It's GNU/Linux!

>it's GNU/Linux!
>Linux is just a kernel!

>look Sup Forums i posted it again!

posting in a dubs tred

so apart from being a kernel what EXACTLY is Linux then?

>words don't matter!
>l-let's just call things what they aren't for the sake of convenience!

can someone ban this shit already?

what is a sandwhich?

Richard Stallman defends OP's software freedoms.

why isn't it x11/linux

because I use wayland faggot


what if use plan 9 utils

I say both of those things and pretty much anyone who isn't a retard does as well.

>b-b-but my friends and family just say Windows and MacOS!
I know.

My god I just spit out my drink. I'm so sorry for your existence. May your life end early for the sake of your parents.

I'm so sorry for your intelligence, or lack thereof.

>t. retardlet

>Not understanding the use of social language
Stay in your parents basement buddy

I never in my life have heard anyone say it this way. They sometimes say Windwows NT but only when they talk about the group of all of them to seperate them from the old one

>y-you're retarded for using the proper terminology!
The absolute state of Sup Forums. Begone, imbecile.
>social language
Computers only operate on one language, and that's binary. I don't have time for any other nonsense.

>uses needlessly large words
>over complicates the simplest of things to appear smart to his peers

its okay user, you dont need to feel insecure about your intelligence

>I say both of those things and pretty much anyone who isn't a retard does as well.

>Computers only operate on one language, and that's binary. I don't have time for any other nonsense.

>Doesn't have time for shortening words.

It's like you don't even understand what you are arguing. is right you are a retardlet.

>The absolute state of Sup Forums. Begone, imbecile.
Look you fucking brainless mongoloid amoeba. Words have a function. It's not just the pure form. If you see it that way, that's your fucking problem. And you will pay for it - in the way every retarded mongrel pay. By being socially rejected by the rest of society. And you fucking should be.

That's actually terrifying desu

What if I use illumos utils?

oh shit BSD/illumos is a thing too wow

Actually MacOSX is the name for a system comprised of XNU/Darwin/Appleshit

it's actually systemd/Linux