So i finally fell for the i3 meme and have to say its quite comfy. who else /comfy/ here?
So i finally fell for the i3 meme and have to say its quite comfy. who else /comfy/ here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Is it really that good? I've only used XFCE, I like being productive and do programming, will using only
i3 or any other WM be beneficial instead? or is it just an aesthetic/waste of time?
i don't care
install gentoo
well i use it mostly because of the very low resource profile. but the workflow can be better using a tiling wm, but i have not fully mastered it yet, i guess. still have to think about key bindings a lot...
ive been using awesome before and i3 seems to be doing a lot of things better than awesome. e.g. not all windows are instantly fullscreen, like file picker dialogs for example which are floating just like in a regular WM
i personally use bspwm but i can agree that tiling wm's are comfy
I use it for both reasons. I am quite autistic about resource usage, and I also like the tiling workflow. You'll get used to the keybinds soon, and then you won't want to ever go back to floating window management.
comfy here too, owo
inb4 "lel virtualbox"
not my choice
how do i get that borderless terminal?
owo desktop thread?
i3 sucks
It's rxvt-unicode.
The WM is FrankenWM, which doesn't have borders (well it does but they're tiny by default)
the term comes with an ugly windows 98-looking scrollbar, but you can get rid of that with "URxvt.scrollBar: false" in your Xdefaults
>blocking your name
What, do you think Sup Forums will dox you?
its unnecessary information so why do you care?
new_window 1pixel
in .i3/config in i3
Welcome to a customizable
I meant "Welcome to WM's with true customization"
i3 can be pretty comfy when you have time to tune it to your liking.
Anyone tried Sway yet? It should be configuration-compatible.
I feel for it too OP
Still noon at linux and ricing tho
This is my desktop fake dirty
but this isn't i3.
It's FrankenWM
for that, the config is in the C header file.
Jesus fuck bunch of typos
i also just switched to i3-gaps, even more comfy
>not using i3-gaps
and h-h-how y-y-you watch y-y-your desktop wallpaper without gaps?
>having to use a shitty fork to get gaps
Fall for the ryzen3 meme next time
>shitty fork
Wrong, it's a dream.
Your entire thread is unnecessary information
I don't like it's tree-based structure. Let's be realistic - it's fucking useless, unless you have a multi monitor setup with very high resolution you're not going to put more than 6 windows in a single workspace and the tree controls just slow you down.
list based tiling like dwm (especially master-stack mode) are clearly superior
Re only-when-needed win borders, give "hide_edge_borders both" a try.
I didn't like it in the beginning because it hid the splith/v indicators, but the pros outweighed the cons later on.
Don't fall for the meme. xfce is perfect
horses for courses mate. Tried list-based WMs, but felt too restrictive UX-wise for my use case.
Still continuing to use i3 (2x1080 back in the day, 1366x768 abomination nowadays) despite the rare annoyances, because I'd be much more annoyed with more automagic WMs. YMMV depending on preferences and use cases.
Yeah but it lacked hardware mouse support when I tried it so I was getting like 20fps mouse movement. Maybe not annoying to most people but I hated it
Anyone have a good experience using i3 on a tablet/laptop like the x230T? I want to go back to i3, but I just want to have some hope before I waste a bunch of time writing scripts that will only give me a mediocre experience.
Started with awesome, moved to i3, because it was much easier to configure to my tastes. It's comfy all the way from the dual 4ks I've got at work, down to the 1024x600 I've got on an old netbook.
Still haven't figured out why anyone would switch back to a traditional DE. This is nice.
>network manager
use wpa_supplicant
More like when a girl says yes, but don't ever tell anyone, friend me on Facebook, or even acknowledge me at school.
Op is embarrassed.
/comfy/ reporting in
how would using an x230/T impede your experience of i3?
I like my x200t with i3gaps
also why are you using gaps?
Do you use an onscreen keyboard to launch programs or do you use hand gestures?
That's awesome.
Wallpaper ?
I use the keyboard to launch programs, and only really use tablet mode for xournal notes and videos, occasionally web browsing. Keyboard is simply too efficient to not use.
How do I learn to trust fedora?
Aren't they backdoored andhave sytemd?
nice, now get bspwm
I barely use it, but just wanted some insight. Thanks for the help man!
I use awesome wm. Would provide a screenshot but I'm on my phone and the laptop is in the bag next to me.
i really fuckin miss i3. I switched back to windows to use ableton again. it fukin sux. used i3 for 6 months. best time of my life with a computer.
I like i3 but I also like not having to fuck around separately modifying config files and making scripts when I want to change anything.
Thus, xfce-i3. Xfce4 with i3 as the WM, plus xfce4-i3-workspaces-plugin for workspace switching and visualization on the xfce panel.
Been using it for a few months, no complaints at all so far.
I used it, found it cumbersome, back on XFCE until I can access my old OpenBSD drive and get my old dwm patches back
>2021 packages
Holy shit you're sinking in bloat.
i7 is better.
i3wm's documentation is pretty comfy. I just printed it with my laserjet printer and loose-leafed it because I like it so much!
Rolled up in blanket and customizing i3wm. comfy!
What font are you using in vim?
I'm acoustic so I need to ask you directly if you're being sarcastic. I've found i3 docs to be *sufficient*, nothing more. Hardly easy to use, and definitely not comfy.
i3 user here, it was my first non DE experience and changed the way I use my computer, and I love it for that, have used it for 4, maybe 5 years now. But recently I decided to try and spruce up the appearance of my environment, and I'm dissatisfied with its ricing limitations. Particularly the ones caused by how it handles title bars as little windows to enable it to support stacked and tabbed containers (which sadly I do use pretty often).
I've been thinking of trying bspwm, xmonad, or maybe even openbox with whatever scripts or plugins exist to simulate tiling - but I'm afraid that no other wm is as flexible in terms of layouts as i3.
I'm not being sarcastic. i'm reffering to this one by the way:
>hotlink table of contents
>lot of pictures
it's sufficient AND easy to use!
Different strokes I guess
>is as flexible in terms of layouts as i3.
I have also been using i3wm for at least 5 years. last year i tried out xmonad, awesome and some others and they just don't let me move around windows into where i want them fast enough. I hate how they make you make layouts and then force your workflow into those premade layouts. With i3 i naturally move windows around all the time into random layouts as i feel like it.
>be me
>using Cinnamon on Linux Mint
>decide to try i3wm because of this thread
>can't go back to Cinnamon
>rebooting just goes back to i3
pls hel
i run i3-gaps without gaps
gap fags btfo.
gaps belong in one place and one place only; between an anime girls thighs.
Did you get i3 going by putting `exec i3` into ~/.xinitrc or similar? Or did you select the i3 option from a login page (a "greeter")? I've not used cinnamon but this should be straightforward to work out, don't worry
nvm fixed. just reinstalled windows
just werks f a m you cant blame him
>i run i3-gaps without gaps
whaaaaaa? Are you saying you just use i3 or you use i3-gaps but have no gaps?
>That bracket indents
Whatever that is, its disgusting
Presumably the second one. i3-gaps adds quite a few nice features besides gaps - for instance, the ability to define some elements with transparency using rgba.