What software do you use for the biannual Windows-cleanup, Sup Forums?

What software do you use for the biannual Windows-cleanup, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


>using windows

nice data tracking placebos


Enjoy the botnet.

CCleaner is good, it helped me get rid off InstallShield Update manager, which came bundled with a driver.
There was no uninstaller to be found so I deleted the directory and it managed to find all of the registry keys for that malware and delete it

>Using software to clean Windows
>Not cleaning Windows manually

>doesn't like botnet
>still leaks info to botnetchan

How is it botnet?


everyone on Sup Forums will now autism screech because you just mentioned using Windows. What most don't seem to acknowledge is that Windows is in-fact industry standard and there is nothing you can really do in your distro to make your distro industry standard.

With that being said I mostly just use microsoft security essentials not because it's particularly good but because it doesn't bog the system down too heavily running in the background. When that isn't enough I will run Malwarebytes to check for additional malware.



Good answer. If you're not in the basement and you actually work for a living, you're going to run into Windows (pun intended). That's just a fact.

This is Sup Forums. Everything is botnet. Every single piece of hardware and software in your home is watching your and tracking you and sending all your data to the glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers at all times.

I know you're having a laugh at his expense, but this place is literally more paranoid than /x/. And that's saying something when a 'I heard a sound in my house'-threads warrants 400 replies in that shithole.

Check disc and clean it every month
Your windows already can do this without installing any program

>lamps are botnet
>fridge is botnet
>vacume talks to FBI daily

i just use spyware protect 2009

I keep a clean image of windows with me. Whenever I need to clean up I just backup my shit and re-image to that clean install.

What's wrong with Panda?

>industry standard

>basement dwelling autist

Just reformat and reinstall.

I have no need to do a "biannual" cleanup because I always keep my system clean and steady. Also windows 10 LSTB has automatic maintenance, so again no need to do such things.

>un-ironically running Piriform malware

LMAO, go back to the speccy threads to brag about your cool malware, faggot.

yes. Industry standard. Industry standard in 'proprietary' file formats, programs, active directory, and anything regarding work.

Go to a job. Any job with 5+ people. Guaranteed they have a "Windows" server running active directory and if you are sitting there with your autism screetch because you can't get Outlook Exchange to work on the directory then you would easily be out of a job due to your ideology which is noble yet ultimately useless until we get people smart enough to boycott Microsoft for every evil it has created.

The other standard you would find quite often is everyone running on freeware Google botnet shit where everything is on the cloud which I'm sure you would autism screech at that as well because muh botnet.

CCleaner for friends, after i browse for passwords etc etc

Is that a gir (guy)?


this too.


At least /x/ only gets concerned about ghouls when they hear a bump in their house, Sup Forums gets concerned about mass government surveillance when their fans get a decibel louder

Like said, cleanmgr.exe is all you need.


Not all jobs are Windows """IT""" jobs. At tech companies BYOD is increasingly the norm and macfags are everywhere.

Which do you think is more plausible?

What does the compression do? Never used it but always been curious.

Like is there a large performance drop?

Just use Bleachbit, faggot.

Go the fuck back.

>does she have a penis?

Is tha a woman (man)? I'm too damaged by this place.

>that armpit hair

I'm gonna' let you guess. Why don't you grab your cock and let your boner decide?


If you're going to be a trap, fucking shave.

Back to... ?

r/Sup Forums

>newfag associates captured posts with Reddit

the point is more that the post isn't "capture" worthy in the slightest, and announcing that you've capped a post is reddit-tier. please fucking go back.


r/Sup Forums is still waiting for you.

>that the post isn't "capture" worthy in the slightest
Something that allows you to communicate with a picture instead of typing words is worth capturing.
>announcing that you've capped a post is reddit-tier
>he or she hasn't heard of "capped for truth"

>Something that allows you to communicate with a picture instead of typing words is worth capturing.
you don't define that, the majority does and the majority is against you

>you don't define that
Of course you do. You capture and you repost as you wish. Nobody can stop you except the mods.
>the majority does
A truly retarded statement. Communication doesn't happen between majorities. If you post something and even one other person reads and understands, that's communication. If that one person appreciates what you posted while 100 others screech at the two of you, that's successful communication.

i don't care

Exactly, that's the spirit.

i have never seen someone so reddit double down this hard. seriously you fucking faggot kid you need to go back, even if you've been here for 13 years you still act like a total newfag. fuck off

BleachBit with winapp2.ini

I don't use Winshit.


There are fridge's with wifi now, that keep track of what you're low on, and I'm prerty sure you can make a grocery lists on them and send them to your phone.

Refrigerators could totally be a botnet.

There are also Smart LED bulbs with wifi. The NSA could probably pull some stasi shit and fuck with the color of your lightbulb if they wanted.

I would need to use Windows to have a biannual windows cleanup.

I use a windows USB drive.

I dont need

What most Wincucks don't seem to acknowledge is that nobody wants Linux to be ""industry standard"" because then it will be flooded with normies and normies ruin everything

Normies are the reason Windows 10 has forced updates, microsoft says you're not allowed to touch certain system folders on your own fucking computer and ads for candy crush in the start menu

disk cleanup is enough, others are literally placebo
fucking retards i swear

Do you guys do freelance computer cleaning? Cause I do. There's a lot of silly people out there.

> Advanced system care pro
> Defraggler

Good as new. Charge $70. Client is happy.

>Client is happy
waste of trips. we all know "client" is mum, da, auntie, uncle etc etc

I wish I could charge stupid people this much money for doing something so simple. I can never do it because I feel bad. I'd rather charge a lot less money and then teach them how to do it themselves.

I guess I need to be more of a sociopath / capitalist if I wanna fulfill my big city dreams

>windows disk cleaner
>my common sense to not install useless crap on my pc
Ccleaner is a placebo botnet meme

This actually isnt true you dumb dumb shit

Why do kids repeat shit they see here to act smart?

I feel the same way. I could probably charge 500 just for setting up a wordpress site or more, but I would feel to guilty

it's ok to do to someone who has the money. if it's for a business, take the mother fuckers to the bank and smile the whole way. they ride that shit off as well have expense accounts to pay for it. help the common man, rape the business man for all you can. it's the order of things.

Both. Government ghouls.

They could point when you'd normally reached home to turn on the light yeah

What folders are inaccessible? I mostly just use Windows for solidworks and an occasional gayme so I'm not to bothered by that shit

No, it just bogs down the system sending your every keystroke to micro$haft and the nsa.

>maintaining your os "by hand" instead of having scripts for building and deploying to your pc stateless os image with software you use, based on debootstrap/archbootstrap/etc
Typical wasting time wincuck

This is the spirit of Sup Forums.

So what? Who's still using 32-bit Windows?

I downloaded Bleachbit yesterday to replace ccleaner, seems okay, kind of minimal interface but I like it, plus it's open source and shit so no botnet

Unnecessary, Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 already have a Disc Cleaning tool. (registry 'cleaning' is pointless because it does nothing)
>Panda Protection
Unnecessary, Windows 8.1 and 10 have Windows Defender which is more than enough (if you're not completely brain-dead, but since you use CCleaner I guess you are).

You speak the truth brother


>Unnecessary, Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 already have a Disc Cleaning tool.
This meme is retarded. It's been around since XP, and as with all windows utilities from the XP era, it sucks. It doesn't find nearly as much crap as Ccleaner, and it is super slow.

Go ahead, run disk cleanup then run CCleaner and see what it finds.

after you do that, run Winutilities and see what CCleaner misses.


Backup files, reinstall.

I reinstall my Windows once a year

Why does (s)he not have to shave holy shit, it ruined my day

BleachBit is better for cleaning up.
If you need an uninstaller Revo Uninstaller is the best there is.

jesus, chill out. it's you who sound like a 12 yo edgy newfag

>then teach them how to do it themselves.
if they were willing and capable to learn it they would have done already. Your market is arrogant retarded boomers who leave "compootas to the compoota man".

Can revo get the built in UWP shit in W10?

>implying women don't have body hair.

You've seen women naked irl before, r-right user?

I rollback my VM every so often.



honestly this shit is so pathetic.

>not shaving armpits
Sorry, I only fuck women with some sense of decency.

I'm very sorry you got called out, but this isn't r/Sup Forums. We're all anonymous here. No one will even know if you just drop it.

I'm not I just think it's astounding that adults behave like this. Blowing up over the most innocuous shit ever is childish to say the least.