Not using an xps

>not using an xps
baka 2bh senpai

no one cares tyler

oh no the hacker Sup Forums found my name i wonder how he did that

It's like you're not even trying user

>coilwines to death

>weakshit old xps
>not based coffee lake

>not chinkpad t420/x220
>not gentoo
>not #!++
>only 8gb ram
>fucking with anything ULV
>Intel ME
>shit fucking keyboard

pls stop tyler

sorry but i have life, unlike you

ur laying in bed posting pics of ur laptop on a shitty """tech""" """""forum""""" shilling a shitty overpriced laptop marketed by a shittier company

>being a shill so much that you don't even know what the product you're shilling is

>being so mindfucked by shills that you have no idea what they're even talking about
Alright, I'll spoonfeed ya. The CPU in the pictured XPS craptop is a Skylake piece of shit. The newer XPS 13s with Coffee Lake CPUs are more than twice as powerful because muh quadcore.

Lemme spoonfeed you harder
There is no mobile coffee lake only kaby lake refresh

>Intel memed us by not calling all 8th gen shit Coffee Lake, because it's still Kaby Lake architecture
>implying anyone gives a shit and won't just call every 8xxx CPU Coffee Lake anyway

> >fucking with anything ULV
nah, modern ULVs can be way better than your old non-ULV processor (just google for 8250u)
this can be a reason why you should not buy an old thinkpad in 2017-2018

How is the display content adaptive brightness?
How is the coil whine?
Have you tried gentoo on it? If so how was the wireless networking?

I'm considering an XPS13 as a shitpost machine. But all these issues calmed me down when it comes to spending my monies.

>Own a 9350
>Still prefer using my 2015 MacBook Pro
To be fair though, I use my XPS for Loonix, programming and school

But I am

>having so much buyer's remorse that you feel like you need to go on Sup Forums and brag, hoping that anyone here actually cares
Nice try, kid

Is there any new 8xxxu CPU laptop out there with old thinkpad keyboard quality, durability, and priced less than $300?

Tyler is such a shit tier name, why wouldn't you hide that shit. How embarrassing

I tried out my friends. The keyboard felt like my Chromebook, webcam is in a shit place, and you can't get 16gb of ram without a battery eating touch screen.

I'll take my X1 carbon with the better keyboard, trackpoint, and configurability pls

>using gaynome
>using jewgle chrome
>using discord
>laptop probably has uefi
It's like you want to be spied on, Tyler.

For me, it's the awesome combination of power and style only found in Alienware computers.

2 of the most overrated machines ever
macs and the new xps

Good job Mehmet, but you forgot to use the trademark sing next to our company name, so sadly this post doesn't count towards your payment.

raven ridge xps when?

for that matter, raven ridge thinkpad when?

Why would I need one when I have a latitude?

>masterrace non-chiclet keyboard

Also have latitude its the sickest shit ever. If you have anything else you are a beta cuck

>implying latitude > thinkpads

>linux on a gayming laptop
>shit battery life
>that shitty keyboard
>ayylmaoware cringeworthy design
0/10 just hang (You)rself

latitudes are as good as thinkpads except that it's tricky to control the fans because they're controlled by smm unlike thinkpads or hp elitebooks

I had a brand new Dell cos 15 and it b lewd up. Apparently there's a piece of metal abovve the motherboard and if you drop it the right way it breaks off anfd causes an electric shock. I want a new one though...

i hear about more problems than good things with the XPS line

I have the new xps

It's really nice

I would never buy it but I got it as a gift so whatever

>Squishy Chiclets

Gross desu

had one of those at work.
not impressed.
The screen is nice, but apart from that it felt much closer to a 600$ laptop than a 1300+ one.
Cheap feeling touchpad, cheap feeling keyboard, tons of shine within a year.
Overall I prefer Elitebooks.

1. Haven't noticed it.
2. Haven't heard any.
3. Haven't tried Gentoo, no issues with Arch though if that's at all helpful.

the keyboard is really nice actually and who cares about battery life when it's just a bedposting machine?

>crippling it with linux

lol seriously?

>duhhh linux is hard to use xd
t. brainlet

can confirm. bought an e6230 refurbished and i'm totally satisfied.

*coil whines*

It's a mobile desktop


What the fucks wrong with ULV???

I have an xps13 9350 that is my only laptop. Works pretty well with Arch, but a recent LTS kernel update broke WiFi so I had to switch to non-LTS. Also coil whine is shit and headphones will whine like crazy if you don't disable some random sound setting for power saving. And battery life isn't as good as I'd like, even with a downclocked cpu. I get around 8 hours @1.5ghz

Work bought mine, and it's comfy. Wish there was one more USB port though. C or standard, don't care. Just too few on it. Other than that, near perfect laptop.