Terminal Fonts Thread

What is everyone's favorite *nix terminal font?
Currently using Anonymous Pro, although I also like Inconsolata

Other urls found in this thread:


droid sans mono

fantasque sans mono uwu


I just use Deja Vu Book

>no slashed/dotted zero

but user, your font is clearly San Francisco Display 11, uwu

thats the system font u baka

you must still ride your bike with training wheels, eyelet


Trying it out now. Looks very nice and clear.

Redpill me on antialiased vs. unantialiased Sup Forums.
Which is better? Is one easier on your eyes? This is for normal DPI; the issue kind of goes away once you can't see one pixel from the next.

how do I get san francisco display?

Fira mono looks good


I'd also like to know this. What's the best type of font for maximum eye-comfiness/health?


thank you sweetheart

A font that is pixel-aligned, but yet anti-aliased.

At least that is my opinion.

possible to get dofiles?

Also, it does work in Linux, right?


How do I install it on linux? The ruby command tells me that "San Francisco is only available on OS X 10.10 Yosemite."

lol baka
just download them and put them in ~/.fonts

b-but i'm on gentoo

bash: cd: /home/akko/.fonts: No such file or directory

make the fucking directory then

y-you don't need to be rude ;_;

then make it
or u can put them in /etc/fonts
u really installed gentoo yet u dont know how to install fonts?


I actually never had to install fonts by myself

there's some things that are so stupidly easy that you don't even know how to do it


Century Schoolbook Monospaced. It's comfy as shit; I feel like I'm reading a manuscript instead of working at a terminal.

deja vu sans mono uwu
does anyone know how to increase the margins in urxvt uwu?

URxvt*internalBorder in xresources

>using antergos

yeah... i used to know how to increase the margins on urxvt, but.. I think I forgot! Sorry!

thanks. also is there a way to make the changes take effect without logging off and logging back in?
shut up desu it's the same thing as arch

From the thumbnail I thought that was ASCII of someone being knotted. Lame.

no, it's not

xrdb ~/.Xresources

thanks so much

why does the bar at the bottom right looks like a pencil?

Hello all, Most of you are familiar with transaction RZ12 which allows you to create and edit rfc server groups for parallel execution of rfc enabled abap procedures and functions. What you may not be aware of (I have only discovered it this week after 3 years of working as a basis admin), is that transaction RZ12 is a bit misleading when It comes to controlling/configuring the resources that will be assigned to each rfc server group. What I mean by this is, that when you edit an rfc server group (by double clicking a row that represents the assignment of a server group to an application server, or when you create a new one), the lower part of the popup window allows you to enter your preferences for the amount of system resources that will be allocated to the group (in fields like : “max number of logons” and “max number of wps used”). The problem with this is, that the data you enter for these parameters is not rfc server group specific. Its actually application group wide, just like all the other profile parameters.

and what does that have to do with terminal fonts?


Hack size 12

Noto Mono is pretty nice.

tamzen github.com/sunaku/tamzen-font
bdf master race

Can you post a link to that file good sir, I can't find it anywhere. Thanks

Been using Tewi for ages, would like to change now though, want something a bit softer.

I use shinonome, I love big bitmap fonts

how the hell did you even get gentoo installed

what's with that lotus bar i keep seeing, is that even a mac or a mac-lik linux DE

It's macOS, I just changed the icon with ThemeEngine.


Fuck anything else

Terminus is the best if you code/script a lot. And of course using it with VIM.


noto mono

>literally the first result
>but I like the font so want others to use it
you win. 10/10

Holy font batman. That's the first font in ages that I've liked. Good job.

Wait what. It's a Japanese font?

Yeah, but you can use it for latin characters. I converted the version from the website to a dfont.

>tfw konsole is the only reasonable terminal that properly renders font ligatures

I want to switch to a curved monospace font, but all of them look so fucking ugly unless you have them at 12pt, even on a 2560x1440 monitor. Can't stand 12pt terminal font, looks awful and wastes so much screen space.



which vim plugins are you using?
nice theme/font btw

what font?


Like boys and girls, fonts shouldn't be ambiguous. But just not being ambiguous isn't enough. That's still god awful ugly.

