/bst/ - Battlestation Thread

I'm opening up a new one because the current (now old) one is about to die.

What should I do about my current monitor situation? Should I buy an old HP LP2475W monitor to match my second monitor? An user said to buy a used 30" 2560x1600 monitor off eBay, but they are a bit pricey and not a lot of them are being sold at a good price.

Other urls found in this thread:


kinda messy but whatever


Evening Sup Forums. Haven't posted here for a while.


What's that disc?

I can't recall the last time i posted mine.

you just moved out, amirite?

7 months ago.


new KB not pictured

Nice setup. How's the monitor?

Looks cozy, if not a little cramped.

You should post more often.

Put your desktop on the floor.

Looks comfy. neat desk.

I've made updates, but I can't be fucked to take a new picture.

Guts and chair have changed, but can't be fucked to clean up and take a new picture.

That's a lot of front USB ports.


w10 fag, gtfo

its not a battle station, it's a botted station

Nice and clean

Yeah, two 3.0 and four 2.0. There's also an SD card reader, so the case needs 3 USB 2.0 headers in total. My board only has one so I had to use one of those internal USB hubs.


Feels good man.

man your set up looks C O M F Y as fuck
that mousepad though bro
pls no


pls baby grab that


>post picture from reddit in order to get replies on Sup Forums
>Here's your (you)


>recognizing it's from reddit
How? Unless you need to go back...

I think most people here use Reddit, Sup Forums is just kind of different.

>inb4 hurr durr leddit fags off muh board

Popular =/= Good
Try telling a freetard to use Windows.

Stop pretending 4chin and leddit are some secret club. People browse both. You aren't an elitist for browsing a tech thread on Sup Forums.

Go suck start a shotgun

Hey there.

Sofa looks comfy/10

Give me a r8 m8

Sorry my friend the pad has sentimental value.



howdy fellas

I built a floor desk recently. I can squat in front of my PC and get maximum comfy. Also great for having people over because the whole floor is accessible.
Love the lights! I should do something like that, if you don't mind that is.
Is that a VIC20? Seems kinda cluttered but pretty rad user. Most of my /vr/ stuff is boxed up because I don't have space.
Reddit or not, it's comfy. I saw snow for the first time yesterday and it was magical. I live in Florida so it never snows here, but then The Donald came and he brought joy and wonder with him.

idc do it.

Bully me

Is this the new "faggots"?


This. Fuck off

that indian poster

My friend has my camera but i just got new speakers and shit so i figured i would just use my shitty phone. please be friendly

>dat shitty taste in books

i try to hide it boo

Those white cube furniture things.

Where did you get them and what model are they?

I know. Why would you hide it if it wasn't shit?

Not him, but Ikea.

We can spot you double enter mashing faggots a mile away.

they are just some IKEA storage things
I dont like them and am planing on getting a new cabinet there

This system is retarded.
Why does reddit do this?

What's good, listen to my newest song


8/10 cosy place u got, goes well with a cat
nice tune btw

Who cares about spacing?

Thanks mane

10/10 cat

rate my setup, fellas

feelin pretty comfy

I'm getting pretty jealous of these 4:3 monitor fags. I want to get one, but those hi-res NEC monitors don't come cheap.

can you remove the aberration?

I like your cat.

this is now cat thread

holy shit that is a beautiful cat user

what bike do ya ride?

r8/h8 bby


how do you guys like those jbl lsr305?

i am thinking about getting a pair. i get tired of wearing headphone exclusively.

g'morning lads

Lovely, what monitor?

Nice and warm. What do you play on the 3ds?

thanks. i haven't really played anything lately due to lack of time. i had just finished Samus Returns when i took the pics, though.

Love the setup

Nice babushka setup you have got there.

glass desk, ryzen meme
the disk is 10/10
the green cable is kinda off
my god that printer sag, nice og xbox tho
quite nice, I just don't dig the ultrawide
anime trash, meme desk, microwave 0/10
fix your cables before trying to make a panoramic photo to make it look bigger than it actually is
a bit crammed, but nice
if only it wasn't a glossy desk
pony trash 0/10
Not bad at all
Anime trash 0/10
good stuff
no need, you're making a fool of yourself without our help
you're better off without lights
oh god
it's ok
why do you ruin such a beautiful meowsie with anime?
he/she stares deep into your soul. 15/10
you know the rules, anime is an instant 0/10

Sorry for potato tier camera quality. First time posting my station also.

Please move out of your mother's basement.

Maybe i'll buy a new desk next summer. Any ideas, where I can buy a white desk without ikea's honeycombs?

What about triple monitor?
Is it akg headphones? How do they sound? My last experience with akg (k551) was terrible.
Nice setup btw
It's like me 3 years ago
Too much stuff on the desk, but this is beautiful anyway. What about add some backlights?
You will drop your pc one day
This box is out of place
Can you hide all these wires?
Oh, if only I can place my piano this way...
Your room is clean, but all this weeb stuff make it look messy

Their great, when I first got them I listened to a bunch of albums I've listened to and was blown away. You miss out on a lot when you've listened to music through shitty speakers. It's also good for producing of course.

Not really unless I push the monitor further away. I keep moving the microphone and I need the loose wire for charging the mouse every now and then.


>Any ideas, where I can buy a white desk without ikea's honeycombs?
Make one yourself. I'd recommend MDF.

>oh god

What'd I do?

i designed mine in sketchup and built it a few months ago out of cabinet grade plywood. i spent about $250 building it, but you could use a composite like mdf and come out a lot cheaper, but less durable.

>This box is out of place
That box is a cheap foot rest. I've been meaning to get some kind of stool or ottoman or something to put in it's place, but haven't gotten around to it.

nice! every review i've read echoes this sentiment. i've yet to read a bad review on them.

The only problem is there's a light hiss from the tweeters. So if you're in a room that's heavy sound proofed it can hurt your ears a little. But in a normal room and lightly treated room the hiss isn't as bad.

Mdf is good enough, but how to make it white?

Damn, is it that bad?


drink more water


pretty much this

lol. i do primarily drink water with an occasional coke zero every now and then. the sugary shit is all my brother's. he drinks shit tons of it.

I'm not sure this is a good idea...

how the fuck do you think people "make their walls white"

any white furniture you see is either painted or stained. paint is the easiest way to achieve what you're looking for. or you can apply a topcoat like clear polyurethane over the paint if you're worried about the finish.

Well, my walls're white not because of paint, as you can see.
I know, but i think it's very easy to screw up here. Especially in my case, cause i can't use a paint pistol for the smooth layer of paint

>I live in Florida so it never snows here, but then The Donald came and he brought joy and wonder with him.
Actually it's climate change but I'm glad you got to see snow before another hurricane comes and wipes you away.

maybe, but i wanna get a bigger primary monitor first, so i don't know. i have another old dell monitor i can use for a triple monitor setup, but it didn't flow well with my setup (4:3 monitor with a 16:9 monitor and a 16:10 monitor)

i honestly hate the desk, can't do shit about it though.

>1440p/144hz gsync are all IPS with blb and terrible qc
>1080p/144 is a consideration but TN image looks like ass and i would have to downsize to 24" for acceptable dpi
>21:9 VA 100hz monitors seem like a decent option but they cost $1200

Still working on it, new speakers for Christmas and the big TV is coming down soon. It's 720p and annoying to look at compared to the monitors below.



Looks beautiful, user

What do you guys think of this build?

My goal: the very last iteration of Ryzen on AM4, I'll upgrade the CPU, GPU, and get another identical stick of memory.

So, last year we started an extension build so we could transform our old bedroom/office (It was REALLY cramped. As in, there was less that 1m squared space left (We ended up having to have the mother-in-law move in [medical reasons], so we lost our old bedroom).

But today, after a good 18 months of sporaddic decorating and buying new bits and bobs. WE'RE (nearly) FINISHED!!!

There will be a new carpet in here at some point, and I want to put another shelf up on the wall behind the PCs. But yeah, it's looking akin to how I wanted it to.

The other half does Veterinary Med, hence all the animal stuff.