post your answer below or be executed in self defence
post your answer below or be executed in self defence
Tragic situation, but I side with the cop on this one even though he's a manlet, the guy reached behind his back after being told not to.
this is the sum prime numbers below 2 million thread >>Sup Forums
the guy was drunk. if they weren't fuckwads they could have tasered him to immobilize him then arrest him.
*reaches for phone*
Okay but first I need to pull up my shorts
They didn't know if the corner was clear and he was baiting them or if he was armed, your hindsight is irrelevant.
"Is it because i'm a prime suspect, sir?"
This desu. Was sympathetic until I found out the police were called because he had been pointing a rifle out a window.
>making excuses for a brainlet
Nothing of value was lost desu.
You didn't say "Simon says".
Guess I live.
I summed all the primes AND gave you a little something something on top. :wink:
Think again, fucko
He was an exterminator and it was some kind of pellet rifle he apparently used in the line of his work. I could see it being useful for killing small rodents or something.
It's not like it was some dumbass just brandishing a rifle around.
Is this really tech related or just a shit post honeypot thread?
double add_sieve (int n)
int l[n-1];
assert(n > 2);
for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
l[i] = i+2 ;
for(int i = 0; i*i < n;i++)
for( int c = l[i]*l[i]; c
> etc etc
Best one i heard was "Recite the neon genesis theme song backwards"... ive been laughing about it all night and day...
this is the dumbest shit i ever heard.
I seriously can't believe this idiocy is literally what was going through their minds.
blue lives matter
There was no way for the people who saw it to tell the difference, so yes it was a dumbass brandishing a rifle.
*drops sieve of eratosthenes*
>p-please don't shoot
def isPrime(n):
for ii in range(2, n-1):
if( not(n % ii) ):
return False
return True
def sum_all_primes_below(n):
psum = 0
for ii in range(2, n-1):
if( isPrime(ii) ):
psum += ii
return psum
print( sum_all_primes_below(2000000) )
he wasnt poiting it out the window, he was just holding it in the privacy of his hotel room which is not brandishing you absolute retard
>"Alexa, what is the sum of all prime numbers under 2 million?"
>answers in scientific notation
you're assuming he wasn't just holding it near a window, showing it off and some retard freaked out and got some fucktard killed.
If he was armed he could have shot the cop in self defense. This is why everyone needs to have guns. Honestly it should be illegal to not be carrying a gun at any given time.
I agree that the cop did a terrible job of deescalating the situation but I can absolutely understand what happened, they had no idea if they were walking into a trap, the guy is on the ground unstable, drunk, flailing his hands, then he reaches behind his back? What should they do? Wait and hope he doesn't pull out another gun? He was already brandishing one, they had every reason to believe it possible he was concealing another one. Put yourself in their position.
no, they really don't.
i've seen stupid bullshit like this in person when the school was locked down because some roastie allegedly saw a brown person with a gun and the police busted into the classroom i was in, muzzle sweeping everyone while making a shitload of a commotion over literally fucking nothing.
these made up worst case scenarios are fucking stupid and police overreact to the extreme.
this isnt a sieve this is exaustive division??
>If he was armed he could have shot the cop in self defense
u wot? there was like 5 cops in that hallway
your algoritthm is so shit im not waiting for this to complete
this one takes 6 hundreds of a second:
your post isnt a sieve its exhaustive division
AND that's why civilians need access to fully automatic weapons
>no, they really don't.
opinion discarded, kys commie trash
he could have defended himself with a pipe bomb without putting himself in danger
k faggot.
you're "better safe than sorry" bullshit is just commie wealth redistribution in the form of police overtime, retardedly expensive and stupid tacticool gear and MRAPs
if anyone is a commie, it's you shitbrains.
Looks like he got in double trouble.
Oh wow, so now we're shooting people just because they used inefficient algorithms and toy languages?
this, or a gun mounted to a tracked rc controlled drone. surprised no one has done this yet desu.
Fuck that DIY shit, why not just let civilians buy hand grenades? What if you are just walking down the street one day and get mobbed by a pack of niggers?
You opened your statement by saying police lives do not matter, and you expect any non-retard to take you seriously? You're either a legitimate brainlet or a child, which is it?
fuck off back to r eddit and also leave this thread which is about prime finding algorithms
>still hasn't responded to the fact that police overreact
stop being a no argument retard.
The guy was later found found to be unarmed
And of course, when retards force you to crawl, you eventually have to reach to pull your pants up. The powertripping manlet should've just went and cuffed him right away, but then why would he carry an assault rifle and not use it? :^)
first one to post a algo with wheel factorization gets a anime picture as well as not getting shot
>The guy was later found found to be unarmed
Completely and utterly irrelevant since the cop has to assume you're armed in burgerland.
>he doesn't have a Sup Forums pass and can't type REDDIT
if i were the redditor here i'd probably be agreeing blue lives don't matter, but i'm not a 16 year old pimplefaced commie child.
>police make mistakes therefore their lives don't matter, hurr durr ur a retard
this is what you sound like boyo
Seriously though, why didn't the cop just tell him to get on the floor, hands behind his back, and not move. Then he could have come over and cuffed him and frisked him. Why crawl? There was literally no point other than to provide an opportunity for a misunderstanding like this to happen.
Hello captain hindsight, you're absolutely right, I forgot that cops have xray vision and the ability to read minds, they clearly forgot too or things might've gone differently.
Because the rest of the hallway wasn't clear.
Because the corner wasn't clear, it wasn't safe to send someone to cuff him there.
imo the best strategy for the drunk guy to survive was just lie on the ground spread eagled and ignore all instructions
they couldnt possibly find an excuse to merc him then, playing simon says in this situation is jsut asking for death
I have never been to Burgeristan, so I need to ask: Is this normal there? That cops come and issue commands such as "interlace your fingers" and "crawl towards me with your legs crossed and arms up", and shoot you dead if you disobey?
>the cop should've just walked up on a clearly unstable guy who may have been armed and cuffed him next to a hallway that wasn't cleared
Yeah, you'd be dead inside 3 months doing SWAT.
>but I side with the cop on this one
I wouldn't side with the cop but I also don't think he should have been found guilty of murder. The whole situation could have been avoided if these guys had followed training (I've never seen suspects asked to approach officers in this way and doubt it's standard procedure) but the victim here didn't keep his hands out in the open and was shot for it.
Note the other suspect wasn't shot and kept her hands up the entire time.
Nightmare mode
Compute the product of all primes under 2 million.
>crawl towards me or I will shoot you
Yeah, really makes the neurons fire repeatedly.
land of the bree :DDDD
I also forgot that its official policy to force others to literally crawl along while being shouted at with confusing orders
>be american
>Wear Diapers errryday
>So dont shat muhself when shot
>get shot in diaper
>oooo dat smell :^)
brainlets deserve execution desu, I on the other hand am in the top 99.1% of IQ
Don't get me wrong, the simon says shit was complete bullshit, but shooting an unstable suspect who reaches behind his back frantically is not bullshit, that's what their training is for.
In America it's legal to execute people for simply looking suspicious.
yes, most cops are either ptsd riddled ex soldiers or autistic retards like the guy this time who wishes they were in afganistan but were too beta to be a soldier
You're legitimately fucking retarded, he made them crawl because the corner wasn't clear, how many times does it need to be said?
No it's not. It's legal to shoot people who pose a potential imminent threat to you or others tho.
Only normal among manlet cops.
you only have to believe they're a threat, so pretty much the more autistic and retarded you are the more youre allowed to kill people
helps that all cops are fucked in the head larping as drill sargents lol
>pose a potential imminent threat to you or others
That's just another way to say "for looking suspicious"
When people join police force so they can finally get the chance to legally shoot someone it is
Yeah, people are focusing way too much on the simon says thing, it literally doesn't matter what was said I'll break it down for everyone here
She kept her hands up, she didn't get shot.
He put his hands behind his back, he got shot.
stop arguing about police and post a prime sieve with wheel factorization ffs
She wasn't made to crawl, a procedure that literally isn't necessary and hasn't happened ever
>while being shouted at with confusing orders
He was threatened with death if he didn't comply, he knew the consequences and still didn't take the matter seriously enough. No sympathy.
nice selfie
>shooting a suspicious suspect is what they train for
So... call me insane or crazy... but... as human beings, we all have acted in ways which would seem suspicious to an outsider, one time or another. Maybe your bladder is full and you really need to pee. Or maybe you saw a cockroach and got spooked. Or maybe you are drunk.
Would it not be a little better for cops to not shoot suspicious people, and instead shoot people who commit crimes? Or is that too Un-American?
Oww the edge
>t. guy bragging about IQ like a literal neckbeard
>cops have never made anyone crawl during a potential firefight ever
How old are you?
So what if he just didn't crawl and he stayed where he was with hands up?
>literally acting as if this is a firefight in fucking baghdad
lol, you twist what i say then harp on it, gtfo retard, if you can't have an honest debate then leave. It wasn't 'a suspicious person' it was fucking detained suspect reaching behind his back ON A CALL ABOUT A GUY WITH A FUCKING RIFLE.
The guy was completely scared out of his mind.
[spoiler]Here's your (You), by the way. Enjoy.[/spoiler]
nice projection retard
Your average cop is as dumb as a sack of bricks and is looking for the next chance to beat someone with their nightstick. One bad day is all it takes with these guys and they have nothing more than being reminded the constition is still in power.
Ah, threatened with death in a blazingly confusing situation. America.
>hurr durr it has to be in the ME to be a firefight
??? If you're closer to the ground there is less chance the cops will accidentally fucking shoot you if someone emerges from the uncleared corner with an ar-15, are you actually this stupid or just trolling?
Though I was on Sup Forums for a second.
the only people who brag about IQ are neckbeards, bad luck buddy, hope you find something worth being proud of.
This. Not enough algorithms in this thread
>on a call about a guy lawfully owning a firearm who was probably spotted by a random liberal pussy faggot
fuck off. this whole thing was full retard.
It's a high risk job for sure and cops have been attacked so while their approach is heavy handed and it is sort of merited. Thing is the police in this country are a little too heavy handed and tend to jump at shadows a lot too which is often a problem because the solution to most altercations is usually shoot first ask questions later.
Ah, so a guy crawling can pull up a pistol literally faster than a cop that is already aiming at him can shoot.
Maybe we shouldn't train cops to shoot first as the solution to all lifes problems