Pirate 10

Hey Sup Forums,

I am getting my first gaymen PC build tomorrow and I want to dual-boot Win10 and Debian.

What is the best way to pirate/activate Windows 10?

I heard that the most reliable way is:
install 7 -> dazload it -> upgrade to 10 -> done

Please bless me with your neckbeard wisdom.

Other urls found in this thread:



Please explain. Google offers me holiday resorts.

Try KM[spoiler][/spoiler]spico[spoiler][/spoiler]

Thanks. Just torrent both from TPB/rutracker?

>KMS craptivator
>better than getting legit 10 through the win7 loader trick

So you suggest using the trick?

>I heard that the most reliable way is:
>install 7 -> dazload it -> upgrade to 10 -> done

>too poor for a 10 dollar license
pajeet detected

Wait, people can still upgrade to win10 from win7?


Link me to a ten dollar license.

>1. download legit win10 iso from ms
>2. download mstoolkit
>3. ???
>4. get viruses because you are too stupid to do step 2. properly


>install 7 -> dazload it
You can stop there and not be retarded.

>stuck using 2tb hdd
but why?

>not using Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB and activating it using vlmcsd (open source KMS emulator)

Where I can get free win7 license? Poorfag here ;_;

Is this trick even work ?
I heard that its not working anymore.

>What is GPT?

>What is GPT?
something incompatible with DAZ
you dipshit

>download media creation tool from ms
>run on pc or create flash drive
>after install run microsoft toolkit

be sure to verify the md5 hash on your mstoolkit file, some spooky stuff out there

Download windows 10 from Microsoft
Use Microsoft Toolkit
It's not hard.

not your tech support.
fuck off.

>Windows is installed on my storage drive
Make sure your helmet is secure before you head out.

>buying multiple drives
>buying pisspoor price:TB hdds (idk if you knew this, but the lower valued HDDs cost more!)

not that guy, but kinguin has cheap keys.

also as people said, for install media just grab the official download though Microsofts Media Creation Tool.

>2tb hdd

At any rate, there are alternative solutions as well for your incredibly specific issue, but I am not going to waste time with you anymore as you clearly made up your mind before looking things up anyways. Have fun being double digit.

>there are alternative solutions as well
most >3tb unlockers don't work well, multitudes of problems, like conflicts with partitions, etc.
>falling for the ssd maymay
get cucked, shit is cheaper to produce than HDDs, but they keep the price retardedly high regardless because of cucks thinking it make any noticeable difference (it doesn't)
thank god you'll stop spewing your retarded nonsense on here, you're clearly too stupid to be allowed to share your opinion for the world to see.

>install 7 -> dazload it -> upgrade to 10 -> done

>download Windows 10 ISO off Microsoft's website
>download KMSpico off MDL forums, make sure md5 matches
>install Windows 10 using the ISO you downloaded
>activate using KMSpico

>upgrade to 10
they stopped this shit over a year ago..

>vlmcsd exists
>people still use binaries from shady websites
There's no hope

I got my upgrade to 10 from an assisted device portal through Microsoft. That window will close some time in December.

>He fell for the ssds are memes meme

enjoy your overpriced placebo and shit lifespan.

You could just stop at install 7.
You won't lose anything of value even if you count gaming in.

yeah 7 and 8.1. still can run pretty much everything apart from dx12. (Vulkan is supported on old systems)

you can literally get a windows 10 key for $25 from play asia

Just don't be retarded - google this shit for one. Secondly, grab a copy of LTSB (N version if that's what you're into), and then install it. Use MSTK to activate and voila. It's really not that difficult.

>inb4 they fucked with the pirated iso
Check the sha1 with MS' tool, you dweeb.

do you need a key to run windows 10?
i've got a virtual machine that i've never 'activated' and i am playing games all day on that thing

$5 key from ebay


Works until the end of the year
If they don't extend it because not enough sheep yet

No SSD? Low RAM?
wtk my guy why are you so slow.

Microsoft is closing the loophole so the Daz won't work soon.

No you do this, fuck everyone else in this thread
>Download windows 10 official bootable image from microsoft's site
>Use either kmspico or microsoft toolkit (both work with latest 1709 build)
>careful not to download it from anywhere else than the official forums
That's it.

>underage gay porn
the best kind of ransom ware

Meh, I have to reactivate 10 every 6 months or so with kmspico. But I'm on like one of the first builds. Is this fixed or fugit?

Hmm, no idea. I didn't have that problem. Very rarely I get an alert to reactivate windows but goes away with a reboot.

3$ license

I'm on enterprise 2015 ltsb too.
It's really not a big deal I guess. It's just that windows is annoying for a bit until I finally get a time to run it.

>have OS thats sucks so much, people dont even want to pirate it

That's the process that has worked for me. I have two different gayming machines running verified. Windows is now compliant with NSA, and wants as many people connected as possible. They welcomed it with free upgrade installer. Even though they don't advertise it, there is an auto installer still available on the most up-to-date Win7 distributions. Worked for my second machine that I recently brought out of a ~4 year slumber.

free and legal if you start with an unactivated 7

Dual booting is a meme. Get two PCs. One for gaymen and one for freedom.

Not OP. Will my version work (pic related)? How do KMS and MSTK differ? I registered with MDL in the past, but only used the forums for Win 7 content like isos and DazL.

Wish I could get a legitimate copy of Win 10, but refused to for a long time, and had to install an unregistered Win 10 a while back to save my files (I borked my Win 7 re-install indefinitely during a parts swap). I'm starting to think it may be a good idea to dual-boot a copy of Win 7, upgrade that through the accessibility program, then remove it and update my main copy on the same machine. Sound silly? What version of Win 10 do you get anyway (same one as Win 7 install?)

To whoever may be reading this, any insight on assistance with this topic would be appreciated.

If your goal is gaming then 8.1 + classic shell. Its faster in the backend than 7 and classic shell fixes the interface.

W10 is terrible for gaming because it doesn't full support DX9. While DX is suppose to be backward compatible its very shit at that and some older (not even that old) require actual DX9 installs.

>reminder that you can leave win10 not activated indefinetely

don't listen to them, dual booting is fine i use it all the time best thing in life

and don't use windows 10 for gaming please. its slow i have better FPS on windows 7 ultimate and dual boot with kubuntu best thing

I thought you could run it without activation.


> What is the best way to pirate/activate Windows 10?
Use LTSB and a KMS activator.
- gpedit is present
- ability to restrict telemetry as much as possible
- No Windows Store and UWP, if you want it, you may use the usual Enterprise
- Slower release cycle, it gets only security updates ATM

fuck you, you little retard
don't listen to this guy

the best thing is having 32-64GB of ram, single-booting windows and keeping linux in a fucking VM, where it belongs, for development

also, the best way to install windows 10 is download the iso/usb creator from microsoft
this gets you the latest legit version

get the pro version

when installing, when asked for the serial, just click install without a serial

and the use microsoft toolkit (latest) to activate it

>posting a photo for attention

Theyre everywhere on ebay. The licenses usually came with motherboards or desktops. The license can legally be transferred if the seller disposes of the harfware.

yes, if you use accessibility-things (like on-screen keyboard). You can disable it after you upgrade to Botnet + windows10.


10 thousand hours of googling later

>install 7 -> dazload it -> upgrade to 10 -> done
why would you do this?

>I heard that the most reliable way is:
>install 7 -> dazload it -> upgrade to 10 -> done
You can also use any Windows 7 or 8 key from an old laptop, Microsoft WANT you to use 10 so they don't give a fuck how you get the key.
DO NOT buy a key and DO NOT use shady activators from public torrent trackers or download the Windows 10 iso from anywhere but Microsoft via the media creation too.
Windows 10 is basically freeware, the price you pay is that you use Windows 10 and Microsoft spy on you and control your computer.

user, are you retarded? There is no sense in buying two computers when you only need one. pls get pic related for Christmas and perhaps you will figure out how to use it.

1. Install Enterprise VL from a legit MS ISO.
2. Use another computer on your LAN to host github.com/ThunderEX/py-kms.
3. Set your KMS server address to that computer and activate using slmgr. (slmgr /skms IP, slmgr /ato)

This way you don't need to use any kind of hacked bootloader and you literally don't have to install anything on your windows machine.

What a real chad would do:
> buy Windows 10 Pro fpp key for $10-$15 online
> enjoy

>install win10 n ltsb
>Descide to go to probut don't want to lose shit
>Do a regedit and run the upgrader
>Successfully yet to pro
>Considering getting back to 10 ltsb
>You can't go from pro to ltsb to my knowledge
>Have gone from 98SE all the way to 10 with upgrades, stopping at each highest edition along the way
>Win10 stopped this
A little asspained honestly

My big mistake was going to N editions. Never making that mistake again.

How do you select which updates you want to install

The best way to install windows 10 is to install windows 10, daz loader it, run ancile, and then just use windows 7 because it's not creepy-ass malware

Does it have to be LAN? What if I dont have a PC on LAN, but have a remote container ready to do what ever

win 10 actually has better fps desu you have to disable the winshit xbox game bar thing it messes with steam

>windows 10, daz loader it
but daz loader is for windows 7 you dumb cunt

Technically no, but you should really only make it accessible on your LAN or on a VPN. I suspect hosting a public KMS server is not good idea. It doesn't have to be running all the time, only when you're rearming your activation every 6 months.

If it's only for gaming and not going to be your main OS, just install the insider preview. You get a legit copy of Windows 10 as long as you keep running the beta version of Windows.

LAN, you want mean network cable ?
What is remote container ?

who still uses dual boot?
>virtualize it

Just get whatever LTSB newest version from gen2 you can get if you're not willing to pay for a license.

Also if you plan to run it in a VM may as well pirate to begin with.

>Paying for software