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What are some programs you would highly recommend to people who are new to macOS?
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This thread is for the discussion of Apple's Mac computers and macOS.
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What are some programs you would highly recommend to people who are new to macOS?
Other urls found in this thread:
>install Homebrew
>replace with iTerm2
>get IINA, don't use Quicktime/VLC/whatever
>Transmission is good for torrenting
>if you want a tiling WM, Slate seems like the way to go
>make sure to get the latest Xcode developer tools and upgrade either vim or emacs via homebrew if you program
>don't forget neofetch
That's all I can think of for now, the rest depends on what you want to do.
The rest of the post seems like a good start, though. Got anything to add?
qt anime loli wallpaper UwU
That's a given
A JetBrains IDE
Sublime text 3
Disk inventory X
reminder to ignore and report the idiot anti-apple spammers
>JetBrains IDE
If you're doing C++ I'd recommend QtCreator instead, but for the rest it seems Jetbrains is very good.
This, don't respond to copypasta and samefagging, just report.
macintosh is an apple variety
Why is a toy thread in a tech board?
I believe Sup Forums has a dedicated toy boatd.
I believe it's called Amphetamine now or something like that
Default terminal is perfectly fine, there's no reason to use iTerm.
The only thing no one deserves to live without when using macOS is Xtrafinder and NTFS for mac and of course, learning the system hotkeys.
Maybe get bettertouchtool or spectacle to snap windows like on gnome/unity/Win7 ...
Homebrew usually fucks with macports because it keeps creating file conflicts, if you build stuff on macOS just go with macports, there are almost no linux packages that I can't find on macports.
OSX has a built-in key rebinding tool and for keys combinations that can't be changed to whatever you want (eg. changing CMD/Winkey + backspace which is how you delete files to only the delete key) you can use Xtrafinder like I said.
>sublime text
>jetbrains IDE
Xcode can edit HTML and be used for developing web apps for C++ just use unless you want to make gaymes.
>Default terminal
It lacks customization options, colors, and some functionalities, overall iTerm2 provides a better experience, but it's not absolutely necessary I suppose.
I wouldn't recommend Xcode to anyone, it's extremely heavy (around 10GB, so if you're on an MBA with a small SSD for example, it's inconvenient) and doesn't do its job better than other IDEs unless you're specifically developing for iOS.
lol you jobless shmuck go post about router vulnerabilities instead
Don't respond, just report.
You CAN customize colors on the default terminal, it's under preferences -> text
if you want to make the background blurry and/or transparent you can also do that on the default terminal.
Aren't the customization options for iTerm2 vastly better anyway, though?
who cares, use whichever you want, they're both fine
All shitposting aside how can we take apple seriously anymore? The update undid the security patch, apple has gone full circle.
Any good helpful guides on installing windows 10 on a macbook 2017?
Is there any point at all to using mac-specific ports of Vim, or is brew installing vim 8 enough?
You can type in root, keep pressing the enter key, and you'll get full admin access on any locked apple computer.
Incorrect. Only Macs running High Sierra (hot garbage) are affected. Sierra and lower are fine.
Don't answer, dumbass, report and hide.
>High Sierra (hot garbage)
You mean beta version. It's still 10.13.1, at least wait until 10.13.2 or 3.
Maybe it's just me, but xcode seems awful to work with. I've never been able to enjoy using it.
Even with iOS dev, jetbrains appcode ide is better, and has many more integrations
How can the vulnerability be exploited remotely beside screen share? Is this going to turn into another wannacry thing? I think ignoring such a huge and dangerous exploit like this is bad, the more people know about it the faster apple can actually patch it properly instead of pushing other patches that undo it.
It is awful. For once, the "bloated" buzzword is appropriate. Just get the dev tools but don't install Xcode itself
Consider the following:
Updates to newer OS versions aren't done automatically and you don't get notifications about said updates unless you open the app store and choose to install the update itself.
That basically means that most normies are running sierra to this day and will most likely not update. I've seen many mac users running El cap and yosemite when sierra was already available.
Even if they decide to update they'll probably fallback to sierra because of performance issues on 10.13 right now.
Also, macs on the Apple store are still being sold with 10.12 on it rather than 10.13.
Barely, if you consider it's been vulnerable to exploits before the reasons to use it just disappear. Why would you use a 3rd party variant of a utility with high system privileges?
>vulnerable to exploits
As far as I know, only the clickable link thing, and who the fuck opens links from within the terminal?
Why, does xcode include another root-like exploit?
>fallback to sierra
Too tedious for most people.
Also don't respond to bait.
>Why would you use a 3rd party variant of a utility with high system privileges?
It's not like iTerm is some obscure program. I've never seen a developer use, actually.
Anyone use WebKit Nightly? I'm satisfied with Safari, it's blazing fast and battery efficient, but apparently Nightly is even better, albeit less stable if I'm not mistaken.
>xcode exploit
that was a malware riddled version of xcode that injected malicious code on iOS apps, it was only an issue because dumb chinks thought it was a good idea to download IDEs from unofficial websites rather than apple's on website because >muh speed
You're thinking of Sup Forums NEETs and webdevs that spent most of their time ricing their desktops for nothing/masturbating to aesthetics. You have tabs on the default terminal as well what else do you want?
Funnily enough Xcode is gigabytes less "bloated" than microsoft's visual studio.
It's actually pretty easy to install macOS since it doesn't require a license like windows and the dmg is almost the same size as the windows 10 iso.
I agree default terminal is great. I always felt that iTerm and Homebrew to some extent were memes.
>It's actually pretty easy to install macOS
I know, but Sierra isn't available on the App Store anymore, and you can't easily downgrade from 10.13 to 10.12, you have to download the installer, create a bootable drive and pretty much nuke everything, which you can't do if the installer isn't available in the first place (I wouldn't trust third party websites).
Or am I retarded and all machines that come with Sierra by default keep a bootable installer for Sierra even if it's upgraded to High Sierra?
Why? It's just a package manager.
>Xcode is gigabytes less "bloated" than microsoft's visual studio.
Visual Studio is notoriously huge. Unless you're working on a gigantic project, I really don't see why you'd need anything else than Vim with plugins, emacs, or ST3. I can manage relatively large projects just fine without having to use an IDE.
The link still works.
Oh, thanks.
Can't decide between the new Firefox and Safari.
chromium/eloston chromium >>>>>>>>>>>>>> safari >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dog feces >>>>>>>> any firefox
I recently switched from FF Nightly to Safari. Safari is just as fast if not faster, and it takes a much lighter toll on my battery. Firefox's advantage is that you can tweak it however you like, since I find Safari lacking in the customization department, but aside from that I can't see why you'd use anything else than a browser that was specifically optimized for macOS.
chrome freaking sucks u dummy
I don't like Chromium.
Stop ricing your firefox or bloating it up with 9327474 extensions your spergs.
Chromium's UI is perfectly fine and it's BY FAR the fastest browser.
safari and new firefox are faster
>it's BY FAR the fastest browser.
Not on Mac. All benchmark tests put Safari far ahead 100% of the time.
For me chromium manages to load every page almost instantaneously meanwhile firefox will almost reach that speed but I can still see some chunks of the webpage being loaded not only that but changing between tabs on chromium feels way smoother.
Did you try Safari?
Chromium also uses more resources, which matters if you're on an MBA/MBP
>installing Windows is a service 10
>responding to bait
>responding to obvious shitpost
How long will Sierra be supported with updates?
Where do technology illiterate mactoddler brainlets get the false impression that they or their fruity toddler toys are welcome much less belong on a technology board?
Where could fan acting up problems come from if it's neither from the SMC nor from any running program?
Intel ME
nightly isn't a browser, its just the raw engine for testing purposes. it has no extension support and doesn't save passwords IIRC. and a lot of shit is broken on there
if anything, use safari tech preview.
anyone installed high sierra on a thinkpad t430? ive never done hackintosh so it could be really easy but im wondering if it's even possible.
>Any good helpful guides on installing windows 10 on a macbook 2017?
don't be retarded
it could be the motherboard
My 2013 retina macbook pro starts, works for about a minute, then shuts down.
The only thing I've done to it is replace the fan. (of course this all happens just outside of warranty)
Got tired of /fag/? Face it, you’ll always be fags you stupid shills
Not all apple users on Sup Forums are shills, most shills are just retarded kids/ironic retards who don't care/want to give apple users a bad reputation on Sup Forums.
Try sending it to some board repair so they can further inspect what's the problem. And by that I mean some service like louis rossman's.
Damn, I wonder if anyone will do that in Canada.
I wonder how much I could get for it in that condition, kind of want to just get a thinkpad workstation.
>t. mactoddler
My current setup is my 2017 MBP on a cooling stand with a Thunderbolt 3 to 4K@60hz HDMI converter for plugging into my 49 inch Sony 4K TV. I'm using a Magic Keyboard (non numpad version) and a Magic Trackpad 2.
Easily the best fucking setup I've had. It's cozy as fuck.
I've got my iPhone 7+ and my iPad 2017 for casual browsing and messaging while watching media or using the TV to watch Cable. Also iPad in bed is pretty fucking top tier.
I just love the whole ecosystem.
That being said I have a 6700K i7 GTX 1080 gaymen rig sitting right next to my MacBook Pro for vidya...I don't use it for anything else and why the fuck would I?
Oh yeah forgot to mention its the 15 inch top in-store spec MBP with the 560 Radeon Pro in it 16 gigs of ram i7 blah blah
I want a Mac. I'm getting a old PPC Mac Mini in the mail. I spent 16 bucks in eBay and bought an additional 1GB of ram. I might install Leopard or MorphOS for next-gen Amiga stuff. I'll be the first user here with a next-gen Amiga OS.
Nice blog mactoddler.
Amiga OS is pretty good. I enjoy the nostalgia. A PPC Mac Mini is probably the way to go I've known people buy 3000 Dollar PPC mobos and even more expensive Amiga PPC systems and it's just not fucking worth it senpai.
Also thinking about hackintoshing a x220 I need the Dell PCI wifi adaptor for that...they seem pretty cheap...probably going to go for it.
Would like to pick up the same G3 iBook I had in 2001 but of course faggots on eBay are charging stupid prices.
Speaking of 2001 my Pentium 4 XP build will be complete monday with a 2.8ghz P4, 3GB of RAM and a HD 2600 Pro 512mb AGP to finish it off...not Mac related but yuh should be fun.
Who else has projects going on?
Yeah, I agree. You can run Amiga 4.1 on a sam motherboard or get a X1000 or X5000, but they cost thousands and for what? No one except rich Amiga diehards are going to buy one. MorphOS isn't AmigaOS, but it is a Amiga compatible nextgen Amiga OS. I had a iBook that ran it, but the screen was wayyy too small, so now since I'll have a Mac Mini, I'll be able to use my 1080p monitor.
Friend wants to buy a used but fairly new Mac. what is a god choice and what price range, 2 year old is max, with DVD player. At about $450 and just for regular web surfing and streaming?
Thanx in advance
>Apple Mac General
Friend wants to buy a used but fairly new Mac. what is a good choice and what price range, 2 year old is max, with DVD player. At about $450 and just for regular web surfing and streaming?
Thanx in advance
I have a W520 and have no fucking clue about Mac's
Workbench 1.3 or bust, BOIIII
These are expensive.
How many Apple products do you own?
Two, an iPhone 5S and a macbook air
I have a T420 running Sierra on occasion, dunno if the same setup would work, but it's definitely doable.
>safari tech preview
But is there any benefit to using it if you're not a webdev or is it just Safari with more tools?
I'd like to know this
Does the late '11 Macbook Pro still cut it if you upgrade the RAM and fit an SSD in it?
I need a decent laptop fast and I can't afford to shell out 2k atm
>bring MBA to store since battery only lasts seven hours instead of twelve
>they perform all the checkups
>nothing comes up, battery is at 93% capacity, no problem with the CPU, motherboard or anything
>they tell me that it can only be a software issue even though I only use the mac as a shitposting machine and for occasional programming
Any ideas where the problem could come from? Should I just reinstall the entire OS and hope it does something?
using safari if you're not should help, otherwise that's just how the computer is, return it if you don't like it.
I am. Just with Safari running it lasts 6 or 7 hours.
>that's just how the computer is
What do you mean? It isn't normal.
Which is better El capitan or Sierra?