where you had to apply A*. Really? I'm doing the 2016 challenges, currently I'm at the 15th one, but I haven't see anything like that. Maybe later
Luke Garcia
day11, day13, day15, day17, day22, day24 how was your day11 part two? I remember having issues with this one
Parker Rodriguez
tiem to hit the leaderboard for day 8 i guess
Nicholas Watson
The ones with the generator-chip pairs? I first tried to do a simple BFS search, but implementing the constraints and the inheritance (sorry english is not my first language) was a bitch, so I searched for a representation of the data that suited the problem the most. After that, I did a BFS, but it was WAY TOO SLOW : 10 minutes to compute 5 steps ahead. This forced me to look for ways to cut useless solutions. That's when I noticed that all pairs were interchangeable within a solution, and checking for equivalent solutions already computed led to reasonable times (a couple seconds for part 1)
Part 2 was just a little bit longer, but not very much
>day 13 This was a simple Dijkstra to me, no need to further complicate it
>day 15 I just bruteforced it and the computation time was still short
Fuck you, hopefully i run the code without permission. Nice try though.
Julian Wilson
John Peterson
>eval without globals set to {"__builtin__":{}} user...
Anthony Ramirez
it just work
Aiden Barnes
Gavin Russell
Shit, I meant {"__builtins__":{}}
Bentley Gonzalez
oooh, you little tyke! *tsk* What are you like? ;)
Kayden Baker
Jacob Robinson
Actually this bait will never work because nobody run the script with sudo permissions.
Henry Cook
what the fuck do you even mean sudo permissions and why would you need sudo to nuke all of personal user-owned files?
Isaac Jones
Here's problem 8 again with exec and eval
Eli Wilson
Was pretty fun, but about half of my code was parsing strings, which whilst I don't mind isn't really challenging. Your solutions are a lot shorter than mine today.
>map.Add(temp[0].Split(' ').FirstOrDefault(), new KeyValuePair(Convert.ToInt32(temp[0].Split(' ').LastOrDefault().Replace('(', ' ').Replace(')', ' ')), kids.Split(',').ToArray()));
Jesus christ.
Adrian Barnes
does C/++ have eval?
Jeremiah Long
It looks terrible but I run multiple iterations with different variants and could not make it run faster. Like, this looks better:
string s = "xcpuy (20)"; string justDigits = new string(s.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray());
but runs slower when tested in 100000 loops
Liam Cook
How would it? It's compiled.
Owen Martinez
Logan Price
So C is for virgins
Matthew King
>2017 > not writing a combinatorial parser with test cases
Day 7 fucked my shit up because I spent all day writing a nom parser.. Made day 8 nice and comfy though.
Luis Foster
>still haven't finished day 7 part 2
Wyatt Cox
Day seven was the hardest so far imo, and I was unlucky enough to wake up late, so I didn't have a lot of time before I had to go work second shift at my wagie job. Pic related, day 7 in Erlang.
Aaron Martinez
I need to catch up with my sleep schedule, going to bed now
>tfw I'll lost my top10 position in Sup Forums leaderboard
Angel Myers
Day 8 was relatively easy, although formatting the input required me to use vim macros for the first time in my life, so it was a nice learning experience. I probably should have stored inc, dec, and > < >= etc. as atoms and not as strings, but I already had them formatted as strings, and I was too lazy to re-format the input in vim. I kinda regret waking up so late and falling like 10 spots in the leaderboard, but I'm gonna work first shift next week, so my score is gonna suffer a lot anyway.
Liam Brown
Did anyone do part 1 of 2015's day 23? If so, could you please tell me if b = 0 at the end of this? jio a, +16 inc a inc a tpl a tpl a tpl a inc a inc a tpl a inc a inc a tpl a tpl a tpl a inc a jmp +23 tpl a inc a inc a tpl a inc a inc a tpl a tpl a inc a inc a tpl a inc a tpl a inc a tpl a inc a inc a tpl a inc a tpl a tpl a inc a jio a, +8 inc b jie a, +4 tpl a inc a jmp +2 hlf a jmp -7
I tried doing it by hand and the answer was 0. I wrote a program, and it answered back 0. I can't seem to find an error anywhere.
Anthony Martinez
Nevermind, I forgot that jio is jump if ONE, not ODD. Why didn't I think of this earlier? The thing looked awfully like Collatz anyway.