The Let's note laptops are Sup Forums's dream

The Let's note laptops are Sup Forums's dream

2 nukes wasn't enough

Go hang yourself.

What, like a picture frame? The japanese were sure good at doing that to the chinese.

imagine this with a 16x layered bluray mini disc.

fuck the cloud

If i had a couple thousand I'd get the little 10" one. Admirable how they shoved it full of ports instead of a single fucking type c

Imagine this pre-loaded with photos of japanese soldiers raping women and little girls and then gutting them open by sticking a bayonet in their cunt.

The perfect japanese laptop.

god i wish that was me

sick fuck

so like how apple laptops come (among the 500gbs of gay porn) preloaded with (among the 500gbs of gay porn) internment camp photos and german laptops come with pictures of literal hills of human corpses?

Oh what? Front drive somehow gave me a throwback of an older laptop. Those front aesthetics like lights indicator etc. is a pleasure to my eyes.

They misaligned the round trackpad and the optical drive.
How do designers live with themselves?

God I love Sup Forums.

pretty sure this is how the chinese prepare a lot of their food.

If they released these outside of Japan landfills will turn into mountains of ThinkPads.

>5 row keyboard
Get the fuck out of my house.

Let's not

It's clearly six row though

Hmmm... I guess, I have one more reason to visit Japan.
They kinda steal it from my dreams... Except round touchpad.

haha i'm blind and retarded dude, sorry i missed that. heard about this in like may of this year, bad news is that they cost like $2000 + import fees

Why nip sound so fucking smooth and relaxing?

Do they have waterproof keyboard?

> two mics
mfw double botnet

also the round trackpad feels awful desu

>that useless dvd drive using up all that space that could be battery

>no trackpoint

get out.

lmao this


>he doesn't have a job that relies on tech from yesteryear
I hate neetcucks and I lol when I see macfags using external dvd drives because they need to read files from a cd/dvd

well it is the superior asian language

also some Let's Notes are sold as Toughbooks. Here's one of my two CF-T8s.

I don't know about waterproof but the Toughbook variants do have antimicrobial keyboards.

I have an internal DVD drive with a chink IDE-to-USB adapter I use for this purpose