>want to use linux
>don't really care about the lacking game compatibility
>but 144hz monitors barely work apparently
fucking DROPPED
>want to use linux
>don't really care about the lacking game compatibility
>but 144hz monitors barely work apparently
fucking DROPPED
Other urls found in this thread:
i can get TF2 and shit to run at 144hz perfectly fine, the only problem is with the desktop/compositor/moving windows being super choppy
t. manjaro KDE user
that doesnt work ?
very sad.
I thought about buying one because when i move the mouse it would be more fluid.
this. Linux is honestly worthless to use as a daily driver, + it's made for ancient mice so my new Logitech gaming mouse is too sensitive
force full composition pipeline
>what is adjusting sensibility
Shouldn't have bought AMD.
You can't do that in Linux.
Same here. Bought a G403 and I had to disable acceleration and in the process have low sensitivity that I can't change on KDE's settings (it does fuck all). Not to mention there's input lag.
Damn shame the linux kernel wasn't you're cup of tea then, isn't it? Stupid frogposter.
G403 user here, It works flawlessly with KDE settings.
Why are you expecting appreciation for your posts, tripfag?
Should be possible unless you're on nvidia.
>OS derived from workstations can't play my games how marketers said they should be played
>the OS is to blame
I don't know why you bought a G403 if you're content with mouse accel and input lag, you could just have spent 5 bucks on some chinese shit.
>should be possible unless you use a hardware from a company that has 75% market share
The state of Linux, everyone.
Again, stop lying.
i dual boot and can't tell the difference between Windows and Linux regarding the mouse sensitivity/acceleration.
It's the product manufacturers responsibility to make sure their drivers aren't shit. Do you seriously believe microsoft is writing drivers for them? It's just nvidia being cheap assholes.
I had to follow this
To make it bearable. Why are you being a lying cunt? Trying to shill some shit?
There is a lot of bullshit posted on this website but you just won a cookie.
>can't even turn off acceleration
Maybe you guys should use a proper fucking window manager
learn how xinput works you monkey
It doesn't work. I've yet to seen evidence suggesting otherwise.
GNU+Linux does not have this problem.
>doesnt know how to use google or wikis
>outdated wiki article
Literally doesn't work. Try again, freetard.
>have to hack around in the terminal to disable a common feature
wow so this is the power of lintards
>assblasted lincuck attempts to justify his poorfag hardware choices for his FREE OS
Holy shit you must be that fat dude with the chinkpad I saw at Starbucks lmao
>he wants to use his mouse