Post aesthetic UI

Post aesthetic UI

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Your taste is shit.

Captcha is double calle!!! What I won???



I am aroused

You have patrician taste and dubs


Shit taste, OP.

>that midi icon
That brings back some memories


dubs of most-aesthetic

Anyone who still uses it is an idiot.

Anyone who doesn't realize that its demise killed programming as we knew it is an even bigger one

Good shit user, now make a flawless theme for your choice of any Linux DE and my boipucci is yours

I'd still be using 2000 if modern software worked on it.


I still use Winamp 5 with that exact skin.

Literally all of Sup Forums would, you special snowflake.

Even the gentoo users?

Yes. Everyone.

Dissenting opinions are just ironic shitposts.



never understand why people like the look of this, it screams mid 00's VST

I love Windows Longhorn man.

>That font rendering


best itt

>he doesn't use the real Vista sidebar on XP
>he probably doesn't even know how to do it

>Chicken Invaders 2
holy fuck

Because modern software is all about useless whitespace and inefficiency. The only reason I still use Winamp is because no other media player manages to squeeze so many controls and information in such a small space while being usable.

>Quad core Q8400
>512MB RAM
Something's wrong

This shit is confusing.

Looks absolutely disgusting. Several different fonts and styles just mashed together in one unholy mess.


i'd argue that the whole point of a music player is usability, and whitespace is not useless when it helps you to understand what the fuck is going on. I just think winamp has aged horribly

nice, but a tweaked zune was goat. Now i want to install xp on an old laptop.
i liked that one unironically more

>i liked that one unironically more
Shit taste!




I still love XP


probably a VM


>reading this on a trinitron at 800x600
...and they said you couldn't travel back in time


what is this I want it

This is hella nice. More info?

Winrar. No contest.
Also I used the embedded player so much. You people toss aside practical ideas like this.



CDE most aesthetic of all DEs.

The details are literally in the xterm. Solaris/CDE/dtwm and the main program running is XEphem, an ephemeris for X Windows.

aaah, now I want my proper task bar back, not stupid auto-conflating pictures for imbeciles. also proper information density and a UI that's made for a mouse cursor, not fatty fingers. thanks for reminding me.

I'm a sucker for pixel art interfaces

Any modern ones like it?

Haiku, if that's what you mean by modern.


that takes me back
>me little 10 year old kid
>buddy shows me file sharing
>wow any music even tho I have no moneyz
>based winamp plays me songs
>mfw I still own some of these mp3s

The issue with those is they scale like absolute shit on modern resolutions. They're comfy on old hardware, though


proper software packs a lot into a tiny space, requires the user to get accustomed to it, and is faster after you mastered the learning curve. like the proper menus in old office products, after a while muscle memory takes over, and click-drag-release gets you anywhere in a matter of half a second. "modern" software is designed for the slowest, dumbest possible user, and is helpful when your workflow consists of stumbling aimlessly through retarded ribbon menus in search for the pretty big "paste" icon, or worse, use your fat fingers to smudge around on your screen.

same holds true for music players, and there's not so many "new" features that older software is missing. do you want a "share" feature? as long as it plays music in good quality in acceptable formats and displays a playlist, it's good. the rest is useful UI that is not written for kindergarteners. ugh, how I hate metro and all the shit it brought with it.


all of these. top post.

I'm gonna save this. beautifully assembled.

haha, IE for mac was actually quite decent. aah, and you could change the colors of the UI so it would fit the color of your imac, genius. also the super practical dock strip down in the corner. thanks for reminding me.

How's the rotational velocidensity treating them?

what do you mean, "pixel art"? this is a totally normal UI, as you were.

>(((Air Waves)))
They were woke on ELF waves??

I've always loved the 3.1 UI, stylistically.
the Windows 95 UI is the best in terms of usability (out of basically all Windows versions really, they spent a fuckton more time actually testing this shit, the only thing it does worse is that Windows 95 style help files suck so much compared to 3.1 style ones, was so glad when .chm became common)

really a shame that adjusting the window background affects things like textboxes, because a button colored window background would make it perfect
you can set up ALL3D, but I remember having issues where some windows would just lose all 3D appearance instead

VB is a rapid prototyping tool that was sold and used as a full programming environment.
It's amazing for small projects (working results in minutes to hours), poor for medium ones (maintainability starts to be an issue), and it just gets worse the bigger the program gets
and a ton of projects start off small and inflate into a monstrosity

was used pretty extensively to design the Windows 95 UI when they were testing concepts, which is a good success story of why it exists

I used to think old Mozilla looked great, but I kind of don't like it anymore.

used to hate Motif and CDE so much 15 years ago, but its grown on me as of late

Platinum is 10/10 perfect and I'm actually mad Aqua replaced it. Even at the time Aqua was introduced, Platinum still looked stylish, rather than dated.
BeOS is stylish but has a few actual usability warts (which Haiku actually fixed and made things more in line with how MacOS did things)

Objectively the last and best easthetic macOS UI

But that's OS X, not macOS
inb4 retroactive naming

Thanks for the correction, I liked the skeuomorphism and glossiness of it.

The most aesthetic DE.

And Mac OS X (not macOS rubbish) was pretty good until 10.9

Only reason OS X was renamed to macOS was to fucking match the iOS, tvOS and watchOS nomenclature since Apple has been trying to bring iOS bullshit to mac since sierra

is that 3.0?

This is the Windows 7 of OSX

Looks like Windows 95

When you see it...

tfw can't find my hotdog stand win 3.1 theme screenshot

So it's Win98 SE converted to ME?

Check the version info in firefox though.

So it's Windows 98 SE mixed in with some shit from Windows ME and using KernalEx to run firefox in windows 2000 mode

Why the fuck that?

73MB of RAM lmao

>no Window Maker
Sup Forums, I'm ashamed

>Window Maker
Such strange UI? Why?

comfy, retro, and lightweight

>Buddies (0/0)
Low effort.

anything with a low resolution.

Might as well install loads of toolbars to fit with the look you're going for.

Gee, Gem Desktop. That takes me back.

Did you run Locomotive Basic on it?

Instant nut


Some years ago, the NextStep operating system for NeXT computers offered the most advanced color picker I have ever seen. It was built into the operating system, so all applications use exactly the same color panel. When Pantone colors were added in one release, all applications automatically had the new facility!

With the magnifying glass at the top, you can drag a color from any application to the color well. The row of buttons below provide color selection from a color wheel (shown), RGB values, scene-scape values, or Pantone. Once you select a color, you just drag it back to any application window.

It was called macOS before OS X
macOS -> OS X -> macOS

"Your file, is done!"


Nigger that looks like GNOME fisher price UI.

WindowMaker needs an Openstep mode.

it DOES look bad...

working on an ffmpeg frontend that follows older UI paradigms, each task is a small application. going to add sequencing and conversion soon

>it DOES look bad...
I do not think so. Gnome 3 looks much worse.