Need to connect 2 speakers to the same Spotify device

Could I use aux splitters to connect both to the device?

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You do it the same way headphones do it

This is gonna be a good thread. Be careful in stirring Sup Forums‘s nest.

Sorry I don’t get what you mean, would it work?

For the love of god can someone tell me a solution? My house are hosting a party tomorrow and one speaker is going to sound lame, two working together would be good enough and not make me look like as much of a loser as I truly am.

I don’t want to look like a dork in front of 50 people with a shit house party


Headphones split the auxiliary output into 2 channels, left and right. It then sends these two channels down the left side and the right side to the left and right earbuds. Earbuds are just tiny speakers. So if you get an auxiliary cable that, rather than leading to two earbuds, leads to auxiliary ports, you can plug each speaker into those ports

Oh, and the cable I'm talking about is called a stereo y splitter

And as payment for my services, please post a solid porn video so I can go jerk off

You mean one of these? I have an aux splitter going out to a bose speaker and a jambox. Works fine.

Thanks so much, so I should just buy the aux splitter and it’ll treat the two devices like a left and right side of headphones? Would that cause any problems or weird quirks with playback?

Yeah that looks like the right thing, just make sure that isn't a headphone/mic splitter, those are pretty common.
Yeah you would need 3 cables, the y splitter and 2 regular auxiliary cables. Plug the y splitter into your phone and the 2 auxiliary cables into the aux in port of each speaker, then plug the other ends into the y splitter. Each speaker will only be getting either the left or the right channel instead of the sum of the 2 channels, just like headphones or any other stereo speakers

Get 2xChromecast Audio and pair them.
That way you don't have to autistically long cables.

I just bought a “headphone splitter” and it says to share music with a friend or some bs so I guess that’s the right one and not the headphone/mic splitter?

That's not stereo, that's two mono outs. Also using auxiliary is easier if someone else wants to plug their phone in, with the downside being that they have to leave their phone at the speaker

We’re aiming to use an iPad on the aux then use one of our phones to control that Spotify account remotely with the iPad only being there to connect with the aux

That will work, but you will be sending both the l/r channels to each speaker. That's no problem unless you want each speaker to only play left or right (not a huge deal for something like a party) if you only want each speaker to play left or right, get something like this:
Okay yeah, that should work perfectly

Need more details
What exactly is the device you need to connect to.
What speakers are you using.
What other hardware do you have. Like dac/amp/reciever

No you don't, he said he wants to connect two speakers from an iPad using auxiliary.

I'm not sifting through a thread to look for more information to help someone

You can split it up if you want to.

If you use Chromecast Audio you don't have to leave devices plugged in, you can control it from anywhere.

No you can't
But anyway that's not important to OP for a party so this would work just as well, although it costs more.