/hsg/ - Home Server General

Fellas, can I use a normal drive for pic related or should I spring up for a NAS drive?

Previous Thread: >What is /hsg/
In /Home Server General/ we discuss about home-hosted computer systems and networks.

FAQ, Guide and some tips (start here if you haven't posted in /hsg/ before): pastebin.com/XYYp9TAC (embed) (embed) (embed)
Some better tips: pastebin.com/SXuHp12J (embed) (embed) (embed)
NAS FAQ: pastebin.com/d8igv2aa (embed) (embed) (embed)


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wablaa yaa discoord yawaa memeho
hoo no home servaa, jus da discoo hahaha

Nice, I hardly am online when this thread is on.
Is there a middle ground solution between Proxmox and oVirt/RHEV for KVM emulation?

I liked Proxmox, but I rather use a CentOS base and a Interface that doesn't ask me to restart the server every time I want to make a change to the network( yes, I know you can bypass it).

oVirt/RHEV was amusing, but way too complex and the documentation was lacking in many parts.


Where does it prompt you to restart? Just curious as I’ve been running Proxmox for a while and haven’t had that prompt yet but I haven’t made any network changes.

Use ssds. You'll thank me later

I don't have $400 burning a hole through my pocket sadly. And I don't even have an SSD in my own PC.

Prioritize then. SSD is game changer for your main box. What do you need an odroid for? Is it really more important than having a main computer with proper i/o speeds?

Also, 500GB Samsung SSD 850 EVO is $125. Not $400


What did he mean by this?

>every server must be a storage server

Are you looking for clustered management? If not, ESXi free edition is good.

It’s a home server. What else do you use that shit for? A game server?

I need something power efficient and quiet to replace an old repurposed PC and I'm going to use it just for storing my weeb shit, so capacity is a priority, Also the PC corrupted my shows when Plex tried to transcode them.

And the 1TB 850 EVOs where I live are much, much more expensive, ranging from 340 to 400 USD.

Just set up nextcloud on a server made of like 2 gen old parts. What can i do to speed up file serving or add functionality

I guess I just assumed you’d be clever enough to understand OP probably wants a storage server based on the pic he posted and the fact he asked if he should get a NAS drive.

I was wrong, clearly.

Then I would just use a hard disk. What do you mean the PC corrupted the files when transcoding? Transcoding on the fly or that “optimization” plex does?

Great, that should save me some money. It was the "optimization", I think. It also had problems playing stuff in general, giving me the shaka1001 error.

wonder how this general would mesh with pcbg

could put his porn pics on there. mines folders only taken 120gb of the 1tb.

Hmm. Odd, I’ve never had any issues with Plex really besides totally breaking my install when I deleted the Thumbnail cache folder as it had grown to 6GB and I only allocated 8GB to the Linux container I was running it in.

Windows or Linux? Maybe a permissions problem? What format/codec were your video files?

Rockstor (iirc it was CentOS-based?) and they were mkv (the codecs might differ because I use Sickrage). As for the permission problems I don't think that's the case, to be frank.

I connect to my Raspberry Pi through RealVNC but the password is really strong.
Is that safe enough? I'm too noob to set up a RSA-4096 key.

Actually I am migrating from ESXi as they discontinued the Desktop Client for the HTML5 and I don't think the license cost of vSphere is worth it, I also like to have better access to the host shell.

I also checked up XenServer, which I liked more then ESXi, but had many problems with the NIC on BSD and you pretty much must have XOA to get a full blown management solution.

Pretty much all changes to the host network settings asks for a restart.

Want to create a bond? Restart it. Want a bridge? Restart it. Want to enable VLAN awareness? Restart it. Most of the time a single "systemctl restart networking" is enough, but I had my problems with it.

I like the idea of being able to rollback a change of settings, but it doesn't make much sense if the single supported option to commit it is restarting the server.

What do you need VNC for on a pi? Just use ssh and make it key-based login.

homelab for virtualization

I want to download my animays remotely but I don't know all the hacker commands so I can't use ssh.

Via torrent or a website? I guess if it’s a website then vnc might just be easier.

Seriously nigga? You want to add layers of overhead because you want to torrent? Just use ssh and a cli torrent client.

Homelab and home server aren't the same thing
An home laboratory is to learn and experiment
An home server is just for serving some shit like file sharing or some services

Though the qBittorrent client.
I have a Raspberry Pi right next to my router and my main laptop is in my room. It doesn't get too much signal so the speeds are awful.
So I use the Raspberry to download my animays and send it to my pc with NFS.

any security tips for running a game server? pastebin has nothing

What do you guys think about the Rock64? It has raspberry pi form factor, but with gigabit ethernet and usb3.0.

I plan on using this together with 2 external HDDs and a usb hub.

qbittorrent has a Web UI. Or you can just use rtorrent.

>download my animays
Found the problem. Have you considered dousing yourself in gasoline and lighting it on fire?

Plug it in via Ethernet, if it’s right next to your router why are you using Wi-Fi? Also qBittorrent has a web UI. Use that, fuck VNC.

Correction sorry I’m retarded. I read your post wrong. But as I said, use the WebUI and fuck VNC. you can even port forward it in your router and use Transdrone on an android phone to send torrents while you’re out somewhere and think of something you wanna watch when you get home.

why so nervous, normalfag?

Could be ok, but there are quite few users of this. So IDK.

I wanted something like that, but with 2 Gb Ethernet to use as a router.

What is the local address of Postfix + Dovecot?
Like [email protected]

is there anything similar to this, but available for non moon-prices inside the EU, or from gearbest? That seems perfect for what I'm looking for!


I know right, “I want a nas”
>arm shit recommended only


Lookin for a NAS mobo. Any of you know something similar to ASUS AT3IONT-I SoC but with RAID10 support?

how should i go about playing music from my home server through the web in my android phone?
Foobar have "local servers" option but this doesn't work anyway. I was thinking about setting up internet radio on my serv, playing it in an android app and changing songs through remote control.



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The fuck?

Thanks. So ow i got ftp and cifs/smb covered. Works fine on LAN. Now i have to figure out how to connect to my server from the web. vlan maybe? DMZ?

NAT and DynDNS

Never use the crappy onboard RAID implementations.

Do Linux mdadm RAID or equivalent. It is fast, robust and manageable. The latter two tend to suck for random cheap hw RAID things.

I guess I should buy an ew router if i want to make it work? Can't i work around this with vpn?

Thank you user

A good router is an important gear, make one yourself with pfSense or something alike or opeWRT someone.

That shit needs like a container, something like LXC or chroot at least.

Which one /hsg/?

or lede project,works great to me ;-)

As long as there is support from debian and gentoo there should be OK.

Get a UPS. Your server + Cable modem/switch is core infrastructure. Protect it from dangerous spikes/surges. Your server will shutdown properly in event of main power failure. Your server will keep right on working none the wiser if main power flickers for several minutes. You won't have to suffer the pain of waiting for your raid to rebuild after an unexpected main power failure. Your data will be less prone to random corruption. You gain all these good things from a device that depending on wattage requirements costs less than $100 if you get it on sale. Don't try for "1Hr+ up time battery life" thing,proper shutdown time is the key here.


Just my 2 cents, but for very large data volume requirements I'd split it into two or more raid arrays. Not only do you side step the while "10TB ure" thing but it makes doing a backup/restore a hell of a lot less time consuming and it helps reduce the possibility of corruption taking out the whole data volume. I'd limit each volume to 9TB at max. Trust me, backing up 9TB over GB Ethernet is no fun, takes 30+ hrs to do and that's with no one using the lan and no compression settings enabled in the backup software. Another thing, don't use compression to try to save space on your backup drive/device. It only makes the backup take longer plus some files are already compressed as is so further compression gains you nothing.

yer a big server

how many people here have a fiber channel san at home?

A Sup Forums X slip-up. Gomenasorry.

Never used, but I am somewhat warred of forks led by administrative reasons.

>Actually I am migrating from ESXi as they discontinued the Desktop Client for the HTML5 and I don't think the license cost of vSphere is worth it, I also like to have better access to the host shell.
ESXi has ssh access and there are keygens for vSphere

except for when your UPS catches on fire

and you're retarded if you think you have to rebuild a raid because your computer got powered off

Yeah, I know. But the ESXi CLI is much miles weaker than the Xen and KVM alternatives.

This system I am using is a learning case to implement on some clients, so I don't want the burden of licenses.

Either way, both KVM and Xen are fully FOSS and IMHO this adds more value to them. VMWare is a virtualization monster, but I am more interested in the alternatives.

Well, coming back to original subject. I've been checking on the latest Cockpit version for CentOS and it provides a great starting point. Will probably check openNode and a OpenNebula a bit to see if I can add a more features to my setup.

I just bought a HP NC364T quad nic for my shitty home server, anyone had any troubles with these cards?

specifically itll be running something like pfsense via kvm with pci passthrough

Also, anyone have recommendations on a nice server tier case? something horizontal would be nice, the "gaymr" case depresses me

>Yeah, I know. But the ESXi CLI is much miles weaker than the Xen and KVM alternatives.

You are really hanging on VMWare, aren't you? Well, first of all understand that these are my personal reasons and that as I have stated, I used ESXi for a lot of time.

Well, for starters both XenServer and oVirt Node or the RHEV images are based on CentOS/RHEL, so if you know how to work with CentOS you can do maintenance on them easily and install pretty much anything you could CentOS, not that I'd recommend it, anyway.

Now, VMWare does indeed provides some nice tools for free, but I came to prefer XAPI and the more universal libvirtd, which, by the way, you can use libvirtd to manage ESXi. Both these APIs allow me to do things that I could only do on vSphere, so that's a bonus.

Also, if you want a homemade solution, using either Xen or KVM, you can easily deploy then in a clean Debian, openSUSE, CentOS/RHEL or any other distro install. Of course support is up to you, but it's not as much a problem as it seems nowadays.

>reddit spacing
>still cant say how ESXi's CLI is weaker

how retarded are you user?

chocolate is poison for dogs

the one with the longest warranty

What the hell is reddit spacing? Either way I am more a OTBS man myself.

Anyway, I neither use ESXi anymore nor am interested in coming back to it.


>still cant say how ESXi's CLI is weaker

Just admit you're a retard who larps that he knows what he is doing even though he never uses the CLI on any program. And gb2reddit you cock sucking faggot

Thats why you setup 10GBe Lan

>Another thing, don't use compression to try to save space on your backup drive/device
It really helps if you're backing up millions of images.

Interesting. Never posted on reddit, but I usually do double enter between seperate sentences/ ideas because I'm used to it from years of writing short e-mails at work.

I break up my sentences when forming a new train of thought. Nobody never said anything about this Reddit meme until the last 2 years.

Keep in mind Reddit was created in 2005. Sup Forums was 2003.

>i cant compress my backups because my computer is slow as shit
>further compression gains you nothing.
lol ok, pic related. 3.14TB of VMs being compressed and deduped down to 944GB is nothing.

>im not newfag cancer
>plz belive
>still cant say how ESXi's cli is weaker
eat a dick you fucking faggot

That reddit spacing image always gets all the hidden redditeers posting with desperate excuses kek

You mean the failed redditors pretending to be oldfags on Sup Forums by calling out things that they observed while browsing reddit.

Would I regret getting an Odroid XU4 / Asus tinker board for a self hosted file / gitlab server over a raspberry pi? Any recomendations for other SBC / SOBs?

What is this neat SOC in OP seems like a good solution for a poorfag like me.

Take a look at the file name.

That is stupid, here on Sup Forums we have been using this spacing since long before idiots like you came to our site.

Fuck off.

People break up their sentences so that it doesn't look like one massive blob of text that no one will end up reading. Even in emails you'll see people do this.

>heard mentioned that there are NAS being powerful enough to run a Gahno Klonax VM

What brands are these? Is it cheaper than getting a home server marketed as such?

>every server must be a storage server
What else can it do? Too slow to handle any other type of load.

>What do you guys think about the Rock64?
I like it. Of all the single board computers, the Rock64 is probably one of the best.

Check out the Up Squared. Exactly what you are describing, even has a mini PCIe expansion port.

ahh yes, the home server rack of obsolete equipment creating huge noise, making gobs of heat, and spinning that power meter like no tomorrow. I think the HSG threads are started by greedy power companies looking to beef up their profits.
Also, nice dogshit stain on your carpet

>big server
manlet rack

>t. jellyfag

fuck no. I have more computing resources in my worstation that both of those racks combined

sure thing kiddo

>tfw reddit cancer replaced normalfag with normie

anyone knows a good place to get Odroids in Europe?
all the shops I find seem to be pretty overpriced compared to the US price
I've tried from Amazon but the sender will sent the item from the US, which means I would pay huge import taxes

I'm looking for the XU4Q

> Up Squared
Nice! It's more expensive than I expected, but it's also considerably more powerful than I expected. Thanks.

check out the hardkernel website. Then search for "Buy one from your local store : Check your local store" There's a store list, where you can order it. It's right beside the picture of the odroid.

>what is a parahraph

God I hate people who write long ass wall of texts.

Why not format like this? Much easier to read and you don't look like a nosebreathing mongoloid.