Why use another browser when pic related exists?

Why use another browser when pic related exists?

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Because Brave is better.

I use FireFox ESR :3 I'll switch to SeaMonkey probably after support ends..

Firefox > Chromium

But I'm using it.

If you're a SJW I guess.

>Social Justice
>A Bad Thing

That's a really nice post user, we appreciate it.

>carefully examining the political views of the developers of a software before you install it to make sure their political views align with your own

waterfox solely exists because firefox back then doesnt have 64bit
now waterfox is pretty useless

>implying the political views of the alt-left are not cancerous and make every single project it touches into shit

Waterfox is not quantum so it's good there

Yes, they are cancerous. No, they are not related to the project quality. Seriously, go to

>uses "alt-left" unironically

just use Icecat instead of that placebo bs

whats wrong with quantum?

t new quantum user here. runs great compared to chrome and its derivates (opera, vivaldi) that froze every new session

Pale Moon > Waterfox > Chromium > Rest

no themeable about:newtab or about:home :(

My problem is that it's a massive RAM hog. After not even an hour of being open, it just slows to a crawl and I have to force close everything.

opera isn't a derivative of chrome my dude

Using Pale Meme or Waterfox is one of the quickest ways to show you don't actually understand anything about the software you use. Good job I guess?

How new are you? If the answer is very, I'll cut you some slack and explain...

Quantum, while quick, has an entirely new plugin system that is fundamentally different to the old Firefox. This means that not only do old plugins not work, there is a very large chance it will not be possible to make it, or any plugin of its type, work again.

For people like me who use tools like Selenium IDE and Save File As to automate very time consuming parts of my job, this is a big deal. Unless I can find some other way of migrating these functions Firefox has lost me as a future user

what's alt-left?

It's something the alt-right made up because they think there's always mirror opposites.

It's pic related

the problem is when those political views start infecting the product. As far as Mozilla goes, I still use Firefox for right now. But I will never give them another dime. And the second they start doing things like censoring content or demanding I adhere to their worldview to use their product I'm done.

Ok, i Googled it.
And it seems an stupid term for something political and stupid, non Sup Forums related, and exclusive of USA.

So, the honest left. As in, honest about their actual goals and beliefs.

Antifa exist in Europe as well, user.

Here's them in Berlin

Correct except that Chromium is fucking garbage too.

that logo is fucking ugly

SJWs don't want social justice, are you retarded? Do you not know how people are using words? Oh wait, i see...
you have to go back

because it is shit why would you run an older build of astrails ff code is beyond me. pedo moon is also junk, chrome is a jewnet, internet explorer, or "edge" is a pajeetnet, george soros fox is the best browser. esr is also a god choice. i wished that ice cat had win32 or 64 builds...

> hurd durf just a reebulled

I don't, I use waterfox.

Tried to but Quantum is just better

Dumb frogposter

Stop shilling this trash

Meant for Fix your app Ivan


I'm concerned if the dev of waterfox will be able to maintain the project in the next months or years.
Right now this isn't a big deal since FF ESR is not on quantum yet and Alex can use it as a base, but when every version of Firefox gets updated to >57, incompatibilities will grow between them and the old code used in waterfox.
Maybe maintaining the whole thing wouldn't be too harf if he decides to only add security patches, but still it's only one got working on the project

What the FUCK is that logo? Where is the FOX?

the only reason I switched to waterfox in the first place was to escape quantum, and now that im using it i have found so many features i love about it.

fucking nig.




Falseflagging reaching critical levels.

Man this is a really yonic logo; I prefer logos that look like dicks, just like you OP.

Because Chrome exist.

>Why use another browser when pic related exists?
Because Google Chrome exists and because I don't suffer from paranoia.

Why use waterfox instead of firefox?

less bloat

Be specific, shitdick.

Less fucking disk space
doesn't show you retarded political messages in campaign screen
pre 57 addons still work
(in my experience) works superfast, much better than firefox

>campaign screen
meant home screen
what the fuck was i thinking

>Less fucking disk space
Prove it.

Try it, open waterfox's installer and see Disk space required

then do the same for firefox




>he doesnt use emacs for browsing the web
what are you even doing here?

>Removal of Sponsored Tiles on New Tab Page

That says fuckall about installation size, bitchtits.

Enjoy your data-mining botnetâ„¢


They are just fucking commies no need to invent a new word.

I live in Berlin they are still pretty gay. They just destroy more shit and are more violent towards the police. How do they think they are cool if they are advocating for trans rights and feminism.

Oh boy have I got news for you.

userChrome.css and userContent.css may be undocumented and hacky but they can actually do quite a lot.

What does Sup Forums think about Iridium?

You got new replies for you to read, buddy. Go read them.

The author announced in the latest update that he will move to a new project for a new browser. I think it will be another fork of Quantum, since I believe Waterfox isn't compatible with Quantum.

>Maybe maintaining the whole thing wouldn't be too harf if he decides to only add security patches, but still it's only one got working on the project
Only porting security patches to Waterfox doesn't seem to be that hard for me. He said also he will be doing that until "it becomes End of Line (Q1 2019)".

only one

It's been pretty comfy thus far, not had any issues or bugs with it. Text looks fine, addons work. Currently on 6 loaded tabs, using about 400 Mb RAM.

Placebo botnet

>tfw nightly decides to break your theme's colors and the customize page shows up blank

ah, now I understand why this was a bad idea

I want side tabs like that, only favicons.
