What is your excuse for not studying cybersecurity? Don't you want to make money?
What is your excuse for not studying cybersecurity? Don't you want to make money?
I like being poor. This way all little things in my life gives me joy. :,)
please stop using racist slurs
There's a difference between a cracker and a hacker. The former refers to criminal activity, so it's not a real job. Hacking on the other hand does not necessarily imply malevolent intent.
You must be 18 to post here.
>crackers get all the money
>le mr robot hoodie ecks deee
Because I design hardware, pajeet.
laughed out loud, well done
You too nigger
Who cares about money
But I did.
I have a job in IT-security.
>it's not a real a real job coz it's illegal
>stop working for money wtf it's not a real job
grow up user
Because that field is fundamentally a huge meme and a waste of time.
Unless you prioritize money over meaningful activities.
You don't need to be a mastermind savant hacker who finds new 0-days every week to make money with cracking.
So how do you become "cracker" and then how do you start earning money? hypothetically ofcourse
Exploit systems and mine crypto currency
>being white means you get more coin
How is this news?
so basically you are saying hacking into other pc's and mining on them is what cracker do? It sounds more like what a hacker does.
WRONG. Try slinging dope without protection and tons of bribery. See how many days that gets you without getting riddled with bullets or raided by the feds.
lol, who cares what it meant 40years ago, all it matters what it means now.
Most drug dealers make minimum wage and live with their moms.
Only very few earn top dollar, pretty much like in any other business
lol are implying that after studying these books you gonna be able to hack into computers and shit? i highly doubt it kek
I'm happy with my $120k sysadmin job desu.
It's probably that IT is such a shttiy field for people who cannot into real-life engineering
The 1970's called, they also don't give a shit about your attempt to rebrand the word.
*Roblox stripper
Where did this meme come from? I've been in sec for 8 years and yeah, the pay doesn't suck, but it isn't great either. 150k in New York, Boston, or the Bay Area is like middle class.
I am doing this now. Starting with some courses on Udemy, then go from there. Installed kali on a vm lastnight. I'm learning a lot, pretty fast too.
security is mostly paperwork. i like networking more.
t. the only person on Sup Forums who actually has a job
Real cyber security jobs are making sure all your shit meets whatever legal amount of security you're provided to supply based on regulations and is boring office work for a pot belly with a CISSP. Fuck off you underage retards.
It's funny because it's true.
I have a friend who dropped out of college and became an ethical hacker.
Though she makes good money (for a non college graduate), I wouldn't trade in the Knowledge and Connections™ I've procured at my University for anything else. Plus, I don't have to look very hard for jobs, cause when an employer sees that I went to State Institute of Technology, they're pretty much ready to stroke the shaft and cradle the balls.
Reminder the only real security job is doing vuln research and finding 0day
Everything else is skid shit for retards who think the notion of being a 'hacker' is cool
Yeah well I know this guy who went to State Honours Institute of Technology
Security is for niggers
Can I find a job if I self study cybersecurity by my own and without having a degree?
Or the only path is university debt?
Massachusetts or California?
You'd need CISSP + internships/connections
That's why is a real job. You don't have to pay taxes.
Can I self study and pass the test to have that certificate?
Cissp and other certs are worthless
Pro tip: if you can take a course for and complete a cert in less than a week it's probably a scam
Rate me senpai.
If you do something you can go to jail, is better you do a lot money with that.
I'm not good at programming
>not just going to the rich neighborhood and robbing someone and gunpoint
>not rotating rich neighborhoods so the heat goes down and nothing happens when you try again on the same one
I've considered it, if I did I'd want to go into mainframe security. I'm mainly considering astrophysics or EE.
I saw a version of this pic earlier where the middle guy was javascript artisan. I don't know which version is real now.
>stealing is a real job
My attention span is more or less nil.
This causes myriad issues and thus I am essentially a failure at life.
>What is your excuse for not studying cybersecurity?
It's not in my scope of interest. I mean, reverse engineering is fun and games and some pentesting is cool, but it's not my passion.
>Don't you want to make money?
I went from a well paying web dev position to a not so well paid embedded dev position and then decided I'd rather do a PhD for even less money than that again.
As long as I make enough to make ends meet, money does not really motivate me.
das rite white boi!
you white devuls ah gunna steal me 'n bubbas software?
>Oh no yu aint!
fucking milky muther fucker, i'm gonna grack yo ass with this pentest and DDOS
>just you fukin wait, wh*te boi
My nigga, i couldn't agray mo, i'm IP tracin' as we speak, fo sho!
Yo watchu looking at white boi?
>yeah, you white devil?
But I'm not white, jamal.
>be bored
>Decide to look into hacking
>Take interest in reverse engineering over exploit abuse
>Learn more and more
>Never apply my knowledge as a job because it's probably not fun
>Could probably make mad dosh but don't
>Create crack tool for some obscure software that no crack is out for
>Just keep it to myself because there's literally no reason to crack it for 99.999% of people that would use it
>Satisfied my autism by having the "register product" turn grey in the menu selections
Don't hard code keys into your applications UNLESS it's a blacklist.
respond this
how many time it will take?
Do you crack into a safe, or hack into a safe?
Is it a life crack or life hack?
We use the term hacker pretty loosely these days to easily describe someone who has performed a cyber attack. I think its key to remember that each attack is different and that not all attacks are data breaches. If you think of someone trying to hack into a system the correct way to say it would be they are trying to achieve unauthorized access and trying to escalate their privileges to access even more. In my mind I would call it trespassing not hacking.
not knowing what cracker means
pic related
>not relizing i was using a play on words
Mainframe Security is basically being a sysadmin
>doesn't pay where I come from
>I'd rather create things
>toxic environment
pick each
Because I make 250k a year as a Javascript React code monkey 2 years out of college.
the hacker will always get through
I've never heard of an exploit-proof OS
also liability. when that hacker roots the system and steals all the personal information of the millions of customers, the person in charge of security will be quartered, drawn, and hanged.
>STEM Degree
>shitey $1600/month fulltime job at elementary school keeping shit running
how do I become hackerman
alternatively, how do I stop making a shit wage
>how do i stop making a shit wage
become a venture capitalist and start seeking out start-ups like a fucking vulture.
become a grey-hat (you trick pajeet scammers, and if you're lucky you get their bank account and thus access to millions of dollars annually). Make sure you never port that money to any direct connection to you, otherwise the FBI will trace it. Always invest that money is stocks through a chain of fake companies and always fork some of the dough to strangers so that the FBI has a harder time figuring out who masterminded it. Always have an impromptu Thermite Self-destructor in case you need to destroy the computer and any evidence it has. Always do digital shit through someone else's computer, etc.
If you succeed with the grey-hatting, then you should be rich enough to never have to stress about bills again :^)
>how do I become hackerman
start pen-testing your neighbors for a fee using Kali. You don't actually need a permit if you are good at social engineering and fraud.
get rekt, shekel slaves.
a lot of money ≠happiness.
enough money(your taxes) = happiness.
life is easy and fun.
DBAs make way more than that
>he want to be up on for million dollar liabilities
Nice larping. Show me a timestamped picture of the benefits check you get from the government.
Since every politician who couldn't tell you how the internet works refers to everything remotely tech related as 'cyber'.
How will studying cyber security make me money?
>thinking i care enough to prove to some Sup Forums loser
get rekt slave ;)
>tfw studying information security and don't own a hoodie
Am I going to make it?
no, you're screwed.
sorry kiddo
>tfw the only way to get niggers to do real honest labor
i'm feeling a comeback to this labor system boys
Get big comfy hoody that only has your fingers showing from the sleeves.
Be sure to put your hood on then your headphones over it for supreme cushioning
you beat me to it
Is it even possible to start from a complete beginner, teach yourself all you need to be employable, and get a job within a year?
Its called the art of conning.
>implying stealing needn't work
I mean at least you use the word myriad correctly.
This is something many people with postgraduate degrees can't do.
no he didn't
it would be "this causes a myriad of issues"
What it's really like..
that's pre-crypto
Also post-crypto
>muh cracking meme
"""Cyber""" security is generally a meme except of the following fields:
>Cryptanalysis (I hope you know a shit ton of math)
>Malware Analysis (from Static methods to reverse engineering)
>Network Security (also the only *real* security)
Mobile, application and cloud security fags also make a shit ton of money but mostly because the market standards for security in these areas is low as SHIT
Just look at how low IoT security is right now
t. Currently making a static/dynamic/obfuscation/entropy analysis freeware shit for uni (virustotal on some real serious drugs) and been looking into the security department for years
You're retarded
Broken pottery? :^)