Data hoarding

Are there any other data hoarders here ? I have a big problem, like an addiction. I can`t stop downloading ebooks, movies, games etc. I wish I could but I can`t. I deleted it ounce then re-downloaded it. Like a thrill of free stuff. I just pirate tons of shit I`ll never watch in a lifetime. Its getting out of hand now I`ve filled about 5 hard drives going into terrabytes. Anyone else do this ?

I used to do it with music and animangos. Had about 10tb of all kinds of shit.

> 5 drives
> probably not even >=10tb ones
How is that a problem? You're fine, technology allows you to conveniently scale up to hundreds of drives before you even need to upgrade your house.

Sounds stupid. Why don't focus on quality instead of quantity? Only save your favorite books/movies.

>I deleted it ounce
That never works. What you should do is start to actually read, listen, play, and watch what you download. You won't have the time to hoard.

PS: I've seen a guy with a 40 drive stack on a rail at a LAN party years ago. He had to leave the other 40 drive stack and various odd drives at home 'cause of car space constraints. But at hone they'd gave been fine. No problem really.

>data hoarders
Eat shit

>bought a redmi note 4
>already backes up stuff from current phone 40 times
>currently backing up again
>still haven't switched mobiles
>redmi note 4 arrived a month ago

Why even bother wasting time sorting out data if you aren't even filling a household case never mind one of these simple boxes?

Just don't do your hoarding with many loose drives, you'll never use most if you do that. But if its all accessible and you can pick what you want at any time, why not?

>have backups for nexus 4 and every phone since
what if all my phones get destroyed and I need to go back to my old nexus?

This. I started creating playlists of favorites and deleting my discographies.

[spoiler] I've never been unhappier about my music collection [/spoiler]


Soon we get to enjoy 40TB my pirating friend.

taste changes
i hoard rare music sometimes i love some song sometimes I've had enough of them for a few years


1. Porn
2. Weird porn

>tfw just bought 5tb version of this drive

They look good but they heat up

I'm only using it to store ISOs and large files I don't use often enough to have on my internals so it's fine.

I did set an old heatsink on top of it while doing the first massive transfers to keep it cool though. Never went above 40.

I'm backing up some important shit in them and hope they'll be fine

I'm keeping all the data on my internal drives for now. I'm only going to start deleting duplicate data after 6 months and this new drive doesn't show any problems.

Most of my shit is on externals. I wonder if they are safe as long they're in a closed case.

i also do this

Because having data is nice & because these LAN parties were also file sharing paradises.

They are obviously more likely to drop or tip over or something during operation and if that impact is too hard the head will crash or such. Apart from that the main problem is that you probably don't have redundancy, but I guess it depends on how you manage data on these drives.

PS: Unlike other modes of failure, I actually don't think I managed to ever break an unenclosed drive physically because it was unenclosed. And I didn't treat them like super delicate objects.

You could conceivably break some electronics on the boards these drives have, but it's apparently not THAT easy to do.

Only fap material.