/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Old thread: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux thread
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:



>purposefully choosing inflammatory OP to attract Sup Forumsedditor manchildren and their asperger

Because animu shit isn't inflammatory, right?

anime website

Anime website.

It shouldn't be for any sane human, though I can see why liberals get triggered by it so easily

best rolling release binary distro without systemd? void vs artix?

Especially cuckservatives who call anime degenerate.

anime website

mongolian puppet theatre magazine

how likely am I to be able to run lubuntu on a prebuilt gaming comp with a gigabyte motherboard

I'm going to load lubuntu on to an ssd and put it in to the perbuilt and see if I can get it to work sometime towards the end of the month

the lack of bios access is kinda giving me night sweats

what do you think my chances are of a successful install?

Jews are the most successful people because they're better than you OP. Go fuck yourself Nazi.

>what do you think my chances are of a successful install?
like 95%. ubuntu just works and lxde is light enough for the most archaic shitbox u can conjure up

To the anons arguing about st (simple terminal) not having DEL key work, I just figured it out:

By default, the git version of st (and also 0.7 by the looks of it) treats the DEL key as we are used to in modern terms. Backspace deletes to the left of the cursor, DEL deletes to the right. If you want this functionality, you don't need to apply any patches.

The DELkey patch offered in the st website is for oldfags that don't like this behavior, and prefer (from what I understand) for DELkey to delete in the same way Backspace does.

If your version of st has DEL not working like you are used to (ie it does nothing), the only thing you have to do is
>make an .inputrc file in your $HOME
set enable-keypad on
And you're done.


Okay, yeah I mean it's a not a potato comp or anything I just wanted a low lag OS with no bells and whistles. I was just worried about it being prebuilt. But if it's that flexible it should be fine regardless of being prebuilt. Thank you for your reply.

>download alpine
>holy fuck it's literally 100mb install
>it's also security oriented
i just got hooked up on the minimalism meme
mmmmmmmmm baby

Anime website.

>call degeneracy degenerate
>get called a conservative
I voted for Bill Clinton and Barack Obama

So minimal there are barely any packages for it.

When did linux general become antisemitic shit? Fuck nazis.

Fucking Nazi bitch took down his image. Hopefully he kills himself next. My grandparents died in the holocaust you faggot.

oh my god im fucking retarded. i forgot to type "/" in front of dev/sdb

So you voted for two neocons?


why you gotta lie faggot

unfortunately not before they could give birth to your parents

How do I enable TLP
And is having the tlp for Thinkpad worth it if I don't plan on doing any configuring myself

>What distro should I choose?

Fuck, it isn't working.

Failed on the first step.

Read, apply according to your distro
Yes it's worth it, I use it on mine. The only configuring you should do is setting the thresholds, and that's done editing two lines in a text file.

Do I copy the examples or any reccomended settings? Or is this a case by cas thing I sould figure out.

Explain your use case. Are you new to GNU/Linux? Then Ubuntu or some Ubuntu flavor is your best bet.

Used Ubuntu in the past but very lightly, so call me a complete beginner.

Then yeah, just use Ubuntu. Pick a flavor if you don't like the default desktop environment it comes with.

My personal suggestion would be Xubuntu, it comes with the XFCE desktop environment. Think of it as the coat of paint on-top of the distro, bundled in with some basic programs to get you started. XFCE happens to be very light-weight, and easy to customize with themes and plugins at your taste.

You shouldn't have to change anything from the default settings in the /etc/default/tlp file, except for the battery thresholds (when it will charge and when it won't)

For example my battery is not that old so I have it set up to max threshold 90 and min threshold 80.

Hey, Linux user here, would you kind gentlemen be willing to recommend a featureful music player for me?
Currently I'm still using Tomahawk - 2 years after development ceased, would like some friendly and honest recommendations.

Oh and I'm using Arch with gnome3

not a bait, pic related

Clementine is nice.

>Using GNOME on a rolling distro
Cringe'd. Don't you have dependency hell when they update unevenly?

Nope, been using i3 before that and I find gnome very comfortable and the eye candy is satisfying, I have enough RAM to run it so I dont mind, the dependency hell was under Xorg (got rid of that annoying crap), not a single issue with updates while using it with wayland so far.

How do I get st to be treated as a login shell?

It isn't auto-loading my .bash_profile for some reason.

This might sound silly, but I was putting my PATH's in my .bash_profile before under urxvt and it used to work. Why doesn't it work with st? Should I just put my PATHs on .bashrc ?

I tried xubuntu it's great but it looks like my computer can't really handle it (it's slow af now).
So which distro should I choose ? lubuntu or puppy Linux or something else?
and if puppy Linux which version?
Also 1gb of ram,1.8ghz quad core processor , chipset...

puppy isn't made for being a permanant use distro
perhaps install ubuntu-minimal and only having a window-manager will suit you better

Ok, I'll get my ass on it.


XFCE looks a bit ugly by default, but don't be fooled, it's very quick and easy to get it to look nice. Just press a button to apply a theme and there you go.

I just don't like anything with tablet vibe like the latest Ubuntu I used.

I just want something that works and isn't bloated as shit.

Wtf really ?
Even wary pup?
Also i am not sure about Ubuntu even minimal , xubuntu is slow even though I have the recommended requirements
I also tried Debian once also slow for some reason (fresh install)

You'll probably like it then.

If you want to further de-bloatify things, you might want to look into going at it with no desktop environment at all.

A desktop environment is basically a display manager and a window manager, bundled in with a bunch of basic utility programs.

You could decide to just install a window manager like i3, openbox, awesome, bwm, etc and get rid of even more bloat, like programs you might not use that come bundled with the DE's, or even the display manager (which is just a fancy word for graphical login screen).

>ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints
what the hell is this?
i'm trying to install a desktop for alpine

are there any packages for udev user
if so install that first then run the script again

i highly recommend arc dark. i believe it supports all the popular DEs, it definitely supports XFCE at least

I'm definitely going to do that.

When I used Ubuntu I never customized anything, just used it out of the box, then I was wondering, why the fuck not keep using W7 instead?

>why the fuck not keep using W7 instead?

Well, plenty of reasons. Using a GNU/Linux distro is not just about customization, although it is facilitated.

funny, image preview in ranger didn't appear in the scrot screencap, oh well

Lol, they split packages into a dozen small ones so you need to install five or six packages to get the function of one package on any other distro.

Yeah I didn't mean just customization, but that I didn't really explore what it offers.

It's also a part of my "Drop your shitty job and become a web dev" project, that will end with me being happy or with too much free time.

>hard reset my pc after fedora froze

>apk add eudev
>ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints:
eudev (missing):
require by: world[eudev]

>you need eudev to install eudev
i'm going back to void, fuck this

Is there a way to increase the fontsize on Konsole?


systemd: not even once

how do i repair my file system

not a bug, wont fix. its a feature

go into rescue shell and run fsck

fsck -fy /dev/sdXY

install gentoo or void

all it seems to do is check stuff and not repair anything

>Dolphin can't inspect specific properties of files like resolution, bitrate or EXIF information
>just General and Permissions
WTF is this shit?

After trying out HardenedBSD and OpenBSD (which I liked a lot) and NetBSD (which was complete horseshit), I'm back to using Debian. I just have one question: how do you replace systemd with sysvinit? I want to get rid of Pottering's nightmare-in-waiting before it's too late.

>Pic related

what is a good
>calculator tool
>pdf viewer

>how do you replace systemd with sysvinit?
Isn't it faster to just install devuan ?

I was in a hurry for finals and shit and I remembered a friend gave me a Debian live cd a week back, so I just installed that this morning and went to school. If I wasn't in finals mode, I probably would have taken the time to install Deuvan tbqh.

I fixed that stupid fucking behaviour of st and it's delete key for good. Fuck me.

Anyone wants a patch?

qpdfview is pretty good, and has sane defaults. You might want to look into zathura too. Gaculator(sic) and MATE Calculator are pretty good.

Hey fellas, it's the Darktable segmentation fault guy again.
I noticed that if my external Harddrive with all the images on it isn't mounted, the programm works fine. Since just before the first crash, I uploaded a bunch of files to my image collection from my camera, I'll backup and then delete those images and retry.
I DID work on those images before the crash, quite a few actually, so it may not be that, but it seems to be connected to my image collection

Sure user

Didn't you see this though?

>Didn't you see this though?
no need for this garbo
everything works as it's fucking supposed to do. it deletes characters to the right of the cursor AND works in all the mentioned applications

here goes

thank you user, I'll check it out. Do I credit your fedorapeople username if I apply it to my st fork?

i would be honored but I just flipped 4 characters around.

Huh, it was that easy? Who knew

Just out of curiosity, could you explain why that makes it work? I'm still very new when it comes to C.

By default st when receiving the XK_Delete key prints out the ^[[P sequence. No idea what it does and it appears to do fuck all.
To make matters even more ridiculous - it appears to be nonstandard behaviour since the fucking TTY when receives the XK_Delete key prints the CORRECT sequence of ^[[3~

The patch just makes it print the sequence that everything and their mother expects - ^[[3~.

I see, thank you

On a related note, when you type Shift+Up arrow or Shift+Down arrow, what characters do you get in st? Or in other terminals?

I used to have this in my .bashrc that allowed me to have zsh-like history completion, but it no longer works for me.
bind '"\e[a": history-search-backward'
bind '"\e[b": history-search-forward'

>Shift+Up arrow
Shift+Down arrow,

Strange. For me it's only printing

Nevermind, just figured out it was some weird remnant from my .inputrc solution of enabling keypad. This can all be pretty weird

Anyone know an easy way to send PDFs, notes, webpages, etc between my laptop and tower?


How do you remove the bars from all the windows in any distro?

what bars?

the Title bar I presume
probably in the config file of the wm you're using
in the settings for xfce
with bloated pluggins for other DEs

I use kitty with tdrop and I wish I could remove the bar of only one window instance.

What's the uTorrent 2.2.1 of GNU plus Linux?


I want a mainstream, widely used Linux distro for work (programming). I've been using Manjaro in my laptop but I don't like it, I want something else and it's going to be either Fedora or Ubuntu. Which has the better better lightweight DE (XFCE, LXDE, something like that) out of the box?

Linus is the colonel.

Just use transmission, baby.

I'm in the Bay Area (nohomo) and haven't worked anywhere that wasn't primarily Ubuntu LTS or Mac centric. YMMV but I don't see how a release cycle as short as Fedora's would work for production.

Cross linking for more eyes. I'm using feh to change my desktop background
feh --bg file --image-bg black
just gives a black background with a white background image in the middle, I hope you understand what I meant by this.

Um... I meant this one

Somalian baseball card collecting club

On Parabola GNU/Linux, trying to install i3-gaps. Problem is libev 32 bit isn’t hosted on most of the mirrors (404) and the parabola.serverpit.com certificate expired. AUR doesn’t have version 4.24 which is needed for the build.

Any tips? Should I complain to the parabola guys, or compile myself?

I would avoid alpine for desktop use honestly. It's great for containers and vms, especially web facing ones with security concerns, but it's not very good for desktop use.
