Will A.I. make non-whites useless?

Will A.I. make non-whites useless?

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A hunk of A.I. possesses the intelligence of 1000 white Americans.


1000 white Americans or 1 million non-whites

If anything, it will make whites useless.


>Twenty plus fucking seven teen
>This is the reality we live in
Why even live

I don't want shitskins in my country either, but you'd be stupid if you think an AI would give you different treatment simply because you identify as white.

it will make all muh jobs go away. can't hardly wait tbqh. we are only on this earth for a short time. pretty dumb to spend it slaving away for someones elses benefit.


They're already using AI to design shit. I guess they do for economic strategies too. Fun times ahead.


Boeing already has in production some structural elements designed by AI.

Will I need to augment my intelligence to compete with AI?

Alright. So shitskins get purged by AI death squads. Statistically, East Asians have the lowest crime rates, highest grades and what have you. Would you be okay with the white race getting annihilated by the AI to be replaced by asians?

>lowest crime rates
sneaky and physically inferior to white women
>highest grades
cheating and enormous pressure on children

t. wh*Teoid

t. zipperhead specifically bred to attend college
>inb4 angry ching chong noises

It will make everybody useless. The question is, will the end of wage labor come as a liberation from chains or will it be existentially scary? I would love to play vidya and read philosophy all day, but I don't know if I could do it until the rest of my life. Initially it will be fun, but at some point people might realize that they have no sense of purpose anymore and they'll end up depressed.

You seem to be confused. AI will replace white collars, not blue collars. Robots will replace blue collars.

With that said, have you ever been to the south or the midwest? Tons of whites crying about muh coal and "non-whites" coming in taking "their" jobs. Sad.

>hurr blacks are lazy and never wanna do work, let's make them slaves

>implying anyone can stand infront of chinese robots
It's all about economic of scale.


Holy fuck, you got the short end of the stick then, the worst fucking race. Don't ever reply to me ever again you worthless shitskin ape.

fuck off wh*Teoid
western europe is not wh*te

but is is you fucking retard

spain, france = pure BLACK
UK = french'd


Trick question, there are no white Americans.

>keynesian economics.webm

Fuck off CIAnigger, stop harassing that black man on Sup Forums.

Loss of sense of purpose is one issue, but there is a bigger potential issue. Before the above point is reached, capitalist systems will still be the driving force, and there are arguments being made by AI designers to institute a minimum living wage to account for the loss of jobs as AI becomes more advanced and capable. However, we already have companies trying to hide away their earnings and dodge taxes at every opportunity.

We can't expect the people profiting from the AI services to be okay with taking the money they saved by getting rid of human workers, and then having to pay into a system to let people be NEETs. That sounds like a recipe for aggressive depopulation efforts, assuming we don't want to off ourselves from not having much to do other than lounge around and spend our government bux on the goods and services we no longer get to produce ourselves.

