/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

AnimeBytes is cabal! edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Last thread's NEWS:
>AB is cabal!
>pooloo shutdown for good!
>IPT has ties with the russian mafia!??
>PTP raided and officialy dead!
>user snags a great deal from IPT!
>user heading for LEGEND on AB!
>Blutopia BTFO

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks OP.

thx OP, sir. Good job.


nice news

I'm happy that I got into the OP for once

OP has gone 100% full hook

i suck my own dick for pleasure

>The tracker is experiencing technical difficulties.
> Please leave your clients seeding.

You should stop seeding actually until the tracker goes back up actually. Because it won't be able to handle > 90000000000 requests/s.

Also I'd wish the staff could be more transparent on the issues.

How do I get into this?

Sucking multiple cocks

>being /unpure/
what a faggot

Nvm realized I'm already part of one, it's pretty shit tho

take the RED interview and work your way up to power user if you want to get into other trackers

is ggn going to open applications soon?



t. Gaming god

I don't get your memes


Who else /letsripping/ here?

Getting upload on Red is fucking impossible... I know about better.php but getting the files in the first place requires you to download more than you'd get from uploading the transcode.

Have you ever tried to, you know, upload new content?

FINALLY a good OP.

we all know you don't upload new content, you just pay for a seedbox

For the price of buying a CD from which I'm gonna get 500 MB at most I could probably rent a seedbox, but paying to pirate isn't exactly a great alternative.

If you mean cross-seeding, from where? I can find music but none of it is in an uploadable state that would fly on red.

Why would they?

i've never had a seedbox but i made about 200GB upload from the 144 tokens. i don't buy the red is difficult meme, it's bullshit.

But I don't. I don't even use a seedbox.

Why not support your favorite musicians by buying their CDs and ripping them instead?

Something strange is happening, when I open my music folder and look for a folder it's not there but if I open the folder via transmission I can see the folder. Also if I add new albums to the folder I can't see them either (unless I open them via transmission), What's going on here and how do I fix it?

been doing this since oink, red is the worst tracker ive been on regarding buffer. absolutely terrible. you get one seedbox nigger in the swarm and he just sucks everything up.

Some idiots think RED is hard. Other idiots think it's just a seedbox circlejerk. Neither of those groups are likely to contribute anything to the site anyway, so just leave them behind, honestly. There's no need to even engage them in conversation.

fuck you op i'm not a pajeet o was only asking about bakabt as it's one of the only p[rivate trackers i have used

it's not hard, it's just fucking stupid

Because I'm fucking poor, I can't spend hundreds of dollars on CDs and I can't get better net since I live in the sticks.

So I'm fucked, I get it.


>you get one seedbox nigger in the swarm and he just sucks everything up
so how have i got hundreds of GBs of buffer? my 3 former wcd invitees are also doing well. stop crying, start seeding, that's my advice.

you got on early and uploaded your hoard of shit from what.cd

that's how

>been doing this since oink
No you fucking haven't, fuck off. You wouldn't be whining like a little bitch if you knew what you were doing.

i got in via interview. like i keep telling you, the 144 tokens were the key. wtf did you do with your 144?

t. youngfag that got on what.cd like 2 years ago

i even have an ss of my oink account, but i'm not posting it because i use the same username on another tracker

What kind of shit do you seed? And how much?

>snatching literal shit

I've been a very good boy on RED. I've been using my tokens as intended - downloading stuff I want to listen to and not trying to game the system for upload also known as buffer. I'm an precious angel in the eyes of RED staff.

3+ weeks since I PM'd the RED recruiter in AB. Still hasn't answered.

Way to go, RED.

If you expertly time when you purchase a seedbox you can get virtually unlimited buffer on every tracker for less than 10 dollars total. The only problem is when the trackers go down, but I actually made money on my whatcd buffer.


>study your shit instead of actually getting invited instead a trustworthy thread with requirements

sure thing bud

Be sure to stretch first.

Enjoy the wait, you could almost be PU by now

how fucking hard can it be to keep tracker site up? seriously how can apollo ask for donations with this shitty uptime

they're asking for donations because they are having a hard time keeping the site up, duder. how hard is this to understand? if you want apollo to survive you will have to shoot them some dosh. they can't do it on their own. this tracker is for the people but the people are not pulling their end of the bargain. sysops are trying but the userbase is greedy and it's fucked up.

A B is cabal
post the vocaroo

Can red see if you’re cheating by looking at your public IP address in their website compare it to the address in the irc channel?

In theory no


Nice try O


I just download my favorites. Stuff that has from 300 seeds to 1 seed.

How much torrents are you seeding btw? Any autosnatch included?

hey O, I will donate if you actually prove you can fix things
I already donated once but won't until I show some goodwill

this year it will be only red unless something changes


janedigby is that you?

I will literally SUCK your dick if you fix the tracker!!!

Around 500, no autosnatch


>emp doing a freeleech becaus some pornstar hanged herself

I've said something similar at age 13. I'm not trying to dismiss the quote. Just that I feel like quotes should be a bit deeper than that. Then again. I'm a complex anime connoisseur we can't all be my level of intelligence.

APOLLO has once again stepped up to the plate and will commence a 72-hour SITEWIDE FREELEECH in her honour

> he typed 3 whole sentences out just to fit it "complex anime" meme
you guys are so funny.. not

t. insane REDdit spammer

But I am the complex anime connoisseur user. And I did say something similar at the age of 13. Nothing wrong with that now is there?


>mfw I've made it 3 weeks no fappin', and had the willpower to not look up her freeones upon hearing the news

please tell me there's a Sup Forums thread about this

There was for a while. This is the actress that played her.

Why do private tracker users all have such smooth brains?

at least we don't have smooth and lube buttholes like public tracker users

I never said I use public trackers smooth brain.

t. goober

>tokens will expire in two weeks

oh wow thanks jewdacted

All I feel for you sad creatures is pity.

never post in this thread again

look at this goober

Nary a wrinkle.

her movie sucked, but only because her character was so unlikable. Those 2 hours of lost footage were better than the actual movie.

was she a trap? what is the gay shitstorm around her? why should I care?

How do I let autodl-irssi use my tokens at RED again?

step 1, stop autosnatching on red you fucking seedbox fuck face piece of shit



jack, i mean this in the nicest way possible. please kill yourself immediately. you have no purpose on this earth besides resource consumption.

Post your face when you get 5 gigabytes of precious upload in a day.


my name is jamal you racist piece of shit



fuckin HONKEYS

shit op

>finding a clip you've been searching years for on EMP
I'm feeling a rush of nostalgia and joy that I haven't felt in a long time. Moments like these make me happy I bothered to get into the private tracker scene.

I just stroked one out to my favorite BLACKED scene starring her. RIP.